2022 Coastal GI

Let's investigate how effective the breakwaters are in protecting East Coast Park using Google Earth.

What are the changes you have noticed between the 2010 and 2021 images of East Coast Park where we are going to carry out the geographical investigation?

The photographs below show the updrift side of the groyne. The sediments which are transported by longshore drifts are deposited here. Not only is the beach higher, the gradient is also gentle at 8 degrees.

The photograhs below show the downdrift side of the groyne. There are signs of erosion with broken patches of the grass on the slope. The gradient is steeper at 11 degrees.

Explore the 360 images and video below.

You can click on the arrow to bring up the other 13 photographs (scenes). Swipe on the screen for a 360 degree view.

Sediment analysis in classclass