Charlie Chan Errors

Deacon Jessup Murder Case is the same show as Chan Reports to Commissioner

The Frightened Sharaf (or Sheriff) should be The Frightened Shroff

In the program, Charlie is asked "What is a Shroff?" and he answers

"a moneylender". I scoured my dictionary and found: shroff \Shroff\, n. [Ar. sarr[=a]f.] A banker, or changer of money. [East Indies] not to be confused with she·rif also sha·rif A descendant of the prophet Muhammad through his daughter Fatima. OR sheriff - The chief law enforcement officer for the courts in a U.S. county.

Col. Willoughby Baffling Murder Mystery 1 of 7 same as 4 of 7; 2 of 7 same as 5 of 7; 3 of 7 same as 6 of 7

36-09-17 Baffling Murder Mystery Colonel's Son Is Murder Suspect 057 [1-7] was 36-10-08 - Meeting Gerald Willoughby's Plane [4-7]

36-09-24 Baffling Murder Mystery Simmon's Confrontation About Identity 058 [2-7] was 36-10-15 - Discussing Gerald's Alibi [5-7]

36-10-01 Baffling Murder Mystery Killer Has False Beard 059 [3-7] was 36-10-22 - Willoughby Won't Tell Name of Officer [6-7]

36-11-05 The Mystery of the Steamship Lacronia Cabin B-15 was 36-11-12 Dr. Fairbrother is Implicated. 1) The story sounds like it had already gone past show #1. 2) Dr. Fairbrother is implicated around 11:00

Charlie Chan 48-10-14 (xx) Prince Dimitri


Charlie Chan 48-12-09 (xx) The Missing Scientist.mp3

were episodes of Chandu The Magician