Patterns of Agile Project Management

The heart and origins of Agile

Too many organizational books dictate a one-size-fits-all approach to organizational improvement, or are centered on American or European social values. Instead of delivering hollow promises, organizational patterns deliver tools suitable to analyzing your organization's strengths and weaknesses and building on small, simple, but sound and proven practices, as a foundation for improving any software development organization.


People interested in understanding and improving their organizational structure. The focus is on software development, but many of the techniques and ideas transcend many disciplines and certainly go beyond the acts of creating code. Knowledge of Alexandrian patterns is helpful but not necessary. This course is useful both to developers and managers, as well as everyone else in the organization.

Duration: 1 Day

Course Goals:

    • To better understand Organizational Patterns and Pattern Languages

    • To use your own role in your organization to put organizational patterns to work

    • To know how to create your own patterns as a knowledge management technique

    • To understand the roots of the Agile disciplines at a deeper level


The course introduces the source of organizational patterns in popular use today, and engages students in a mock organizational study to deepen their knowledge of the patterns. We then debrief these studies and investigate applicable patterns one by one. All in all, the course covers over 30 crucial organizational patterns. The day ends in practical, concrete conclusions for each student and an action plan to continue the process at home.

Part I: Introduction to Organizational Patterns

  • Change and value systems

      • The origins of published patterns, and the CRC card technique

      • The seven most important organizational patterns in depth

Part II: Mock Organizational Study

    • Students will create, analyze, and improve a hypothetical organization based on their own experience

Part III: Lessons from the Organizational Study

    • What roles were dominant? missing?

    • Key communication paths

    • Roles and structure

    • Typical key roles: Gatekeeper, Public Character, Wise Fool

      • Learnings about communication

      • Communication-focused patterns

Part IV: Applying the patterns to you

    • What is your primary role?

    • Patterns for producer roles: Legend Role, Architect Also Implements, Pair Programming

    • Patterns for support roles: Firewall, patron, Size the Schedule, Work Flows Inward, Moderate Truck Number, Architect Controls Product

    • Deadbeat roles

    • Patterns for your organization

    • Organizational readiness for agility and improvement

    • Action plan development

The Organizational Patterns Book, co-authored by Jim Coplien and Neil Harrison, is the definitive work on the state of the art in Agile software development and is the foundation of this seminar