Oct. 13, 2014 In-Service: Gmail

Post date: Sep 30, 2014 1:37:13 PM


All right peeps, it is our 2nd in-service of the year! The goal for today- help you maximize your comfortability and usability with Google Mail. But it can be more than just checking your email, but creating groups and instant communication and even un-sending something. This will be split up into 2 basic parts: and introductory video and and interactive tutorial.

Before we get started; let's have a laugh! (Hopefully...)

Part 1: Gmail Basics (with something you might not know)

Watch this intro video from a Google Educator on different things you can do in Gmail.

Now it's your turn; what do you think? (Answer Below)

Part 2: Getting to know Gmail & How to use it.

Now you will be following an online tutorial that is broken into 5 different lessons. While you go through the tutorial, I have developed an online Doc that we all can alter and comment on; this way we can share our knowledge and brainstorm different ideas. After all, 50 heads are better than 1. The best part is that we are creating a useful resource to help us later on, we can always refer back to these if we forget something!

First, follow along with the online tutorial HERE.

After you have worked through lesson 1 online, now complete the below worksheets.

Lesson 1- Gmail Basics

Here you will go through an interactive tour of the Gmail screen. You can click on different blue marks that will explain different parts of the screen. (Note- Lesson 1 is all on the one screen; there are multiple marks to search through.)

Lesson 2- Productivity and Classroom Management Skills

Next you will be looking at the composition window, searching through your mail, changing your inbox priority, creating filters, adding tasks, keyboard shortcuts, and labs (Did you know there is an un-send possibility.)

Lesson 3- Increase Community Communication

Now you will be learning how to add and manage contacts, creating groups in contacts, skipping the email and chat with someone instantly and learn what all this “Google +/ hangout” stuff is.

Lessons 4- Foster Student Communication & Collaboration

You mean I can change language and translate something, well that’s pretty cool! But how can I use this in my classroom?

Lessons 5- Advanced Gmail

This section is not required for today's in-service, but will explain all the options in Gmail with all the bells and whistles.

  • If you would like to go into more depth with advanced lessons, Click Here.

Email Etiquette Video