Week 1

The project started officially after the Kick-off Meeting on Wednesday in San Francisco where Swissnex is located. On this day we have been introduced to the problem statement of the company. The following lines will give a brief intro into the content of our project.

Current situation

Swissnex has started their business 14 years ago. Back then, there were only two founders. Over the years the company has grown and today they have 18 employees. At this time a simple Google Calendar and an Excel Spreadsheet were enough for the schedule. Through the expanding the calendar became more and more crowded and unclear. Therefore, they didn't really receive the information they wanted from the calendar or the spreadsheet. They use two different tools for scheduling. The Excel spreadsheet shows a global view over one year but the employees do not recognize at what time which event is. For this view they have to go into the Google Calendar. In both of these Tools are the dates like absences of all the employees listed, so there is a redundancy. That is why the whole schedule system has to be renewed.

Target Situation

The target is to implement an all-in-one solution. We call it the “Silver Bullet”. This is a figure of speech in the Silicon Valley and means to reach a miracle or the perfect solution. The solution should have two parts. The first part is about the scheduling part for the Swissnex members. They should have full access und can register their appointments and events. The second concerns the room reservation to which the Residents must have access too. The optimum is that Swissnex can use the “Silver Bullet” in their daily business and weekly meeting to talk to each other and discuss the upcoming events.