
week 4

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Period 4 is purple

Period 5 is white

Tuesday Jan 8

Mr. Jensen's Class per 4

Today we got our writing muscles flexing again!

We had a quick warm up where we got in partners and shared one fun thing that we all did over break.

We had a brief conversation about growth mindset and the importance of always striving to improve.

We then looked at two model Banned book essays and how they could be improved.

Next, we got into partners and did some peer editing with the people sitting next to us.

Finally, we all wrote a paragraph about two strengths we have as writers and something we hope to improve upon with Mr. Jensen this term.


1. incorporate your peer edits and Mr. Jensen's comments on your banned book essay for points. Due at the beginning of class on the 10th.

2.Bring your ID cause we are checking out 451 tomorrow

Tuesday Jan 8

Ms. Scott's class Period 5

Today we got back into practicing our writing skills!

  • Reviewed syntax, sentences, run ons, and fragments (10 min) Look at your notes
  • Played with sentence structure (10 min)
  • Wrote a 5 sentence paragraph on two things you did during winter break with a solid topic sentence (10 min)---each idea has some kind of follow up/ elaboration---transitions to show a shift in topics/ideas

Example: (This is a VERY simple paragraph---I will rewrite it later to make my sentences more detailed and interesting, since this is NOT a very interesting paragraph! I will also add more information later)

During winter break I relaxed and I graded papers. I mostly relaxed and slept in until 10 a.m. Sometimes I read, watched, TV, or cooked meals. I also graded a lot of papers. I spent about 2 hours each day grading, and sometimes I went back to grading in the evening for another hour; some days I didn't grade at all.

  • Peer edited paragraph (10 min)
  • Rewrote 5 sentence paragraph with better, more detailed and interesting sentences and added new information to make a 6-8 sentence paragraph (without creating run- ons, or awkward or confusing ideas) (20 min)

During winter break I mostly relaxed, and I graded papers. Once I got out of my habit of waking up at 6:15 in the morning, I usually slept in until 10 a.m.. I often ate good breakfasts of eggs, French toast, coffee, and sometimes bacon, and I would spend about the first hour or two in the morning reading the news online or checking Reddit and Facebook, even procrastinating sometimes for a bit longer if I got into a good book. I also made a couple of really good dinners where I would listen to music while cooking; nothing is more relaxing for me than making good food to some good tunes. However, after taking care of my mental health through these activities, I knew that I also had to get to grading some papers. I spent about two hours each day grading, and sometimes I went back to grading in the evening for another hour; some days I didn't grade at all. Overall, my winter break may sound boring to some people, but as a busy teacher, it was the perfect time for me to relax, reset, and get some work done.

Turned paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 into the basket.

Score paragraph 1 (1-4...4 is amazing)

Score paragraph 2


  • Bring your ID's to class on Wednesday! We check out Fahrenheit 451 tomorrow!
  • See me after school if you are getting a D or an F

451 handout pg 40-68.docx

Wed. Jan 9

Mr. Jensen's Class per 4

Check link for an Ebook of 451!


and a youtube audiobook!


Today we:

  • answered the following question in a standard academic paragraph (5-7 sentences) Am I addicted to my smart phone? Please keep this in a notebook and date it because this will be the first entry in a journal that I will collect randomly throughout the term.
  • watched a YouTube video. You will be expected to take brief notes (backside of your paragraph is fine).
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUMa0QkPzns
  • Worked on the first 20 pages of 451 and answered questions on the handout (see description on Ms. Scott's period 5 Wednesday Class)
  • 1.Finally, as a wrap up, write a brief paragraph for your journal (3-4 sentences) answering the following prompt “Imagine a world where everyone only looked screens” Name two to three personality traits of those people.


1. Read the first 20 pages of 451 + work on handout of 451

2. Finish the journal entries of you did not complete them in class.

3. Take some time to enjoy your day!

Wednesday. Jan 9

Ms. Scott's class Period 5

Today we:

  • Turned yesterday's paragraphs into the basket! (If not done in class yesterday)
  • Went to check out Fahrenheit 451 from the AV room
  • Got out notebooks/handouts to find plot elements and what a theme is---discussed briefly
  • Received handout on taking notes on the first 20 pages of F.451
    • Take notes as the plot moves forward, note characters, and note any internal or external conflicts and the inciting incident

This was turned in today!


