Jack Benny Errors Page 2

37-11-14 Buck Benny. If it starts with the band playing "Life Begins When You're In Love" you have 37-01-17 Buck Benny in Ensenada. The last few minutes of Buck Benny Ensenada will say it is the 16th show of the 36/37 season. 37-11-14 is thought not to exist.

37-12-26 Christmas Show. If it opens with "An Hour of Smiles and Town Hall Tonight" you have an episode of the Fred Allen Show. 37-12-26 is thought to not exist.

39-01-29 Jack Goes Into Training For Fight is sometimes switched with 39-02-05 Jack Challenges Fred Allen To Boxing Match. 39-01-29 opens with the song Jubilee. 39-02-05 opens with the song Just One of Those Things

How to distinguish between the two Dec. 17 1939 versions

39-12-17 Christmas Shopping (East Coast Version) – @2:45 “I didn’t mind that so much but I dreamt I was an ostrich and I woke up this morning with my head in the side pocket.” @18:36. "I thought you were somebody else." "That's what they all say".

39-12-17 Christmas Shopping (West Coast Version) –@2:09 “I didn’t mind that so much but Rochester charged me sixty cents an hour.” @18:20 "I thought you were someone else." "Oh, tell that to the Marines".

40-01-21 Gladys Zybisco is Discussed should open with "Night After Night." If it opens with Cheerio, it is 40-12-15 Jack Has a Bodyguard

40-04-21 From the Ritz Theater in New York should open with the song My Little Girl. If the opening song is Cheerio, it is 40-12-15, From the Ritz Hotel in New York

40-05-05 Clown Hall Tonight. 2 versions exist. On the West Coast version, it opens with an orchestra playing, then the announcer says "Very cordial greetings to you ladies and gentlemen" On the East Coast version it opens with "The Jello Program coming to you from the Ritz Hotel in New York City starring Jack Benny. The orchestra opens the program with "Oh Gee, Oh Gosh, Oh Golly. I'm in Love."

40-06-16 379 Father's Day may be 40-06-09 378 Vacation Plans. 40-06-16 exists.

40-12-15 From the Ritz Hotel may be 40-04-21 From the Ritz Hotel. See above.

40-12-22 Christmas Shopping often turns out to be an incorrect Love Thy Neighbor Christmas promo. The correct 40-12-22 opens with the song "Tooky(?)" and after commercials "And now, ladies and gentlemen, there being just two more shopping days 'til Christmas, we bring you that fugitive from Gimble's basement - Jack Benny."

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