Week 3

In week 3 of our project our prototype is able to do all CRUD operations for the user and for the rules. On wednesday we had a meeting with Zee on which we discussed the topic about getting Logfiles from qFactory and how to deal with RestHooks.

We found out that our understanding of using Resthooks was a bit different than the understanding of Swisscom. Our intention to do a RestHook was within the process of getting the Logfiles from ELK. So we did a lot of research on that. Do really use the advantage of RestHooks you have to install it directly on the qAPI where the events are caused.

Their approach was that we had do deal with RestHooks between the User and our Software. Zee works now on a solution on the qFactory-side that allows us to set up a RestHook to get the Logfiles. So we decided to concentrate on the classical polling service in order to handle the log files and the subscription. With this solution the use of RestHooks wouldn't make any sense since you have the polling between our tool and ELK.