OBS 2 Part 9: Endgame

Immediately after the destruction of the Idiot Shielding and Reset Button, Cool Guy launched his next attack.  This time, Cool Guy targeted Denix's homeworld, which was located on the other side of the universe.  With it's Zeus shield raised and weapons systems armed, the protected Earth locks onto Denix's flagship and opens fire.

The Divine Wind is sliced in two by the Protected Earth's unstoppable weapons system.

After a successful first strike, the Protect Earth powers up once again for a more devastating strike.  Targeting its galactic core, the Protected Earth overpowers the Ziaran's defense system and destroys Denix's Galaxy.  

After the series of these successful attacks were broadcasted, Laird officially declared, "First Ones: 1,000,000. Noobahs: -300."   However, despite this great victory, news began to arrive that Denix was able to gain possession of a deVoyagerizer and reverse its weapons system.  Instead of eliminating Intrepid Class starships from existence, it would populate the multiverse with billions of these indestructible ships.  Something had to be done, and it required the use of Cool Guy's Galactic Bomber.  Some suggested to Nuke it from orbit, but that was not enough as this required a far more powerful WMD: Weapons of Multiverse Destruction.  The Galactic Bomber locks onto every galaxy across every universe infected with Denix and the rapidly populating Intrepid clones and opens fire.

All is destroyed.

The war comes to an end and thank god for it.  OBS II became more of a chore than anything.  While looking through these pages it may not come across as unremarkable, the experience certainly was.  One needs to remember that while there are more images in this archive from OBS II than either OBS or the ODB, that is because it was a more recent battle and more of the images were still saved on everyone's hard drives.  There were significantly more images posted in both OBS I and ODB, but have been lost forever.  Thankfully, there would be one last war in the OBSverse and the series would end on a high note.