OCG Part 01: The Beginning of a Real War.

Continuing his streak of false starts, Kosh800 created the OCG thread in August of 2005 and asked what the latest version of Lightwave was.  Kosh's plan was to render an image that would crush Cool Guy.  That's right, Kosh's first action was one of inquiry!  Just like with the second OBS war, Kosh once again did not post any pictures in his first post.  This is not how wars are supposed to start in the OBSverse, and once again demonstrates Kosh's ineptness.  As Cool Guy stated in the thread, "This really has to be the saddest, most pathetic attempt of launching an assault that I have ever seen in my entire life."  After several members mocked Kosh's attempt at waging war, Kosh finally threw the first punch.

That's it? A Shadow Battlecrab firing its primary weapon?  No images of what's being destroyed?  Kosh boldly stated for Cool Guy to, "Live in fear, bitch.  Once I get my groove back, your Trek-loving ass is mine!"  Apparently, Kosh has forgotten how things work in the OBSverse.  Even though the war was started by Kosh, his participation was practically nonexistent.  Since Kosh unleashed a Shadow Battlecrab, there was only one way to respond to it: death by shuttlecraft.

Tsing quickly came to Kosh's aide and launched an Imperial strike on the shuttlecraft.  The retaliation had less to do with backing up Kosh and more to do with Tsing's hatred towards these overpowered shuttles.  While the start of the OCG war did not happen with the same intensity as the first OBS and ODB wars, it was off to a much better start than the second OBS war.

Soon after the start of the conflict, more and more members joined at an alarming pace.  Pecenipicek soon entered the war and pledged his to Cool Guy.  His first act of war was to launch a counter assault on Tsing's Imperial Star Destroyer.

As Pecenipicek launched his strike, Golar surprised him with a Death Star attack.  I haven't seen surprise attacks like this since the first OBS war.  Things were definitely looking good.

Unlike the second OBS war, the OCG war turned into a total war within a couple pages.  RJB threw his hat into the ring and targeted two groups: Tsing and Golar's imperial fleet and Pecenipicek.  Finally, a real war has begun.