OBS 1 Part 4: A Galaxy's End.

Even though the allied forces defeated Kosh and HBMC in the Battle of Epicness, the entire galaxy was still engulfed in war and there was no end in sight.  There's an old saying when it comes to situations like these: "Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure."  The question is, can you nuke a galaxy?  In OBS you can, and here's how you do it:

1) Vacate all personnel. The allied forces called on all their ships, starbases, and planets (via planet movers) to leave the galaxy.  Yes, planet movers.  Everything is possible in OBS.  Get used to it.

Step 2) Nuke it from orbit.  Once the allied forces vacated the galaxy, a fleet of ships launch high-yield devices into the center of the Galaxy, destroying it.

Step 3) Relocate to a new galaxy.  While the allied forces believed that they completely eliminated Kosh, it turns out it takes more than galactic destruction to kill cockroaches...

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