

The climate impact of the "world behind the scenes"

Experts blame the United States in the application, including against Russia, the new weapons of mass destruction

"Centennial" is already talking about U.S. global project «HAARP» (high-frequency active auroral program of studies). It was said that the main object of «HAARP», built in the 60's, consists of several hundred phased antennas, "Harp", located in the town of Gakona, Alaska. Other facilities are located in northern Norway near Tromsø and in Greenland. The system also includes a floating platform «Sea-Based X-Band Radar platform» (HAARP: magnetometry data show that an earthquake in Japan was induced), set in Bermuda, cruisers, "Virginia" and "Wisconsin" (Leonid Ivashov, "Climatic weapon : bluff or reality? "). A popular version of this project, studies the planet's climate, ostensibly for peaceful purposes, such as the aurora. But became famous in later facts have allowed experts to conclude that the system «HAARP» is nothing like climate and psychotronic weapons of unprecedented power.


It is impossible not to notice that the turmoil(混乱 or騒動) and disaster, which was rare for entire centuries now occur several times a decade. A growing number of researchers have become part explains the natural result of anomalies(例外) and tests «HAARP».


Russia, Europe, India, China, America, then covered with an unprecedented(前例のない) heat, the unprecedented strength of hurricanes, the hitherto(今迄) unknown tornadoes, the snow and frost in summer, and summer weather in winter, the floods and earthquakes ... The massive release(救出) of fish on the coast and sea birds has also been associated with the use of «HAARP», other "innovations" like "himtreylov"(ケミトレイル) (secret spraying from aircraft of chemical and biological weapons).


President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Colonel-General Leonid Ivashov is convinced: "The official purpose of the complex - the study of the nature of the ionosphere and the development of systems for air and missile defense, however, in reality, it serves to influence global and local natural mechanisms in the vicinity of U.S. adversaries. «HAARP» can affect atmospheric processes up to the excitation of natural disasters: a powerful rainstorms, earthquakes, floods and hurricanes. "


Military weather forecaster, the captain of the second rank in the resignation of Nicholas Karavayev said: "During the bombing of Yugoslavia in Southeast Europe was unusually good weather. And there were rumors that the Americans support it artificially. The Belgrade newspaper "Politics" wrote: "The evening of April 5 Nisom(嫌な臭い) sky above was covered, we are waiting to see what was about to pour rain(土砂降りの雨). Came the roar of an airplane, and then suddenly the sky turned red, the clouds began to roll up and disappear, the sun came out. " On that night Nis was bombed. The next evening the same thing happened over and Negotino Prakhov "(Sergei Turchenko" Against Russia applied climate weapon. ") System affecting the atmosphere with electromagnetic waves of ultrahigh frequencies in the right direction. The energy emitted by radio waves allows the concentration of energy within a previously unattainable by any power plants. With «HAARP» can be generated and are very low and extremely low frequency. And this is a sphere(範囲) of influence on the psyche and overall human health. Depression, aggression, confusion, inexplicable(不可解な) joy, delight, the other states of the human mind can create an unlimited number of people in a certain area. Influence on the process of voting in elections and referendums - the most "innocent" use of the system.


Doctor of Military Sciences Konstantin Sivkov said: "The idea of a global arms control people - in the ionosphere is formed by the ion lens, and then the antenna system« HAARP »is" light "of this lens modulation of the radiation. This emission coincides with the biorhythms of the human brain. The reflected signal from this "lens" can be sent to half of the continent(大陸). "


Former Minnesota governor and politician James Ventura conducted a serious investigation of the system «HAARP» and then said: "The main opportunity« HAARP »- impact on the mind» (Conspiracy Theory Jesse Ventura S01E01 HAARP). Several findings support this and other findings about the possibilities of impact on nature and people.


Hurricane "Katrina" in 2005 destroyed the New Orleans African American principal residence(アフリカ系米人の主要な都市). Some researchers believe that this natural anomaly - the result of poorly conducted experiment «HAARP». There is an assumption and a conscious application(意識的にふりをする) of the system. American social activist, leader of the African organization "Nation of Islam," Louis Farrakhan is directly accused of genocide(大量殺戮) the U.S. authorities in relation to the victims of the hurricane. The company VeriChip (VeriChip) gave information about chipping military corpses - victims of the hurricane. Why this was done is unknown.

Earthquake in Haiti in 2010, miraculously(不思議な事に) did not touch the resort, on which rested a carefree world's elite.


Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said at the time that the earthquake in Haiti is a dress rehearsal in front of artificial earthquakes, which will be used against Iran.


