09. Benefits and Risks living near volcanoes

Investigate the benefits and risks of living near a volcanic area of your choice.

Use Google Earth to study a volcanic area.

Gather data on the types of activities that take place around the area.

Use the following questions to help in your investigation:

Complete the following written assignment as homework:

‘The benefits of living near volcanic areas outweigh the risks.’ Do you agree with the statement? Explain your answer.


    • Lava and ash break down to form fertile volcanic soil which encourage cultivation e.g. volcanic soils support cultivation of tea, coffee and rice in Java and Bali in Indonesia

    • Precious stones, minerals can be mined near volcanoes e.g. Kimberley in South Africa for diamond.

    • Volcanic rocks for building materials and production of other daily items e.g. sulphur used to make matches and fertilisers in East Java, Indonesia

    • Benefits from job related to development of tourism in volcanic area e.g. ruins of Pompeii in Italy destroyed by Mt Vesuvius in AD79 attracts almost 3 million people every year.

Attractions of the ruin of Pompeii

Tourists attracted by the crater of Mt Bromo, Indonesia.

    • The hot water or steam formed when groundwater comes into contact with hot rocks beneath the surface can be harnessed to drive turbines and produce electricity. e.g. 70% of Iceland's electricity generated from geothermal power.

Look at the video below which shows the 5 deadliest volcanoes in history. Reflect on the risks from volcanic eruptions.


  • Destruction by volcanic materials e.g. lava, rock fragments or volcanic bombs. e.g. ongoing eruption of Kilauea in Hawaii since 1983 has destroyed many homes and highways

  • Landslides, lahar . e.g. lahar destroyed town of Armero and killed more than 20,000 people when Nevado del Ruiz in South America erupted in 1985

  • Pollution -Ash Particles ejected during a volcanic eruption block sunlight, suffocate crops, lead to severe respiratory problems for people and animals. It is also a hazard to aircraft e.g. Eyjafjallajokull in Iceland erupted in 2010 resulted in closure of air space over much of Europe and cost the airline industry a loss of US$1.8 billion

The eruption of the volcano on White island, New Zealand resulted in the deaths of 16 and 26 severely injured , mainly tourists.

Visit the link below for a 360 degree view of the volcano and what happened.


Dive into this volcano virtually.


Download this interactive game making strategic decisions to minimize risk in communities exposed to volcanic hazards.
