Virtual Social Studies

The Virtual Social Studies Videos


By Meteo "Hellfuck" Archon

VSSV: Like ABBA (<---:-)!*)

As simple as computating 4 to the square root of 82.35 with several 40 Multiplied by 100

cogitations of Neurological-Consequential-Reaction while skipping to "I'm Not Worried"

Pretending to be Naked.

This will Teach you to Interact and even move the *COSMOS*, but you *Must* Commit to it,

for despite those Orcs and the nasty prickly bushes, that are nasty, and prick, and stuff,

these at first require Videos, a good Imagination, and "If at 1st U don't succeed, Try,

Try Again", but you'l somehow, at minerva-bruising, tsunami-worryingly slow speeds that

YOU *TOO* can interact like a Champ, Champing at the Bit, enjoying Laurence Welk's Champagne!

The Base Counting Steps of Two-Thirds of the Universe!

1: Start with something Normal.

2: Let things come to you, compare their worth to the "OK" Thing.

3: After several minutes. let notions of "Subjective" <--> "OBjective" be attributed

relatively between the two.

4: Let More Numerical Values represent "Shorthand" the forming things, Normal being 0,

Somewhat being 8, and Pretty being 40.

5: Take a look "From the Outside In" at the things, and their Numerical Value, with some

Mathematical tossing them aronud, if you are such a Vague Geekoid who loves Dairugger XV.

6: Now, Start With a fairly serene setting, like a Mall, with a Special Group Event, often

small, going on, notice a bunch of smaller tics and knick-knacks of all the people and objects

around them, and note their Quality.

7: Hang around, looking inconspicuous and quickly walking around, center the thoughts and

after several minutes, start interacting with people.

8: Keep Focusing on the Interactions, with other details of the people in the background

of you're conciousness, forcing anything and everything, like actions, reactions and

the quality of both sides'character to go up by at least a little bit, which will

take at least a couple tries, and that is at the BASICS of Exercise, Kiddo!

9: Have a look at some of the more bizarre items in the store, and try a new food or drink.

Casually listen, and keep rehearsing and reacting playfully to people, gradually exercising

your Brain and causing some insane fireworks and kinetics to go on.

10: Take the most prominent thing that you remember, and try, again and again to bring

it into sharp focus, to rehearse it and a few other things about the event until

something in your brain "Energizes", or something about your recall of the event

gets slightly stronger. Let your mind construct a few full sentences of exclamation

in response to this, ever observing. Truth Is A Pathless Land.

Special Events Table

Progress Through the Three for things to occur to pad out your simulated event, using a D10

Initial Salutations

1: We're Here at *Fye* (Hey, THEY *PAY* ME), and these new-fangled Mini-Anime Conventions are

an odd site. They're a little new, and quite frankly, I somehow got warm and tingly,

in a good way, when we got here, so here's to a good time tonight.

2: Two 21-year Girls seem happy to be here. They seem awfully happy to greet people.

3: A New Game has come out, and it's in the console/computer set up at the event.

4: You've gotten up early, and felt kinda odd, and chilly, yet somehow you've enjoyed the

serene, surreal beauty of the sunrise and fresh air. It's time to have fun.

5: An old friend of yours has appeared, and you two are happy to talk about what's changed,

and what you're doing here.

6: Someone Eccentric arrives in a weird costume based on an abstract, yet simple concept,

and he's especially cheerful towards you. He asks for a him and you in a Picture.

7: You strive to do well, and improve your interaction and memories.

8: You get unusually more articulated in wordplay and surreal imagery.

9: You don't do that great, but you *know* you can do better.

10: You feel great, despite the Department of Homeland Security setting up Disintegration

Chambers in the Mall and Airport, and people being drugged and disappearing for little


Insane Events that SCAR YOUR MEMORY

1: Insane Sexual Joke, sometimes predictable gets someone to stare at you shocked.

2: Someone playfully tries to hypnotize you, or pretend to be gay.

3: "I've Got a Can of DUFF." He tries it, and asks everyone else for a try, so see of you,

yourself wants one, or if there's an exception to what your code or diet or behavioral

problems normally regulate, allowing you to have it THIS TIME.

4: The Time rapidly goes by at insane rates, often zipping 6-8 minutes one moment,

only 2-3 minutes another, you being somewhat mirthful either way.

5: Some weirdo at the place appears to be an actual mad scientist, vampire, or Klingon,

and even the most Doubting Thomas element of your being finds this acceptable.

6: You play Calvinball with 3-6 other people.

7: At least Three Coincidences, or oddly fitting juxtapositions occur.

8: Some dude seems to be really slick, glib, and a party animal, and helps to turn your

life around.

9: You learn, NOT TO QUIT SOMETHING FULL TURKEY, but to severely reduce intake, being

moderately content.

10: You learn of something obscure, but not entirely unknown like Betamax, Manimal

and Gallifrey.

The Big Goodbye

1: Despite a few nasty fights, or someone overpartying, you are still kinda good off.

2: Things are kinda bland, but you don't mind, and vow to gave a better time next time.

3: You somehow still aren't moved by nasty Rumors toward Christopher Columbus and Bill Cosby.

4: You still are willing to try out new things, even when you stopped liking things that came

after you were 20.

5: You have a bizarre dream about some of the other guys, and this affects your behavior

next time, be it one of these simulations, or actual interaction.

6: You and your best mate guess as to the sinister background of someone there.

7: You have the strong feeling you're going to get Cancer/

8: You have the strong feeling you're going to get in Dutch for something you were only Kind

of connected to, the Crash after the High.

9: You have a great time, and with a line of text and a group photo, this goes into the Scrapbook.

10: You bust a gut at least three times, win multiple times in the Video Game and RPG sections,

make great friends with most of the other people, and have insane notions about being

elevated to Valhalla with this go. Your notion of reality is skewed, but somehow enriched.

With thanks to Judekhanzo and Rocker666006.