OCG Part 08: The Assault on RJB

After RJB launched a massive assault on everyone, payback was in order.  When ClaysGhost's fleet was smashed by RJB's Terran Fleet, two surviving escorts ramped up their engines and initiated a ramming attack.  This is what happens when you don't destroy every single ship in a picture.

With their power cores set to go critical after contact, RJB's fleet was soon engulfed in a massive fireball.

However, a ramming attack was not enough.  The ships in RJB's Terran Fleet were larger, and therefor, all the odds of surviving such a move was in their favor.  The ships escaped unharmed and regrouped.  As stated countless times, posting an image of a giant fireball is not good enough as it allows the opponent to tell the rest of the story.  The technique that Cool Guy began to use was to crop the enemy's image so that it was just their starship and then map it as a texture to a flat object.  The next step was to split the object in half, apply particles, explosions, lensflares, and random polygonal debris, and voila! One destroyed ship!  The other side can claim that it didn't even scratch the paint all they want, their ship will still be in two pieces.

RJB hasn't forgotten about Pecenipicek and attacks one of his fleets.

As RJB's fleet of reinforcements are still en-route, they encounter the inevitable: their destruction.  One of Cpl_Facehugger's fighters goes on a suicide run, destroying the entire fleet as well as itself.  A small price to pay for such destruction.  As I said earlier, this type of picture was just asking for it.

Of course, when I said to destroy every ship in the picture, I didn't mean to include your own ship too.  Better to be safe than sorry, I guess.

To continue the attack on RJB, ClaysGhost attempts to destroy RJB's Terran Fleet once again; this time, he got it correct.  Showing the aftermath of the destruction in much greater detail, RJB was forced to concede their destruction.

Those are definitely pieces...

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