Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show Errors Page 2

46-11-10 101st Anniversary for Chase and Sanborn was 65-11-14 101st Anniversary Show

46-11-17 was 46-02-24 Tallulah Bankhead (Charlie goes to dancing school)

470125 Roy Rogers s/b 470126

470330 was 471130

47-05-07 was 48-10-17

47-05-25 #448 Getting Ready for Hunting Trip aka 47-04-06 Hunting Trip (also incorrectly stated as 47-05-09 by Stan Freberg in an intro to the show) reference a person dying in 1948 (during the Bickersons skit). The Bickersons were featured on the show in 1948 between October and December of that year, so the episode probably is from that period.

47/09/02 Jack and the Beanstalk is a duplicate of 47/09/21 Walt Disney

47/12/14 463 Guest - Gregory Peck s/b Guest - Gary Cooper

48-04-04 #479 Rudy Valee was a duplicate of 47-11-23 Guest: Carmen Miranda

48-04-11 Max Mason was repeated on 48-05-02 due to the April broadcast not being heard due to technical difficulties. The shows circulating as 48-04-11 are likely the 48-05-02 rebroadcast

48-10-17 #490 Don Ameche aka Charlie Breaks a Window Playing Baseball should be 48-05-09

49-12-11 Hoagy Carmichael was likely 48-01-18. According to theo (Gary Hart), once the move was made to CBS, The announcer became Bill Baldwin and Mr. Carpenter, Anita Gordon, etc were not mentioned in the credits in any other 1949 or later program except for this aberration. Hoagy Carmichael had also been the guest star on the program of January 18, 1948, at which time all of the supporting cast mentioned in the radiogoldindex description were present and the show was touring various High Schools and Colleges in the Los Angeles basin.

51/11/xx Marilyn Monroe is a duplicate of 52/11/09 Guest - Marilyn Monroe

53-02-01 Frankie Laine was 51-12-16

53-10-17 Lee De Forest was 52-10-19

54-12-26 Hopalong Cassidy was 49-12-25

551106 Norwegian Exchange Student was 551113

55/11/11 703 Charlie Dreams That He Visits Hell s/b 55-11-13

55/11/18 704 Charlie Wants to Be a Gossip Columnist s/b 55-11-20

560429 727 Rudy Wissler (or Guest Cecil Bonds) was 56-01-22 with guest Rudy Wissler and Cecil Zaun.

56-11-25 Guest Jack Benny is 55-11-27