Week 1

What happened this week

We had an exciting first week with our project owner from Swisscom at Menlo Park. First contact was all about introducing us into the Swisscom business at Silicon Valley. Further we discussed our Project and the Swisscom qFactory. qFactory is a major project from Swisscom it is designed to do integration testing for cloud applications and environments. To introduce the qFactory into productive work Swisscom needs a platform to display the current status of different components. This is where our project comes in. The qDashboard will show the current status of all the components in live time.

They already have an existing dashboard application with basic functionality. But because of the fact, that the tests take their time (from several minutes up to an hour) and they may run automated, they need a way to present data as live as possible to the user.

In the second session during week one we set up our development environment so our work could be started. Such installations usually take longer than previously thought. So we weren’t finished after an hour or two but during the week we overcame all struggles and finally were able to start with our projects.

Core issue

Our main issue wasn't that we weren't able to write software code this week. Even we didn't have a development environment set up properly, we had enough other issues before we could start write code. We didn't understand in first place what the qFactory really is and we weren't able to take a look into the qFactory. So we tried to reflect the meeting we had on Monday and tried to understand the ecosystem. It was harder than we though and, we didn't that know yet, but it would take a lot more time than we though.

What is going to happen next

We need to go again to Menlo Park for another meeting to setup our developing environment. Until we have a working environment, we will focus on architectural layout and design principals and create an outline of what we need to implement and how we are going to achieve that. So basically a lot of theoretical work, but we think this might help us on later a lot.