4 Transifex

Transifex Competitive Analysis

Transifex is a company which provides a localization translation solution as software as a service (SaaS).

What is localization?

Localization in software development is far more than only translating content. Rather, it means to adapt any digital content to local circumstances such as language, cultural occurrence or local laws. This entire process is called localization and internationalization. Localization in the software is most about the adaption of websites, software and games rather than plain texts.


Transifex claims to make localization easy through automation and by providing several developer tools and allowing customers to operate without any technical background. Furthermore, they are specialized in seamless integration into agile products and real-time website updating. They already serve more than 400 companies for instance Microsoft, Orbitz or Atlassian.

Project objectives

For our project we had the following four objectives:

  1. Create a High Level Marketing Analysis

  2. Compare Transifex' localization service with its competitors and identify their strengths and weaknesses

  3. Summarize and visualize findings to support Transifex' future decisions

  4. Help users who are not familiar with the industry understand the main uses for different types of localization automation/translation technology, differentiate between offerings and make informed decisions.