Jack Benny Errors Page 8

Jack Benny guest appearances, specials and tributes:

Academy Awards Ceremony for 1943 (for which Jack Benny is a host) – the date of this broadcast is 44-03-02

Amos & Andy 53-02-14 Life Story Of Amos & Andy/25th Anniversary Program should be 54-02-14

Bing Crosby 53-12-12 – Guest Jack Benny should be 53-02-12

Burns And Allen 43-10-29 should be 43-11-02

Eddie Cantor/Pabst 48-12-17 is often really 42-11-25. 42-11-25 opens with: “Operator, this is Eddie Cantor” (I believe this to be the correct line for the 42-11-25 show as the sponsor is Sal Hepatica and so it can't be 48-12-17 as the sponsor then was Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer). Some versions of this show run a little short at around 25.45 minutes, missing out Jack and Eddie singing ‘Ida’ and further dialogue and a closing song from Eddie. The full version of 27.50 minutes exists.

Edgar Bergen And Charlie McCarthy – Jack Benny and W.C. Fields. The correct title and date for this are: The New Edgar Bergen Hour 55-11-25

Harpo 1944 - A Conversation With Harpo is an extract from Command Performance 44-06-17 (it occurs at around 15.34 minutes into the show)

Hollywood Is On The Air – Love Thy Neighbor 40-12-17. To distinguish this show from the other Love Thy Neighbor extras, the one I’m referring to opens with: “How do you do ladies and gentlemen, this is Ken Carpenter bringing you a preview of the film that every radio listener is waiting for, Love Thy Neighbor.” There are two versions of this show – the correct one lasts for around 14.02 minutes whilst the incorrect one lasts for around one hour two minutes and is the same show but padded out with both Jack Benny 42-12-27 and The Big Show 50-12-27 tacked on the end.

Pabst Blue Ribbon Town 45-10-03 should be 44-02-26

Tommy Dorsey/Raleigh Kool Program 38-07-28 Guest Jack Benny should be 38-07-20

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