
Our deliverables contain the following documents:

  • Product Comparison

  • Competitive Analysis

  • Test Files

  • Report on Localization Software Providers

Our main recommendations are the following ones:

  • Enhance Reporting and Analytics: We strongly recommend Transifex to add an enhanced reporting and analytics functionality within their solution. On the one hand customers want to see the acceleration of the process. On the other hand, they always need to have an overview of all their projects and costs. Other competitors are already ahead in this part.

  • User-friendly interface: To provide a valuable technology, while achieving simultaneously a high user experience, becomes crucial. To keep the balance between a user friendly interface and a wide range of functionality will be difficult, as more functions will be added. Therefore, we strongly believe Transifex should invest into keeping its user interface lightweight as it is today by avoiding unnecessary overhead.

  • Vendor Quality: Furthermore, translation quality has a high importance for specific customers i.e. legal or medical definitions. Transifex already offers a dropdown list where a customer can select the proper tone (i.e. formal, informal etc.) and target industry (i.e. legal, medical, marketing etc.) of the translation. Additionally, we recommend to add a vendor quality rating system to assure that every customer’s feedback is heard and to allow the customer to choose the appropriate translation agency for his needs.

  • Payment Diversity: Moreover, another finding out of the assessment is a low diversity of payment methods (only credit card payment is possible). In order to capture new markets, it is recommendable to add more payment options as in Europe for example paying on account is more common for enterprises.