Building a Product Backlog
Most Scrum teams have a Product Owner — often a former Product Manager — who directs the Development Team through the Product Backlog. The Product Backlog is the central artifact at the center of product discussions with all stakeholders, and its content is the PO's responsibility. Most teams think it is a list of requirements — but, no, it is a list of Product Increments, broken down into PBIs. Most teams think PBIs are the units of delivery — but, no, they are just units of internal administration. Some teams put user stories on the Product Backlog — but, no, while the Product Owner may also relate user stories to the Developers, they don't survive as Scrum artefacts after the PO assimilates multiple users' stories into a Product Increment.
Many of these misunderstandings come from blindly applying Scrum vocabulary to the old processes of Product Management. While many Product Manager skills are useful in maintaining a Product Backlog, the Backlog is unlike most artifacts that Product Managers maintain. This seminar sets the record straight and helps set a foundation for a powerful, efficient relationship between the Product Owner and the Scrum Team's Developers and other stakeholders.
For Product Owners, Product Owner Team members, Scrum Masters, managers, and Developers (they help build the Product Backlog, too!)
Upcoming offerings:
This seminar details how to build a Scrum Product Backlog drawing on the expert knowledge in the award-winning "A Scrum Book." It is designed as a half-day seminar, particularly as an online seminar, divided into two modules: one of 90 minutes and the other of two hours (with breaks as needed as requested by attendees).
Here is an outline of the seminar:
The Product Backlog in the product life cycle
Dev Team involvement
Sprint Goals / Product Increments, PBIs
Exercise: Build a Backlog
Enabling Specifications
Ordering, Granularity, and PBI Properties
Working with Stakeholders and Managing the Release Structure
Forking into multiple products / backlogs
External Dependencies and Fixed-Date PBIs
Tokyo, Japan, 21 May 2020. Inquire with