Movie Proposal Project

"A film is never really good unless the camera is an eye in the head of a poet."

~ Orson Welles

You will be creating your own movie project to pitch to Hollywood. OK, maybe not Hollywood but how about East AmwellWood... You will use a website to give you some random combinations to get your brain juices going. Below you can view all the requirements you will need for this project.

Required Slides:

  1. Title Slide

    • First & Last Name

    • Grade

    • Trimester

    • Movie poster image (see below for making & website options)

2. Plot

    • Written paragraph (5-10 sentences) that sells the main idea of your story.

    • Tell me what your 3 characters are going to do in your movie, and how the setting and time period will affect them. What will be there biggest challenge/ conflict for your characters…

    • What Genre is your movie?

    • Include a driving factor or tell us is there some sort of conflict amount characters.

    • Think of movies you have seen before, what makes you invested in the story & the characters?

    • Required- Full size image background (add to works cited)

3. Setting

    • Environment: Description of the land, location, time of day, season, etc.

    • Time Period: When does this take place

    • Location: Country, City, State, Town, etc and why (real or created)

    • This should be in paragraph form and is meant to entice the audience to want to enter the world of your movie.

    • You must also include an image as a background for your setting & cite it.

4. Characters - 4 Slides (first slide is just stating your 3 characters, 3 following are individual details)

    • Create first & last name

    • What is the role of your character (protagonist, antagonist, supporting...)

    • 3 facts about your character and how that relates to your story and plot in complete sentences.

    • Ideas can be inspired by random character generator

    • What famous actor would you cast in this role?

    • Created image of your character (links below)

5. Works Cited

    • 3 citations required:

      • Your photo you used for setting slide background

      • Website(s) you used to create character images.

      • Website you used to create movie poster image.

    • Addition citations

      • If you use any other images in your project

      • If you used icon buttons found on the internet

Helpful Website Links:

Hyperlink Requirements:

These links are required on all slides (other than their own)

    • Title Slide Link

    • Plot

    • Setting

    • Works Cited

    • Characters

  • Character Slides

    • Characters 1-3 will need forward and back arrows that will Cycle through each character slide.

  • Extra links

    • External Link- somewhere in your project you must include a hyperlink that will take you to an outside website that relates to your topic/idea. (ex:

    • Classmates Project- You will also need to figure out how to connect a part of your project to another classmates project. The class will share their ideas and project hyperlinks via my Google Classroom.

(Click for full size image)

Inserting Hyperlinks in Google Slides