Taboo Card Assignment

Actual taboo card examples:

For this Word Assignment, you will create 6 separate playing cards for our very own version of the game Taboo. Taboo is a game that requires one person to try and describe a word or phrase without saying 5 commonly related words.

In Word, you will:

  • Manipulate the Page Setup and change its Orientation to Landscape format.
  • Adjust the Margins to Narrow (top, bottom, left and right all 1/2 in.)
  • Also in Page Layout we will have 3 Columns.
  • Now we must Insert a Table. Each card will be it's own table (Look at the example- how many columns do you need and how many rows do you need in each table?)
  • In each table/card we will use a Center Alignment with Double Spacing and size 14 font.

In regards to your cards and the information- you will need to think of 6 separate words (generally nouns) or short phrases, then think of 5 common words associated with each idea. Remember with those five words, the more common words you eliminate, the harder it will be to guess your idea. I would suggest writing these down on lined paper ahead of time as a 'rough draft'. Your 6 Taboo Cards on one page/piece of paper.

On the bottom of this page, you can click and download project example and taboo game rules.