The Ultimate FASA and SFB FAQ

The Star Nations: Tech Development and History.

By Donald S. Miller and Meteo M. Archon



There are basically three types of "General" units: Typical, Civilian, and


Typical units are simply units that all races use: Auxiliary Minelayers,

Carriers, etc. It would probably be better if they were listed seperately

for each race rather than being included in the (R1) section.

Civilian units are those owned by a single person or group of people. In

non-aggressive, highly-advanced areas (such as the Federation) such units

are very common. The more militaristic and the lower the technology of the

home race, the less likelihood of Civilian units existing. Civilian units

are usually custom-designed, but most cannot stand up in combat to even a

frigate. Civilian units are versatile, so they can perform many functions.

Commercial units are owned by companies or a sub-race (such as the Vulcans).

These are usually better armed, travel in convoys, and have less variance

in design (all Commercial units of a company usually are very similar).

Commercial units are less versatile than Civilian units, as they are built

for one function and one function only. Local militia ships (such as the

Bajoran militia) can be quite powerful. For a time, there were attempts

to sell and field generic systems easily reformatted and available

to all the Star Nations, that would often be used to build Auxiliary

Carriers and Transport/Tugs. This has not been popular, and such

systems got retooled, put in places like the New New Aberdeen Starflight

Museum, or retired.


The Federation has a history of expansion. No known race (including the Borg)

has expanded so quickly (in terms of percentage) in such a short amount of

time. The following factors are key to the Federation's success:

1. Economics: The Federation, the ISC, and the Dominion all think in the

long term. Many other races (the Orion, Bolaar, and Ferengi being the

worst) usually grab what they can without considering the outcome.

Personal wealth is not a consideration in the Federation (since most

peoples' desires can be fulfilled with the available resources), so

the people tend to help others rather than themselves.

2. Research: The Federation spends more resources on research than other

races. Because of this, whenever the Federation had found itself in

a war (Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian) it had fewer ships but of higher

quality. The recent wars against the Borg and the Dominion, however,

the exact opposite is occuring.

3. High Morale: Personal freedom and fairness is very important to the

Federation. Under their doctrane, it is probably better to let a

criminal go if there is a risk of infringing someone's rights. This

gives the Federation part of it's "naive" stereotype, but it serves

its members well.

The Federation has a better ship-building than ship-modifying structure; an

existing design will be used with few refits until it is decommissioned.

This leads to many ships in the Federation who are "lagging behind": Many

0Xs/0Xl Federation ships were in service as late as Y180, even though new

construction ships were 2Xe. The Federation believed it was better to

decommission and build a new ship rather than modify an old one. Captain

Kirk found this doctrane to be most annoying. :) For some reason, the

Reliant-class is an exception to this policy; the Federation seems to love

making endless variants to this class.

At first, the Federation made use of the same Lasers and Sublight Atomic Missiles

that were in use for the last several decades, most notably against the Romulans,

Vegans and Hur'Q, many of the Member Races using these weapons, although the

Andorians preferred to stick to Drones with heavier warheads and more limited

Narrow-Guidence Targetting, and the Vulcans only preferred putting Particle

Beams of a particular type on their ships, usually in trios. In Y105, the Accelerator

Cannon was invented, which could propell missiles at either Warp or Sublight Speeds,

and add an additional charge to the missiles to enhance their damage, which

were power-consuming and quite mass-heavy, although they did keep Starfleet

Combat-Ready for a while, and after some minor skirmishes, and a small war

with the Kzinti and Tazzi, as well as investigating and clashing with the

Pirates of dubious connection to the Orions, they started being aware of,

and warring with the Klingons, finally developing Phasers and Photon Torpedoes,

and using them to more easily combat the numerically superior Klingon Forces.

These weapons were quite advanced, and coupled with the Federations general

economic and technical superiority, became the old reliables of Starfleet

for over a century, although in the 2370s, a new Torpedo Type, Quantum,

was developed that utilized a 0-point flux, which gradually became the primary

torpedo, and with the tremendous flexibility of hold area, holosystems,

and the versatile Customizer Weapon, which replicated many kinds of Energy

Beam and Pulse, introduced in the mid 25th Century, the Phaser was finally retired.


The Klingons were a very powerful military force until the destruction of the

moon Praxis in Y184. They began to evacuate their home-world, but even with

Federation aid they found the situation very difficult to deal with.