  • Finish the pages 1-20 handout/notes if not finished today----due tomorrow
PAGES 1_20.docx

Thursday Jan 10

Mr. Jensen's Class per 4

Today we:

  • Wrote a in our journals small paragraph on an imaginary world where people were addicted to screens and books were banned (5-7) sentences
  • Answered the following questions as a class

How does each character in the first twenty pages define “happiness’?

-What is the firefighters job and why are people afraid of them?

-What role does technology play in the first 20 pages? Do we see examples.

-Why does Guy feel sad for the Mechanical hound?

We read the article " 8th grade in 2008 v. 2018" and highlighted it every-time the teenager in each year interacted with humans without his cell phone


we continued reading 451 and worked on the second handout

Click this link to access the second handout (Pages 20-40).



  • Homework:

1. Get to page 40 of 451 by tomorrow + whatever of the handout you didn’t finish

2. Finish the journal entry about a world addicted to screens of you did not complete them in class.

3. Finish highlighting 8th grade in 2008 v. 2018 v. 2018 article (I might collect this).

4. Take a Moment in your day to reflect on something positive this week :)

Thursday Jan 10

Ms. Scott's class Period 5

Today we:

  • TURNED IN HANDOUT FOR F.451 pages 1-20 if not turned in yesterday

  • Notes: We took notes on the following literary terms: (go to this website if absent for terms)
      • Metaphor
      • simile
      • personification
      • anthropomorphism
      • imagery
      • inference
      • direct characterization
      • indirect characterization
      • symbolism
      • allusion

Received handout for pages 21-48: Take notes (enough so that you can use them effectively on a quiz on Monday) and answer literary device definition questions---Due at end of period or tomorrow!


Finish reading 21-48 and filling out the handout (taking notes)---due tomorrow

PAGES 21-48.docx

Friday, Jan 11

Mr. Jensen's Class per 4

Today we:

1.Read/ caught up on notes for 451 (your notes will help you on the quiz FOR MONDAY) for 10 minutes

2. VTS Time!!

We will be working with an image today

Image 1: Write for 5 minutes: What is this image saying?

- 3. Large Group: Conversation about image

4. . Group Conversation on the next section (20-40) of 451. Keep notes, because I’m counting this as a journal entry.


- Why does Montag feel sad for the hound? What can we infer about how the Hound is reacting to him?

- Clarisse makes a reference to her class schedule. What can we infer about a society that is constantly either plugged in, or physically active?

- On page 31, Montag asks about the man whose library was fixed and says he wasn’t insane. Does this suggest a change in Montag? Why or why not?

- When they go to burn down the woman’s library, there are references to famous rebels who were burned by fire? What does this suggest burning books is an act of?

5. The remainder of class to read 451/finish any handouts that you are missing (they are worth 5 points each!!)

google docs link to 3rd handout pages 40-68


6. Study, Study, Study


1.Get to page 68 (end of part 1) of 451 by MONDAY + whatever of the handout you didn’t finish

2. STUDY for the quiz on MONDAY

3. Turn in any late or missing work (the handouts we’ve done this week are worth 5 points each

4. Have a safe and relaxing weekend :J

Friday Jan 11

Ms. Scott's class Period 5

Today we:

  • Turned in late page 1-20 handouts
  • Turned in page 21-48 handout

  • Wrote down 1 literary device (quote) we found in the book from last night's reading and identified it---this was turned in

  • Discussed pages 21-48 with "elbow partners" (5 min)
  • Whole group discussion on Pages 21-48--took additional notes DURING DISCUSSION (30 MINUTES)


  • IN your notebook, took notes and find literary devices (the way I showed you in the last two days) on PAGES 49-68. QUIZ ON MONDAY WITH NOTES ONLY--NO BOOK.
  • Get any LATE/missing F. 451 handouts finished.