Calling All Cars Errors

33-11-29 Sts Peter & Paul Church Bombing (or Lt. Hugh Crowley Murder) was 361022 #152 Trap to Catch a Mailman

33-12-06 (02) Burma White Case was switched with 33-12-27 Cookie Vejar Killing. Announces Episode 5 at beginning and end.

34-01-17 (08) should be "The Smashed Windshield" not "The Steele Kidnapping"

34-02-07 (11) should be "The Steele Kidnapping", not "The Smashed Windshield".

33-12-27 Cookie Vejar Killing announces show #109, but was probably 33-12-06 Burma White Case. It deals with Burma White but is a different show than #109, Moran Jewelry Robbery which also deals with Burma White

34/01/24    9 Case of the Three Grooved Bullets was switched with 34/02/14   12 The Times Bombing Case (show numbers given in the beginning of the shows)

340221 Mae West Jewel Robbery was 35/03/19. At the beginning the dispatcher announces that this is broadcast number 69, which was on this date. It was a re-broadcast of the 1934 episode. Also the program identifies itself as a rebroadcast and identifies the year as 1935.

34-02-21 Mae West Jewel Robbery was 34-01-31 Castor Oil Diamond Robbery

340515 Getty Kidnapping Case s/b 340516 Gettle Kidnapping Case

351201 Burglary Charges Collected s/b 351204

371005 Sirens in the Night was 370928 Crimson Crusader (announces as show #200, deals with dope ring in Reno)

Both Radiogold and Jerry H list Pattering Parrot as show #231 and Ruined Suspenders as show #233. Both circulating shows were identical. They were Pattering Parrot (man murders wife, parrot helps solve crime). However, the show gives the show # as 233 at the beginning and end. I have not found a valid copy of Ruined Suspenders to compare yet. Either the logs are wrong or the announcer gave the wrong number.

38-04-28 The Pattering Parrot was the same episode as 38-05-12 The Ruined Suspenders. See above.

381006 The Tearless Magadalene was 381013 The Blonde Paperhanger (announces show #255)

390310 (276) The $2000 bill s/b The Twenty Dollar Bill

390321 The Rope Bound Trunk s/b  390331 The Rope Bound Trunk

Calling All Cars   (xxx) The Trial Of Jack Weston s/b 390317 (277) Flight in the Desert