ODB Part 4: The Shuttle Menace.

In an attempt to eliminate Cool Guy's fleet of shuttles, Reaperman and Tron amassed a search and destroy armada in order to wipe them out; however, both Reaperman and Tron made a serious mistake: they only made pictures of their fleets and nothing else.  Going up against Cool Guy's squadron of shuttles would prove to be disastrous.

Once Cool Guy's shuttle squadron came across the armada, they made quick work of them.  Utilizing the superimposing technique, Cool Guy was able to swiftly render retaliation pictures against Reaperman and Tron.  Some considered this to be unfair and cheap.  It's only cheap.

As the shuttle established its dominance as the supreme power in the ODB war, more and more members started to make them the focus of their pictures.  Vertigo, one of the allied powers, began to amass a shuttle fleet to take out Imperial ships while the opposition began to actively target these pests in their pictures.

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