Map Reading

Map Reading Skills

Grid reference

1. Always remember to read from the bottom left corner.

2. If the question ask for the four-figure grid reference or grid square of a particular building, e.g. the Hindu temple shown in Fig 1. Read the number for the Eastings first (from the X axis) and then the Northings (from the Y axis). E.g example in Fig.1 is located in 2672

3. If the question ask for the six-figure grid reference or grid square of a particular building, e.g. the Hindu temple shown in Fig 2. Start by finding the grid square with the feature, then divide the grid square into 10 equal parts along both the Northings and Eastings. Place a ruler onto the bottom left corner of the feature, e.g. the Hindu temple is located at 266727. Read the number for the easting first (from the X axis) and then the Northings (from the Y axis).


  • To measure the direction of one point to another, draw a straight line connecting them.

  • Read the question carefully– if the question ask you the direction of B from A, then draw a + sign at A and read the direction from A.


  • Draw a straight line connecting the 2 points.

  • Draw a + sign at where you are taking the bearing from.

  • Place the protractor at the + sign with 0° facing north and then read the bearings from the point starting from 0° (north) clockwise as shown in Fig.4.

Try out the following interactive on reading compass direction

1. Check the box next to "Use Protractor" so that the protractor will appear.

2. Read the question on where to measure the bearing from.

3. Select "Move compass to A or B" as shown in question. E.g. point B

4. Drag the protractor and rotate it so that O points to the north.

(If the angle is more than 180° then rotate the protractor with 0 starting from South and the read the angle. Add 180°to the reading.)

5. Drag the pin head so that the line intercept with the point it is measuring to e.g.point A

6. Read the angle from the protractor and enter the number into the keypad with the degree symbol.

7. Click on "Enter Check".

Reading the height of a place from the topographical map.


The height of a place above sea level can also be indicated by the contour lines.

Contours are imaginary lines connecting areas of the same height above sea level on a map.

The contour lines can be used to show the relief of a place such as whether the slope is gentle or steep. The spacing of the contours indicate the steepness of a slope – the closer the contours the steeper the slope and vice versa.

a) valley – associated with rivers, tend to be V-shaped and narrow in the upper course, broader in the lower course

b) plateau – elevated land with flat top and steep sides

c) escarpment – continuous line of steep slope at the edge of a ridge or plateau.

Guide to describing relief

Give the average height ( or the range of height) of the relief of the area and state the height of the highest point.

Describe the relief of the area:

(a) state whether it is mountainous or hilly or whether it is part of a plateau. Point out and describe any relief feature that stands out in the area and state its location on the map.

(b) Describe the slopes in the area. States whether they are concave. Convex, uniform, steep or gently sloping.

Example of how you can describe relief:

The height of the area ranges from below 10 metres near to the coast to 548 metres in grid square 8483.

The main relief feature is T Mountain which is in the western part of the area. As the mountain extends to the south-east, it becomes narrower and its height decreases. This part of the mountain has two peaks of heights about 240 metres in grid square 8582 and about 110 metres in grid square 8682. This part of the mountain also has two spurs from grid square 8583 to 8683 extending from south-west to north-east.

The contours of T Mountain are very close together in the area west of easting 85. This indicates that the slopes are steep. The spacing of the contours on the eastern side of the mountain is wider. The slopes here are therefore less steep.

Evidence of water supply Reservoir Pump house Pipeline

Settlement Pattern

a) Dispersed – houses far apart – areas with low economic development e.g. normadic herding, smallholdings

b) Linear – arranged in a line, usually along a mode of transport ( rail, road) or waterway (river, coast) to take advantage of the accessibility and resources.

c) Nucleated – concentration of buildings or houses – usually at road junctions or centers of economic activities ( e.g. community or village with facilities like school and shops)

Choice of site for the location of airport, plantation, settlement etc.

Availability of large area of flat land, ability to expand, very accessible e.g. near to rail or roads, availability of services or resources – remember to look closely at the map symbols on the map and refer to the legend of the map.

Examples of questions on land use

Suggest why the Airport/Air landing strip was built at ______________.

  • Large area of flat land as indicated by absence of contour lines– necessary for the runway

  • Roads linking it to the main town - accessible

  • Away from settlement as tall buildings can be a hazard to planes taking off or landing. There is also noise pollution from airport.

