
The Keyboarding ProcessKeyboarding is an important and critical component to your success with word processing. Not only will it help you

type more efficiently, increase your wpm (words per minute), but may provide you with health benefits as well (mainly no read eyes, painful wrists or soar backs).

You will be using a combination of programs for this unit: PowerTyping, Peter's Typing Coarse, and Online Typing Tests. Here repetition and consistency will help you meet your goals. Please follow the steps below to complete your exercises.

  1. Follow the links to PowerTyping or Peter's Typing Coarse provided on

Typing Games

Finished Early?

Play any of these games on the following websites:

  1. either this Moodle section or on your Practice Worksheet.Begin by going to Peter's Typing Coarse and clicking on the appropriate lesson for the class you are on (ex: Class 1, Lesson #'s 1,2, and 3 etc). Once you have selected that lesson, begin that specific exercise.
  2. When you have completed that lesson, be sure to document your score on your PowerTyping Practice Chart Worksheet.
  3. The next part of this class is accessing the online PowerTyping exercises.
  4. When you arrive, you will have 2 main parts to your screen: the left side has your active typing box and the right is your setup and results section.
  5. Before you begin your lesson, be sure you click "Reset all wpm to 1" to ensure you start out on a clean slate. Next, we need to set your wpm goal.
    • Click on the words "set goal". When the pop-up window appears, set your goal to 40, and then click the play button to accept.
  6. Once you have set your wpm, now you are ready to begin typing. Begin with exercise one (the Home Row) by clicking on the letters themselves, and once clicked the box on the right side of the screen will will with the activity.
  7. When you are ready, click the start button at the bottom of the screen. Remember that you are being timed, so pay attention.
  8. Once you have completed your exercise, be sure to record your score on your PowerTyping Practice Chart Worksheet that you have downloaded.

It may take some time, but your goal is a minimum of 40 wpm. Once you have reached this goal, then move onto the next lesson.

Remember the 3 things to keep in mind during keyboarding:

  • Posture- feet, back, and head
  • Wrists & Fingers- specific fingers to specific keys
  • Eyes- concentrate on the screen rather than on your fingers

You can download the files you need on the bottom of the page.

(Click to Enlarge or Download the file at the bottom of the screen)