1 Schurter Inc.

The Schurter Group is a privately held global network of manufacturing and distribution companies providing electromechanical and electronic components worldwide. Headquartered in Switzerland, the Group includes manufacturing facilities in Switzerland, Germany, France, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, India, and China; distribution facilities in the UK, the US, Singapore in a total of over 14 countries.

SCHURTER, Inc holds a Point of Sale (POS) database with a vast amount of information regarding their indirect customers. These are customers that purchase from one of many authorized distributors. This data does not tell Schurter much about their customers.

Therefore, they would like to have an automated process to gather data about their customers in the internet. So far this was done manually and required a lot of time and efforts. The ultimate goal for Schurter is to segment the customers by industry, and find out what products they produce.

Pascal Grütter

Marco Neuhaus

Oliver Faust

Pascal Engel

We are all students from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. We are currently in our 5th semester and will finish our Bachelors degrees in September 2016.