19. Measures to mitigate impact of cyclone

Evaluate the effectiveness of measures adopted to mitigate and respond to the effects of tropical cyclones.

Prediction and warning


One method of predicting cyclones is by analysing long-term climate records

This method is effective because by analyzing the pattern of occurrences, it helps to establish the pattern of occurrences and the severity of past cyclones to predict future cyclones

However, this method has limitations because these records of past events only indicate the frequency of tropical cyclones and does not give accurate details about when future tropical cyclones will occur

Another prediction method is by analyzing the path of current cyclone through computer modelling

This method is effective because it helps to predict and establish the likely path the cyclone will take based on weather information

These warning systems for tropical cyclones allow people to be warned in advance and evacuate in time

Japan and America have installed advanced prediction and warning systems, which allows people to evacuate way before tropical cyclones arrive

However, this method has limitations because these prediction paths may not be completely accurate as it is based on weather information available at the particular point of time and the weather conditions may change quickly

Land use control

Regulates the use of land by placing restrictions on how the land can be used

This method may be effective as restrictions are placed on areas along the coasts that are vulnerable to storm surges and flooding and to discourage development in these vulnerable areas, and thus reducing the number of casualties likely to be hit by these hazards

Developers are also required to pay higher taxes for use of land along the coast, and this is to discourage developments in these areas

Protected zones can be allocated and these areas are not allowed to have any development, in addition these protected zones serve as a barrier against storm surges and flooding

However, this method has limitations because effective implementation of such enforcement needs time and manpower

In addition, there are many developments found along these coastal areas and many residents live along these coastlines are often reluctant to move out

Government needs to buy back the land to turn the land into recreational areas, which is also costly

Floodplain management: Master plan to reduce the flood damage potential

Mapping the land use of an area and implementing measures to prevent floods

This method may be effective and can be achieved by ensuring new developments on floodplains are not prone to flooding and reducing flood damage potential in already developed floodplains

The master plan also draws up evacuation plans ensuring people are able to leave a flooded area as quickly as possible

However, this method has limitations because the measures implemented might not be able to cope with the large amount of rainfall and storm surge thus areas still get flooded

Reducing vulnerability of infrastructure

Infrastructure needs to be able to withstand the impacts of tropical cyclones

Reducing the vulnerability of infrastructure includes designing buildings that are resistant to wind and water damage, regular inspection of river embankment and coastal dikes for breaches due to erosion, and locating utility lines underground

Wind and water resistant buildings by introducing galvanized steel hurricane ties that are nailed to the roof to prevent it from being blown off by the strong winds of tropical cyclones

A layer of secondary water resistance is added to the roofs of houses to prevent leaking if the roof is blown off during the tropical cyclone

For example, in Florida, USA, the state government aids homeowners by employing specialized companies to improve the design of the roof and the openings of houses

This measure is effective because the houses of most citizens living on Jensen Beach in Florida suffered only minor roof damage when Hurricane Wilma truck in 2005

Another effective measure is to construct protective barriers such as river embankments and coastal dikes by the sides of rivers to prevent a river from overflowing

For example, the construction of a protective barrier along the coast in Apia, Samoa, protected the coastline and the harbor when Cyclone Val struck the island in 1991

However, this method has limitations because it involves regular inspection and maintenance and this costly as it means repairing any damage on these barriers and many countries might not have the resources to do it

Utility lines such as power and telecommunication lines and water supply networks can be placed underground to avoid damage by strong winds and storm surges and this measure is effective because this can ensure that services are maintained during and after a tropical cyclone

Play the following game and see how you can mitigate the effects of cyclone:


Click on 'play game' and then 'launch game'

Click on 'play game'

select the scenario - 'Hurricane @ The Caribbeans'

Select "Easy" or proceed to higher difficulty if you want to.

Your tasks is to put in place measures to protect the residents of the Caribbeans from a hurricane using the budget given.