Week 6

What happened this week

During the last week, we had to finish our project. We focussed on finishing the implementation on Monday and Tuesday. We knew that it's going to be hard for us to finish all the wishes our customer had this week, so we tried to focus on the most important things. During the Wednesday morning, we were able to finish any requirement and did a lot of testing and bug fixing.

On Wednesday afternoon, we went to Menlo Park for a final meeting with the project owner. We showed him our result and he was impressed by the delivered product. We discussed our experience, explained some implementation details and also discussed about where further improvements should focus on.

We were quite happy, that the Swisscom is fully satisfied with our result. There were just some small adjustments to make until the presentation on Friday. So we were able to work on the technical documentation and final presentation the whole Thursday, after our final lesson by Mr. Ghiassi.

Core issue

Because it was a short week, our last coding day was Wednesday, there was not much time for issues. We tried to write as much tests as possible on Wednesday morning. In the afternoon we showed our product to the project owner and gladly there was no "presentation effect".

What is going to...

Oh, sadly, there is no week 7... We really enjoyed our stay here at the Santa Clara University. Even though it was a hard time and we had a bunch of work to do, it was awesome. We would like to honor Swisscom Outlabs at Menlo Park and say thank you for supporting this campus experience with two full projects. It was a brilliant time and everyone of us learned a lot about technology, project management, the silicon valley and how to build software.


Our delivered product is going to production for the Swisscom Labs soon. They are going to shut down the existing dashboard application and replace it step-by-step with the new dashboard application. They also mentioned that they're going to do the further improvements on the new dashboard. At our final meeting on Wednesday, we discussed the perspective of the new dashboard application and they are going to build a management platform for their qFactory system on top of our application.