Jack Benny Errors Page 5

45-02-14 From Canada should be dated 43-02-14

45-03-11 How Jack Found Rochester is sometimes Grass Reek Fluff 12-3-50 which starts with a mention of Jack on TV and ends with the "grass reek" flub by Mary Livingstone. The correct 45-03-11 starts with "Ladies and Gentlemen, last week we intimated that it was raining here in sunny California."

45-10-21 Phil's Girls - Jack Dreams Of The Race Horse Texas Sandman was 2 different wrong shows. If it opens with "Plenty of Money and You" it is 36-11-22 Buck Benny Rides Again Pt 2. If it opens with "Ladies and gentlemen, last night Jack Benny was in Washington D.C." it is really 50-02-26 The Whistler. The correct 45-10-21 opens with "Ladies and Gentlemen, yesterday was the annual running of the Hollywood Park Gold Cup Race." or if it is edited "Now let's see. What do you think of Texas Sandman?"

45-11-04 Jack Is Sick In Bed After Being Robbed Of $10,000 is often replaced with Tire Trouble 11-25-45 which starts off with Jack and Rochester changing a tire. The correct 45-11-04 starts out with "And now ladies and gentlemen, we take you to Jack Benny's home in Beverly Hills, where we find Jack sick in bed suffering from the shock of last week's harrowing events"

45-12-25 Guest Louella Parsons should be dated 45-12-16

46-03-24 I Stand Condemned with Peter Lorre is sometimes I Was Condemned 1-19-47 with Boris Karloff. The correct 46-03-24 starts out "And now Ladies and Gentlemen, let's go back to last night and out to Jack Benny's house where the whole gang has gathered for rehearsal.

46-12-22 Christmas Party at Birmingham Hospital is sometimes 46-12-25 AFRS Special Xmas program. The correct 46-12-22 starts out "This is the Sunday before Christmas. Jack is expecting his whole gang and some of his old friends to drop in for his annual Christmas party. The AFRS special begins "Hello again, this is Jack Benny. Well the Christmas season is here again..."

47-04-13 Jack Fixes A Phonograph And Buys A Baseball Team is sometimes incorrectly from the Grapenuts Flake period and the incorrect version begins with the following line:

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, let's go back to Jack Benny's home in Beverly Hills where we find Rochester working, as usual."

The correct version of the 470413 show is a Lucky Strike show and begins with the following line:

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, let's go out to Jack Benny's home in Beverley Hills where we find Jack trying to fix his broken phonograph."

47-11-16 Cleaning Jack's Den is sometimes Jack is robbed of Ronald Colman's Oscar 3-28-48. The correct 47-11-16 starts out "And now ladies and gentlemen, let's go out to Jack Benny's home in Beverly Hills where we find Rochester tidying up Jack's den." The incorrect show begins "And now let's go out to Jack Benny's house in Beverly Hills where we find...hmm, must be something wrong here."

481107 668 Jack Hears An Echo - Sees Psychiatrist - had Dennis' song cut out (full version exists)

481121 670 Jack Tries to Reach His Advertising Agency - was only 19min15sec - AFRS maybe? (full version exists)

48-12-05 Professor La Blanc Gives Jack a Violin Lesson #672 was the wrong show. It should open with "And now, ladies and gentlemen, let's go out to Jack's home in Beverly Hills where we find.. uh oh there's something wrong... there's a crowd gathered."

48-12-12 Jack Tries To Relax At Home - Some copies are incomplete at only 22 min. A complete show exists.

49-01-30 680 Don Still Won't Sign His Contract was 49/01/23 679 Don Won't Sign His Contract (Jack locks Don in room & Barbara Stanwick is on phone). There is a very quiet copy of 49-01-30, but a louder copy exists. The correct 490130 begins with Dennis Day "I have to open the program this week because last week Mr Benny locked Don Wilson in the den..."

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