Week 5

In week 5 the main topic in our team was definitely programming in google script. After our first steps in this total new language we had started to coding a prototype. Our first prototype was able to get all the events from the google calendar and write these in a spreadsheet. This first success was to the satisfaction of our purchaser.

With the advancing time our script was growing. At the end of the week our script was able to get all Events, Visitors, Business Trips, Vacations and Residents from the Google calendar and show them properly in 5 different lists in Google Docs. At the end of the week we had to change some design settings in the script.

We had many different trials in the way we generate the file with all the eventlists. We tried it over a additional button in a "Template" document. So the customer would have to run the script every time from the same document and then a new document with the different lists would be generated. Another effort was to integrate a html-script into a document that can generate the demanded list. Every attempt had the disadvantage that the customer would have to switch into the folder structure and open the new generated document.

So we developed a new approach:

Initial position:

  • The customer use the document to journalize the weekly meeting

  • at the end of the document are the extracted event lists


    • Before the next meeting starts the person in power generate a new document

    • The actual document from the last week will be copied into the archive folder and renamed with an explicit name logic

    • In the opened file we flush the tables with all the event lists

    • We fetch the upcoming event from the google calendar

    • We attach under the notes the new event lists

This has the following advantages for our customer:

    • The customer can keep open the same document

    • The notes from last week been kept in the actual document

    • The new events are listed on the actual document

    • The customer does not have to worry about the archiving

Following a anonymized move-out from our Google Document: