Digital Citizenship

Your Assignment- Part 1

You will be broken into groups and will randomly select which Element of Digital Citizenship your group will specialize in. Each group member will investigate 1 part of that element, and you will compile research as a group to understand your topic.


  1. Research your element and create a Google Doc to gather information.

One group member will need to make a copy of this research worksheet. Click Here

  1. Be sure to clearly answer the following

    1. What is your DC element?

    2. A definition of the DC element?

    3. Why is it important?

    4. How this can impact you as a person?

    5. A real life/real world example of a problem or trouble someone can get into related to this element.

    6. A way to solve the problem & tips to avoid it altogether.

  2. Each group member will be responsible for researching & completing one of the questions (listed above) on their research worksheet.

Resource Websites:

Suggestion- Each person in the group is required to complete their part on the Google Doc worksheet and pull their weight of the group project. However, you can discuss and talk to each other about what you are researching and learning about your element. I encourage you to communicate with each other to help you understand the info. Because 3 or 5 brains thinking are better than just 1!

Click for Template Here is a video to help you setup your poster:

Your Assignment- Part 2

Once you have an understanding of your element, you will be responsible for creating a poster with your group that clearly explains what your Element of digital citizenship is about.


Poster Must Have's

    1. Digital Citizenship Element Title

    2. Definition- in your own words (Remember- it must be clear enough for an 8th grader to understand, as well as a First or Second grader!)

    3. Checklist- Use your tips to avoid the problem from your research.

    4. Pictures/Images- No more than 3 (1 main/ focal), and they MUST CLEARLY RELATE to your element.

    5. Slogan- Use your why it is important & examples from your research to help you with a slogan. (Think of it this way- your slogan should be clear enough to know and understand what your element is WITHOUT looking at the title.)

    6. Group members' names on bottom

Job Roles

    1. Designer- Responsible for the title, layout of the poster and color theme (color theme must match the picture chart on this page) . Decide what goes where and best present the info.

    2. Artist- Finding images (no more than 3- 1 main/focal) to place in the poster that CLEARLY RELATE to your element. The artist must also make sure they cite the image they use on the bottom of their poster.

    3. Writer- Must include definition and slogan. Make sure your slogan stands out and is different from your definition.

    4. Lister- Responsible for creating the checklist of tips for your element (3 or 4 tips).

    5. Editor- responsible for proofreading the entire poster and making sure spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. is all correct. Also, the editor can include all the group members names on the bottom.


    1. On your research paper, please list who is doing what job role on the poster.

    2. Keep things clear and simple. DO NOT cut and paste from your research worksheet. Use simple, short but direct sentences to explain your digital citizenship element.

    3. Keep in mind what makes a successful poster- information should be clear and easy to read no matter where you are in the room (see image below)

To help you with your image citation, you can use this website:

Which poster is more successful?