Statistics Express
MATH 1342 corequisite with MATD 0342: A path to complete developmental math requirements and Elementary Statistics in one semester
What is this course all about?
This combined course provides an opportunity for students to compete their developmental math requirements AND Elementary Statistics in one semester. The course will use “just in time remediation” integrating developmental math skills right before they are needed in the Elementary Statistics course. This building block approach allows students to learn developmental math and advance these skills to the college level. This is different than the traditional approach where the student learns all the developmental math skills in one semester (or two) and then takes the college level course in a subsequent semester, hoping that they recall all the developmental math skills that they have previously learned.
Meeting Times
Students will attend class 6 hours a week. This course meets 2 days a week during long semesters and 4 days a week during short semesters. Since the assignments and information presented in each class builds on the content from the previous classes, good attendance is required.
How much does this cost?
This is a 6 hour course - three hours for MATH 1342 and three hours for MATD 0342. Students must sign up and pay for both sections. The cost of an electronic textbook is included with the cost of tuition.
Why are two instructors listed?
There will be two instructors assigned to this course, instruction will be traded off between instructors depending on the topic covered. Both instructors will be in the classroom during class time.
What about homework and testing?
Homework is assigned and collected at least once per week. There will be five unit exams, about one every three weeks.
Who would be a good fit for this course?
Students who need MATH 1342 Elementary Statistics for their degree program.
Students with the appropriate score on math TSI Assessment test or alternative placement criteria.
TSI complete or exempt students who are not prepared to move straight into MATH 1342.
Students who have recently completed NCBM 0222 or NCBM 0270.
Students who have unsuccessfully attempted MATD 0485, NCBM 0142 / MATH 1342 corequisite, or MATH 1342
Students must be able to commit to attending all class meetings and compete assignments on time. This would equate to 15 - 20 hours of math every week for the entire semester.
Just missed the cut score on the TSI?
If your math placement is near TSI complete (College Ready) you may be eligible for NCBM 0142/MATH 1342 (4 hours), Statistics Express . Students that meet this criterion will attend the NCBM for 1-hour of additional support while registering with a traditional MATH 1342 course. Students enrolled in the partnering NCBM 0142 will not have additional exams. Contact your advisor for more information.