OCG Part 02: Prelude to Total War.

As total war amongst the newer members approached, Primer sent out his Primerian First Recon Fleet.  What they will find, however, is complete and total destruction.

While late to what can only be called the Pecenipicek Pounding, Singh unleashes a world of hurt.  In the first part of the OCG war, Pecenipicek took the brunt of the pounding as three members continuously launched strikes against him.  Things would change later on in the war, but in the beginning, Pecenipicek was everyone's bitch.

Noticing a potential new threat, RJB launched a surprise attack on Singh.  This was not done to help Pecenipicek, but rather to cause more destruction.  This is how things work in the OBSverse.  Ultimately, it doesn't matter if the enemy of your enemy is your friend; everyone is fair game.

Singh's fleet, still in wireframe form (possibly a form of decloacking), takes direct shots from RJB's fleet.

Unfortunately for RJB, Singh's fleet fully materializes from its wireframe form and is unscathed by the attack.  RJB is this war's ambitious noob.  Determined to destroy everything and everyone he comes across, RJB will soon find himself taking on damn-near everyone.

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