Casey Crime Photographer Errors

44-03-18 ep036 Casey and the Self-made Hero.mp3 s/b dated 47-07-17. This episode is sponsored by Anchor Hocking Glass, but in 1944 the show was sustaining.

44-06-10 "Photo Finish" is actually 47-07-24 "Photo of the Dead"

44/07/08 52 Self-Made Hero (1st Repeat of # 36) is 47-07-17 Self Made Hero

44-08-26 "Victory Garden" is actually 44-02-26 "Clue in the Clouds"

45-03-27 "White Monster" is actually 48-02-12 "Key Witness";

45-05-01 "Killer's Kid" is actually 48-03-18 "Murder in Black & White";

45-10-20 Cupid Is A Killer was Cupid Is A Killer 49-05-19 (Sponsor Toni)

46-01-07 ep124 earned reward was really 47/11/20 217 Earned Reward(Repeat) At the beginning they reference the Mountbatten wedding (Prince Philip and Elizabeth) which took place on Nov. 20 1947

46-02-25 - (31) - Graveyard Gertie.mp3 is actually 47-09-11 (Sponsor Anchor Hocking)

46-03-26 Buccaneer's Cove is actually 47-09-25 Treasure Cave

46-09-12 Graveyard Gertie s/b dated 47-09-11

46-12-12 #19 Dangerous Characters is actually 46-12-19 Christmas Shopping

47-01-09 Dead Pigeon was the 47-xx-xx promo show for Anchor Hocking sales meeting

47-04-03 The Girl on the Dock was 47-12-04 The Serpent Goddess

48-05-27 Ep241 Gun Wanted was Casey 500119 Ep326 Wanted-A Gun

48-07-08 "Old Joe" is actually 47-07-31 "Death in Lovers Lane";

From Dr. Joe (graybelt):

Casey, Crime Photographer fans have been somewhat stumped as to which

recording of "The Upholsterer" is the first broadcast and which is the

repeat. There are only AFRS versions of the show circulating. Each

show has a different AFRS announcement, so that provides a clue.

In 2007, episode #366 11/9/50, "Woman of Mystery," started to

circulate, and it appears to have answered the question. It is the

episode just before the repeat "Upholsterer" episode # 367 11/16/50.

So the way to identify the original and the repeat are as follows:

Episode #315 11/17/49: ends with "This is the United States Armed

Forces Radio Service" right after the last line of dialog.

Episode #367 11/16/50: the ending AFRS announcement includes the words

"starring Staats Cotsworth as Casey, came to you through the

facilities of the United States Armed...", as does "Woman of Mystery".