Week 2

By the beginning of week 2 the research phase of possible scheduling solution has started. We decided to work with a tool which is very familiar to us... the well-known benefit analysis. Before we could create it and start research we had to clarify the requirements for the tool precisely. We wrote them down and sent them to our purchaser who had to give us the approvement.

As we revised them we could start to create the benefit analysis. Derived from the requirements we created the criterias and undercriterias which had to be quantified. The quantification is the most important element of the benefit analysis. Least changes can influence the whole assessment. Therefore, it has to be done very carefully.

The benefit analysis helped us to assess and compare the different tools. We quickly saw which tools won't fit and which could be a possible solution to implement. The research took us a lot of time and extensive testing.

After the research of possible tools and their assessment we will send the benefit analysis to our purchaser.