Magnificent Montague Errors

501110 01 Starring Role in Radio was actually Montague 501117 02 Aunt Agatha

First line - Agnes: Ok, Ok, Don't blow your top. The residence of Edwin Montague. Miss Lily Boheme. What? Mr. Montague? He's asleep.

510309 Gossip Column was 510901 Gossip Column (see below for differences)

510316 Diet was 51-08-18. Beginning says Saturday night broadcast. Ends says tomorrow hear New Theatre and NBC Symphony.

510406 022 Gambling was 510519 28 Big Ed McClune.mp3

51-04-20 Shakespeare on the Radio was 51-06-23 Shakespeare Under The Stars aka Culture in Brooklyn. 51-06-23 opens with the singing of Summertime

510609 Street Widening was 510602 PTA Show

510609 #031 Playing Shakespeare for the PTA s/b labeled #30 510602

51-06-16 Father of the Year was 51-07-28 Gwendolyn Visits. 51-07-28 opens with the mailman ringing the door. 51-06-16 opens with a committee deciding on a father of the year

510903 Gossip Column was 510901 Gossip Column

There are two separate Gossip Column shows from 510309 and 510901.

510309 version

00:35 I better get breakfast ready

00:41 Agnes sings: "My heart cries for you, dies for you" -

End says to tune in to Duffy's Tavern

510901 version

3:03 Well, I better get breakfast ready

3:10 (at the same point in the script as above) Agnes sings "Truly truly fair, he gets in my hair"

End says to tune in to Musical Merry-Go-Round