And according to the experts of the Northern Fleet of Russia, this earthquake occurred as a result of the U.S. testing of new weapons. This was the Northern Fleet command reported the Russian leadership. The Northern Fleet followed the movements of U.S. Navy ships in the Caribbean. It was there, according to some analysts, the United States intends to use the weapon, "using the earthquake," for the conquest of Iran ("Earthquake in Haiti, the U.S. staged experiencing a new weapon.")

The first Managed Pentagon disasters all over the world, said Canadian researcher, a former magazine «Forbes» Benjamin Fulford. In 2007, Japanese Finance Minister Koji Omi told him that a group of American oligarchs(政治支配者) threatened his country with artificial earthquakes, forcing Japan to give them control over their financial systems. As you know, on the island of Honshu earthquake, the epicenter(震央) of which was the nuclear power plant, located on the island (Vladimir Kazakov, "Land of the Rising Sr"(=日の出る国)).


So far the only official who, on behalf of the government directly accuses the United States in application of climate weapons, Major General People's Liberation Army of China, the head of the control of space objects, Zhou Cheenheo.


He said that according to his office, earthquakes and heavy rain that caused widespread disaster in China in 2008, occurred as part of a secret weapons program the Pentagon. A few minutes before the Sichuan earthquake was recorded in the sky a strange glowing effect. At this time the object «HAARP» Alaska also noted the unusual light phenomena(現象). "Northern Lights" seen and many residents of Indonesia shortly before the most devastating tsunami caused by an earthquake in Southeast Asia in 2004.

Appeared in recent reports «HAARP» say that this weapon is capable of creating and ozone holes. This opinion is shared by many scientists(多くの科学者が意見を一致), including the Academy of Natural Sciences Nicolai Levashov. Thus, the amount of ozone over the territory of Central Russia in the summer of 2010 dropped by more than 40 percent. The natural way is a sharp decrease in the ozone layer, scientists say, could not happen. The heat itself is not able to give rise to ozone holes.

In this sense, a completely new way is American foreign policy. That's America for many years the international community imposed on the problem of global "warming." The beginning of this all-planetary hysteria(ヒステリー) dates back to the end of the sixties, which strangely coincides with the development of «HAARP». Even then, from all social and environmental problems dressed one - an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, leading, supposedly, to the appearance of ozone holes and, consequently, to global warming.


Unexpected "warming" climate change and further the need to build a "model of sustainable development" and are associated with the work of the Club of Rome, a nonprofit organization that brings together representatives of the world's elite, which was established also in the late 60's.


We emphasize that "sustainable development" completely fits into the concept of a "new world order." The world community is trying to convince that the lack of ozone associated with industrial activities of man. They say that anthropogenic emissions are so large that destroy the planet. And who says so? Yes, first of all, the same United States that their "peace studies" program «HAARP» and make these the most ozone depletion. On the side of the initiators of the struggle against "global warming" are the authorities now almost all European countries, Japan, the UN leadership. At their disposal is a vast majority of the world's financial, administrative and information resources.

In 1997, Japan in Kyoto was drawn international agreement on reducing greenhouse gas emissions (Kyoto Protocol). Russia signed in 1999, and in 2004, ratified it. But the United States spend here a very interesting policy. On the one hand, the American scientists and "prominent public figures' prove the inevitability of the coming world of global warming, drawing, thus, the other States in a costly race to combat global warming, on the other - roughly refuse to participate in the Kyoto agreement, ignoring world opinion, leaders who are. Call such a provocative stance is too soft.

Recall that in Russia at the official level, the problems of "global warming" has been actively discussed since 1994 after the UN Conference on Environment held in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro. In 2007, former U.S. Vice President Al Gore along with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change won the Nobel Peace Prize for "efforts to create and disseminate knowledge about man-made climate change and lay the foundations for the measures needed to counteract these changes." And in 2009 at the UN Conference on Global Climate Change in Copenhagen, the Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that the summit was, in his opinion, result in the creation of a world government or global governance. David de Rothschild also made speeches on the efforts of the global elite to establish a world government. Al Gore spoke of a "consciousness", which is designed to run some "changes" in the world, too - of a certain world government, which must be one of the tools of these changes. The organizers of the conference suggested that the 190 countries participating in the new agreement will be proceeding to the development of the existing Kyoto Protocol now. However, this did not happen and the outcome of the conference disappointed the world's elite.