Describe the pattern and location of land use.

The towns are located along the coast on low relief, as seen between Easting ______and ____, and Northing _______and __________.

Agricultural activities are generally located on low relief near sources of water such as rivers, as evident in grid square ________.

The area could possibly be a tourist area as the towns are located near the beach and corals. The tourists can participate in water sports near the beach and can go for snorkelling or diving near to corals.

With the use of evidences from the map, explain why tourist industry is the most important economic activity for the people living in the area.

Remember to quote the grid reference for the above!

Describe and explain the relationship between the relief, and the transport and communication infrastructure.

The transport and communication infrastructure seen in the topographical map extract consists of roads and footpaths. These are located on flat land. As the roads and footpaths connect and service settlements and plots of cultivation, as seen between Easting _____and ___and Northing ____ and ______, they tend to be on low relief. This is because the low relief makes it easier for the roads to be constructed.

Describe and account for the location of the area used for food production in the map.

The main food production is the growing of sugar-cane to be made into sugar as shown by the presence of large area under sugar plantation and the presence of sugar mill in grid square ________.

The sugar plantations fill most of the area shown. This is probably because of the relatively low relief and the gentle slopes of the area which make these areas accessible. No sugar plantations are found in areas of high relief and steep slopes found in grid squares ______and ______.

The roads are important for the transportation of sugar-cane to other settlements for refining or for sale. It also allows workers to be transported from their homes to the plantations and back. They are generally located on areas of low relief and gentle slopes because these conditions make the infrastructure easy to construct.

E.g Map practice on Port Antonio, Jamaica

Describe the distribution of agricultural activities in the part of the map south of Northing 66 and west of Easting 10.

  • · Most of the agricultural areas are found at lower altitudes below 200 metres / flatter land along the River Grande where the contour lines are spaced further apart.

  • · The banana plantations tend to be found on the western bank of River Grande north of northing 63, and to the eastern bank south of northing 63.

  • · Mixed or scattered cultivations occupy most of the areas east of the Class C road as well as on the slope of Samba Hill west of easting 03 where the land is more gently sloping and a number of watercourse/river provide water for irrigation.

  • · Agricultural land is generally not found to the west of Easting 07 and south of northing 63 which is dominated by woodland, trees and scrub instead.

Port Antonio is one of the popular tourist areas in Jamaica. What are two possible reasons why tourists choose to visit this area? Provide evidence from the map to support your answer.

Tourists are attracted to visit Port Antonio due to

    • The place is accessible as there is presence of roads and jetties which made the place accessible.

    • The place has natural attractions such as the Ship Head and Bryans Bay, coral reefs and forest. They can view the scenic beauty of the place and relax.

    • Places of interest such as Nonsuch caves at 1067 or the Fort George at 0770

    • Water sports such as snorkelling

    • There are facilities such as hotel (e.g. at 133691) for the tourist.

Describe the impacts of tourism on people living in Port Antonio with reference to map evidence.

    • Generate income and jobs for the people e.g. those working in the hotels at cocoa walk bay 133691 and salt creek bay (153688) or as guide for snorkelling, scuba diving etc

    • Development of the infrastructure which can also benefit the locals e.g. class A roads, rail, jetty and harbour

    • Preservation of heritage site e.g. Fort George in 0770 which is a place of interest on the map

    • However can also bring negative impacts such as destruction to the coral reefs which are sensitive to pollution

Try out this simple excercise/game on topographical map:

Find out more about topographical maps:

    • Located near to natural attractions such as gorges,waterfalls, beach, coral reefs etc which may have attracted many tourists

    • Availability of heritage sites such as fort, ruins, temple and other places of interest indicated on the map

    • Availability of activities for tourists e.g. watersports such as snorkelling, scuba diving, swimming near to the beach, cruising down the river etc

    • Many facilities such as hotels, chalets, casino, golf course etc can be found which cater for the tourists

    • Lack of cultivated area which shows that cultivation is not an important economic activity in Victoria Fall

    • Linked by railway and roads or presences of airport/air landing strips, jetties, harbour etc

    • Presence of customs

Click on the link below to mapzone -The Homework Help section includes interactive tutorials and quizzes for students to independently learn about map-reading skills. Includes skills such as reading bearings, grid-references and compass-directions. The resource was produced by the Great Britain National Mapping Agency, Ordnance Survey.