Week 6

Our 6th week started on monday. We continued to make some improvements in the code. Furthermore, we had some issues with the starting and ending time of the events. The reason of this issue is a small bug in Google Calendar. Full day events always show up one day to long because for an event lasts from 00:00am November 23 to 00:00am December 22 instead of 23:59pm December 21. We fixed this issue by just reducing the time frame of starting and ending times by chosing different time zones. Since Swissnex does not want the time to be displayed it is in our opinion the best and easiest way to fix this issue.

Furthermore, we made some exception handling in case the events of the Google Calendar can not be displayed into the tables correctly or the file could not be copied properly. On Wednesday we had a last meeting at San Francisco were we had a final discussion. After the meeting we had to make a small change in the code as wished. Instead of copying the files and refreshing the tables in one way. The script now has two buttons. One is for refreshing the tables and one just to make a copy of the file.

For the presentation on October 23. we had of course to prepare that too.

The final solution is now delivered and the Swissnex employees can use it on their meeting.