A Scrum Deep Dive using Patterns
When you have a new child in your family, there are a lot of things you need to know that aren't in the owner's manual. What? You didn't get an owner's manual with your child? Even Scrum has an "owner's manual" called The Scrum Guide — but all it does is to provide a dry, formal description of the boundaries of Scrum. Yet there are known "secrets" to making Scrum work, but, unfortunately, some teams never get to them.
Scrum community experts have been collecting these secrets for years, and working together to write them down as patterns. The seminar is based on the book "A Scrum Book" — a de facto standard for what Scrum means, and a definitive exposition of the why behind everything Scrum. Even the inventor of Scrum, Jeff Sutherland, now uses them as a central part of his training and of describing Scrum. And now they’re freely available to you. Come and learn how to use them and what they mean to your organization, and how you can use them to chart a powerful new direction of kaizen for your Scrum team! You'll learn things about Scrum at a deeper level than you probably reached during your CSM, PSM, or CSPO training — and the seminar is focused on your team's special needs.
An introduction to a book that is a deep-dive into Scrum that goes way beyond the Scrum Guide! Great knowledge and insights from the speaker. — Søren Olsen
James Coplien’s Scrum Patterns course is the most important course I have ever taken in my professional career and I consider my Scrum education to be pretty broad and reasonably deep. James is certainly in the top 3 Scrum minds on the planet and it really shows on his course - he can answer almost anything and his warm and selfless style is engaging. It was fantastic. — Richard Lissimore
I would recommend this class. It provides valuable insight to the Scrum Patterns theory and practical aspects. — Dimitrios Tsigkakos
Do you want to take your "Scrum" to the next level? If so, you need to take a journey into the world of Scrum Patterns! — Bob Sarni
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Why do some organizations succeed with Scrum – while many fail?
There are some core patterns that successful Scrum teams have — and you cannot read about them in the Scrum Guide or Agile Atlas. Your Scrum training maybe didn't cover them — or maybe you just mapped Scrum names onto familiar concepts in that first encounter you had with Scrum. (Test yourself with this quiz.) The Scrum patterns are your way to Kaizen (continuous improvement). We want you to be able to tell a story of your own Scrum team that goes like this — exemplary of ten of the most important patterns of successful Scrum teams:
In our Stable Team we have a Definition of Ready. It gives us Enabling Specifications for our Product Backlog Items before we enter a Sprint. During the Sprint we perform our tasks by Swarming while our ScrumMaster ensures Illegitimus non Interruptus. Most of our Sprint Goals are based on the Happiness Metric.
In this one-day course we'll lead you on a journey into Scrum Patterns, which grew out of the critically acclaimed Organizational Patterns of Coplien, Harrison, and Wachi-san. Contributors to these patterns include Jeff Sutherland, Kiro Harada-san, James Coplien, Mike Beedle, Gabrielle Benefield, and a litany of other household names in Scrum who have each given weeks of their time to mining the patterns that underly great Scrum practice. Then, you're in charge — we'll ask you to chart your own path, using the patterns, to improve your organization.
You'll learn what Scrum patterns are, how to write your own, and how to use the existing pattern languages of Scrum to chart a "project language" to take your Scrum to the next level. These Scrum patterns mine the insights of the founders and world experts in Scrum, who have been contributing to them for the past 7 years.
With Jim Coplien & Gertrud Bjørnvig and members of your local pattern community
Inquire by mailing me at jcoplien@gmail.com.