Digital Citizenship

Instructions on how to complete the Digital Citizenship Web-quest:

  • You will need to visit the online web quest by clicking here.
  • On this website, you will need to go to each of the different aspects of Digital Citizenship located on the left hand side (access, commerce, communication, etc).
  • On each section, you will be asked to read about each topic and understand how it works.
  • Then you will need to download the questionnaire worksheet from the list below.
    • How to Download Worksheets: when you click the link and open up the template worksheet in Google Docs, under File on the top of the screen, click Make a Copy. Be sure to rename the file and add your last name to the beginning of the file name.
  • Don't forget to add your name & trimester to your worksheets, and answer the listed questions.
  • Continue to work day by day to complete each topic within Digital Citizenship.

Make sure you use the worksheets here to complete your answers; DO NOT use the worksheets within the web quest.

"Digital Citizenship WebQuest." Digital Citizenship WebQuest. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2015. <>.

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