ODB Part 9: The End.

In order to end the war, the allied forces had to do what they did during the first OBS war, and that was to obliterate the galaxy.  Before the allies went through with galactic destruction, they launched a carpet bombing run across several enemy star systems to prevent anyone from repelling the bombardment.

Once the allies were certain that the opposition was weakened, galactic bombardment commenced.  Cool Guy's Raven class starship launched the initial barrage.

And the newly refitted Asskicker stopped by to deliver a final blow.

The galaxy that was home to the ODB war is no more.

It is unfortunate that very few images from this war survived, as it was quite epic.  The ODB war was a true successor to OBS.  Many members participated, battles were fought at a fervent pace, and the war started off with a bang.  These three things were missing in the second OBS war, resulting in something that was certainly less than spectacular.