Lean Architecture and DCI

Domain Analysis with the Data Context Interaction (DCI) Paradigm

- the way to take your system design to the next level


Good software architecture supports change, engages the whole team, and accelerates the team into production rather than adding weeks or months of front-end work. This course will give you concrete tools that combine ideas from 50 years of industry experience with domain analysis, together with the rapidly growing Data, Context and Interaction (DCI) paradigm.

Lightweight Domain Analysis takes analysis beyond the application-at-hand to reduce the cost of change within a whole market. DCI is to the structuring of features as DDD is to the structuring of the code for the business building blocks. A domain architecture and DCI are either a great way to start off a new product or product line, or to improve how you incrementally add features to your embedded base.

Domain Analysis shapes your architecture to be more resilient in a broad and changing market, building on lean processes to efficiently deliver value again and again for complex applications. We'll show how good Commonality and Variability Analysis (CVA) can concretely point the way to the right development tools and technologies to give your product flexibility and resilience in the long term.

Lean Architecture recognizes that our systems are so complex that a classical partitioning into disjoint domains isn't enough, but that we need to focus mainly on two cross-cutting structures in the system: what it is, and what it does. A domain architecture and DCI respectively address these two views, yet integrate seamlessly combining time-honored approaches with the benefits of DCI.

DCI will help you and your team develop features as first-class architectural citizens, which makes it easier to quickly enter the market with new features. DCI can potentially reduce your testing load and will make it easier to enhance features in the long term. The instructor was a co-developer of DCI.

The course goes all the way from business conceptualization and use cases to implementation techniques and code. A hands-on programming option will be available to those wishing to get into some concrete work from the beginning; write to jcoplien@gmail.com if you're interested in that.

The course draws on the critically acclaimed Wiley book, now in its fifth year.

Trainer: Jim Coplien, co-developer of DCI, speaker, author

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