Week 4

The 4th week started on Tuesdays since our class was on a weekend trip in Las Vegas. In the meantime we received the feedback to our research of calendaring tools. Our project purchaser told us that none of the tools fits to their expactations. So it was clear to us that we had to program a small tool or script to solve the problem. We fixed a date on Thursday for a skype session to discuss the situation and the further approach. On Tuesday and Wednesday we had a look at three programming languages to develope the solution:

After the meeting on Thursdays we had an idea how our solution could look like. Our task were to program a script which exports events from selected Google calendars, listed into a Google docs file. This file is used to take notes during meetings. Some of the notes are events which are in different calendars and therefore can be automaticaly exported with our script. The second thing we have to do is to connect Podio, a project management software, with Google Calendar. Podio serves as a database for several business calendar events. Since our time was restricted after 4 weeks the idea of a yearly overview of all the events became an optional task. We decided to work with Google Apps Script. The reasons are the following:

    • The Google Calendar API to adress the Google Calendars is already included and does not have to be installed first. For VBA Google does not provide a Google Calendar API.

    • Swissnex currently uses Google docs to take notes during meetings. You can deposit the script into a Google docs file and work with it.

The following picture shows basically the scope of our task in the next few weeks: