7th Grade

Welcome to the 7th Grade Computers website with Mr. Shuler. Our studies will include keyboarding, Internet safety & Digital Citizenship, and more. If you need any assistance feel free to contact me through email. I encourage you all to explore, interact, and most importantly learn while having fun. I look forward to a great experience this year with you. You can navigate through the different units we will be studying on the left hand side. You can also click to see the agenda posted in my Google Classroom to keep track of assignments and due dates.

7th grade according to Wikipedia

Seventh grade, equivalent to Year 8 in England and Wales, and S1 in Scotland, is a year of education in many nations. The seventh grade is the seventh school year after kindergarten. Students are usually 12–13 years old.

Around the world[edit]

United States[edit]

In the United States, in math, students focus commonly on an introduction to pre-algebra or the beginnings of algebra including ratio, proportion, and percent. New topics sometimes include scientific notation, concepts with negative numbers, and more advanced geometry.[1]

In social studies, advanced pre-Civil War History is taught. Though American history is usually the norm, other cultures and time periods may be taught.[2]

In science, it is usually moderate-level biology. In some parts of the United States, seventh grade is the first school year in which students have different teachers for each of their subjects, and so they change classrooms at the end of each period. Foreign language is often introduced at this level. The students can typically choose from several languages depending on school ability.

United Kingdom[edit]

In England and Wales, pupils aged between 12 and 13 are in Year 8 which is the second year of Secondary School. The Scottish equivalent is Secondary 1 or S1 - the first year of Secondary education. The Northern Irish equivalent is Year 9 or Second Form, the second year of secondary education. It is rare for pupils younger than 12-13 to enter Year 8.

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