TSI Information
Information about Texas State Initiative (TSI) and your developmental math class
To promote success in college, ACC expects that students will enroll for classes only when they have satisfied the prerequisites and will work on meeting the “college-readiness standard” of TSI promptly and diligently.
Students who are taking developmental courses to work toward meeting the college-readiness standard sometimes have trouble fitting in all the work they are required to do. Often one of the first signs of this is that the student stops attending their developmental class. Instructors will usually withdraw students from classes if they aren’t meeting attendance requirements.
If a student who is “TSI-mandated” withdraws from or is withdrawn from a developmental course, the TSI coordinator for the college reviews the student’s record. One of the consequences is possible withdrawal from other courses during the current semester. In particular, if a student has enrolled in any other course for which they did not meet any prerequisite or co-requisite requirement, they may be withdrawn from that course at this point, regardless of their performance in that course.
All “TSI-mandated” students who withdraw or are withdrawn from a required developmental course will have a hold placed on their records for the next semester, which means that they will be restricted in enrollment to a more reasonable load so that they have a better opportunity to succeed. Should such a withdrawal occur again during the next semester, the student will be restricted from enrolling in any courses other than the developmental math class in the following semester.