2. Week

In our weekly status report we are going to show our first prototype to the class.


This week we worked on our prototype. All main functions which our software should fulfill are now implemented and the first tests were successful. We are working on our search logic so the result we get from Bing will be more accurate. In addition to that the GUI was created so we are now ready to show our prototype to Schurter.

To make sure our software will deliver the expected results we started to write some essential JUnit tests.

Moreover, we came up with some additional ideas which we could implement into our software to get a direct categorization within our application. One approach would be that we will include LinkedIn into our WebCrawler to get the industry codes from this platform.

Since we are ready to show our prototype to Schurter we had a hangout call with them to discuss our next steps. We now arranged a meeting with Schurter at their office in Santa Clara. We are happy that prof. Marfurt will be able drive us to the meeting on September 30th.


As we set a date for the meeting with Schurter we are now going to prepare everything for next week. We want to make sure, that we meet their expectations so far and discuss what we have to amend or add to our software so it will fulfil its purpose.

Before our meeting we will finish our JUnit tests of the prototype to ensure everything works smoothly and will get useful results. Schurter will get a first impression on what they can expect from our solution.

In case of implementing LinkedIn to our application we will have to find some answers to legal question about the LinkedIn API. Their Terms of Use state that for a marketing purpose it is not allowed to crawl and store data from LinkedIn. We advise that the legal department of Schurter clarifies this question.

SCHURTER Inc02.pptx