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work ethic (n.)

1. A set of values based on the moral virtues of hard work and diligence.

2. A belief in the moral benefit and importance of work and its inherent ability to strengthen character.

Step 1

  • Read the PDF article about the difference between Work Ethic and Work Ethics Below (pages 1-3 only).
  • Once you have completed reading the article, then download the Work Ethic Worksheet through my Google Classroom.

Step 2

    • Read the article on the bottom of this page about the 5 Factors that Demonstrate a Strong Work Ethic (simply click the link to read it on the browser).
    • Come up with a sixth characteristic you would add to the list. Why did you pick this?

Step 3

    • Watch some of the following video clips and see what these people have to say about work ethic. Name one thing you were surprised to hear from each person?

Tip- To look through the different videos in the playlist, click the small button on the top or the

Step 4

  • With all that you now know, I would like you to create a motivational poster that will inspire someone to better themselves and care about what they do through their work ethic.
  • You want your poster to be eye catching AND have valuable content.
  • Click HERE to go to the assignment requirements or click the link in the top left column.