The critical attitude of China, India and Brazil, and many other states proposed to them the "civilized world community" environmental constraints due to the reluctance to sacrifice the pace of economic growth for the sake of a dubious idea of ​​global warming.


In addition, shortly before the conference, Russian hackers broke into the American and British secret servers and uploaded to the Internet some of the documents from which it follows that global warming - a myth(作り事).


American journalist and political activist Alex Jones said: "I am happy to tell you that the event (a conference in Copenhagen) turned out a large-scale disaster. But, unfortunately, not a complete failure. Because if the new world order will fail immediately, they will try again and again. And we must be constantly alert to the fact that they do. ... Another reason for the failure of the conference - is that two days before the meeting of the world came to be known so-called "Danish text." This is the plan of the industrial world for double the amount of taxes for the third world countries to freeze their economic development and keep them in poverty, the IMF and World Bank - a consortium of private central banks - could continue to monitor and keep them in debt. When it became known in Latin America, Africa and the poorest regions of Asia and Eastern Europe there was a real riot. This is a levy of 20 per cent of fossil fuels, not only oil but natural gas. It's a massive seizure of power - in the words of Ban Ki-moon - the establishment of world government! Two days ago he told the publication «LA Times», he would insist on establishing a world government. Here is a quote that guy in the interview and said: "We will force the world to establish control." This was always the main goal of the conference. ... Unfortunately, the globalists will still have achieved its main goal. Yes, they have been discredited, they are found cheating. In news around the world now say that Al Gore has made millions of dollars and intends to make billions that Soros intends to earn hundreds of billions in trading, which he controls. We now know that Obama owns part of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, which sells the carbon credits "(" Alex Jones: The revolt against the government of the world! ").

Thus, the world's "elite" with «HAARP» created a problem with the lack of ozone in the atmosphere, the responsibility for that deliberately assigned to the entire civilization, which, ostensibly, is to blame for this, and because of its industrial activities. In this way the world behind the scenes solved several problems at once: the use of masks and the climate of psychotronic weapons, which leads to inhibition of development of the areas where this weapon was used, and creates an additional tool for siphoning off resources, and establish control over the countries of the "third world". The ultimate goal - reducing the world population, the elimination of national states, control over resources, global management of all processes. RANS Nicolai Levashov says:


"All the hype(詐欺) of global warming, which does not exist, created to cover the use of climate weapons. A share from the previous abnormally hot summer in the country planned, including, and in order to ruin the harvest and sell us GM wheat. It is likely that the "climate impact" and again this summer. Get ready. "


Add to the above fact. On the eve of the heat in Russia in 2010 was put into orbit an American unmanned spacecraft X-37B, which can carry laser weapons and relay signals to be «HAARP». UAV was in orbit all the time the heat wave.

In fact, many residents of the territories of Russia, where the raging(猛烈な) fires last year, drew attention to the repeated oddity(奇妙な出来事): the fire arose in the night in places where there a state of emergency, which means that the forest was empty. There are eyewitnesses who observed an unexpected fire, that is, on level ground. Thus, a man was seen as a ray of "running" in the field, after which the field on fire ("Fantastic classified as secret. On climate weapons"). And yet - some of the "strangeness." In Kolomna August 8, 2010 workshop were burned design bureau, which has developed a missile complex "Iskander." In Nizhny Novgorod region only a miracle could save the nuclear center in Sarov, which closely approached the fire. These are just some examples of "selective" education fires near the strategic(戦略) centers of Russia.

The paradox of climate and psychotronic weapons systems «HAARP» at the moment is that its existence is known, and widely known, but officially its existence is not proven. Consequently, an unprecedented factors of these weapons is added uncertainty factor, which further increases the danger. Simply put, the cases of the climate and psychotronic weapons may be masked by natural phenomena or social processes. Some researchers distinguish climatic and psychotronic weapons in the new class - the weapon of global destruction that the strength of its impact not only comparable to weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, chemical and bacteriological), but also surpasses it.

Renowned journalist Tatiana Grachev in his book "The Memory of the Russian soul" quoted U.S. Secretary of Defense, former CIA director Robert Gates:


"Categories of war erased, and they can not be put in a tailored, individual boxes. We can expect that in future we will see more tools and tactics of destruction, from complex to simple to be used simultaneously in hybrid and more complex forms of war. "


Tatiana Grachev concludes: "Hybrid war room gives the military" fantasy "... In the conduct of unconventional warfare may be used conventional weapons and the means used in a conventional war ... As for the" other funds for mass destruction of the civilian population ", the climate weapon exactly and is thus a means. "

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