The chaos created by this incident made them ill-prepared for the ISC Conquest

of Y186. Instead of pushing back the ISC, they spent a considerable amount

of resources in hunting down and destroying the Seltorian 1st Tribunal.

To make matters worse, a computer technology experiment went terribly wrong in

a Klingon research facility, making the simulator race Frax into a rather

nasty Transversal-Virus (see (R51) below). The Frax were responsible for

the destruction of 20% of the Klingon forces.

None of these "enemies" (a blown up moon, a bunch of bugs, a computer virus)

were considered honorable to fight, and morale was low. It was then that

the Andromedan Invasion began. After 2 years of fighting, the Klingons

masterminded "Operation Unity" which led to the downfall of the Andros.

Ironically, it was limited Displacement Device technology that solved the

Praxis situation. After years of work, the Klingon-Federation effort

repaired the moon enough so it stabilized Klinzhai's orbit, making the

evacuation no longer necessary.

The Klingons have had conflict with the Cardassians (in one form or another)

for as long as they have known them. They have been annoyed with the

Federation's stance against the Cardassians: first they war with them, then

they form a treaty, then they battle with them over the Bajorans, then they

renegotiate the treaty forming the Maquis, then they war with them again.

They became so annoyed that they dissolved the Khitomer Accords in Y256

leading to a short series of Klingon-Federation battles.

The Klingons, after a short-lived of 40-50 years making use of Laser, switched

permanently to using only Disruptors, with the occasional Drone as weapons,

and while this was adequate, in the 2240s, examinations of captured Hydran

tech, and interest in heavily armed ships with more point defense and missile

firepower led to a series of Klingon Warships armed with Phasers, Disruptors,

and Drones, and while this was adequate, the Klingon Phasers never were as

advanced as their Starfleet Equivalent, and such ships became uncommon in the

2290s. a Decade of research led to Klingon ships being armed with Photon

Torpedoes, and the Klingon-Romulan Exchange of the Treaty of Smarba in 2267

led to some Klingon ships being armed with older RPL-1 Plasma Weapons,

and although only around 200 Klingon ships were equipped with Cloaking Devices,

they have since been common on nearly every Klingon ship in the 24th Century.


After the Khitomer Incident (Star Trek VI), the Romulans betrayed the Klingons

and broke off relations with all other Galactic races except for the ISC.

All through the 1X and 2X periods, the Romulans were slowly building up their

fleet so it could stand up to the more powerful races.

Certain younger Commanders in the Romulan Empire felt a need to fight, and a

combat occured at Narendra III in Y229, destroying the Enterprise-C and

putting a lot of heat on the Romulans from both the Federation and Klingon

borders. In Y230, a major change in government renamed the Romulan Empire

temporarily to the Romulan Republic, dedicated towards non-aggression.

The Romulan Republic succeeded in having the ISC join them in Y235, based

partially on their non-aggressive stance. With the ISC's help, they invented

a powerful secret police/spy force known as the Tal'Shiar to maintain order.

The Republic was forced to fight in Y240 when the Seltorian 2nd Tribunal

appeared and decided to attack everyone (Tholian or not). Even though the

2nd Tribunal was destroyed, many Romulan Commanders were not impressed by

the bureaucratic attitude of the higher officials. They sometimes acted

more like Vulcans than Romulans.

The Romulan Republic government finally failed in Y247, and the Romulan Empire

was reborn with the same governmental system as before (the Tal'Shiar was

kept as the only remnant of the Republic).

The Romulans again had conflicts with all of its neighbors. After seeing how

powerful the Federation and the Tholians had become, the only race they could

pick on was the Klingons, which they did until the Dominion became known.

The Romulans used both Lasers and a corkscrewing green plasma weapon called

a Drill Beam, used for mining, as Beam Weapons, and they had Atomic Missiles

which they sometime fired in special fragmenting clusters, making them deadly

in the Earth-Romulan War. Later Decades had the Romulans developing their own

Disruptors, using only them on ships for over 30 years, until they developed the

Plasma Torpedo in 2243, and studying Klingon Photon Torpedos in 2270 led to

their own Photon Torpedoes, and while Romulans of the late 23rd century

relied far more heavily on Plasma Torpedoes, due to improvements in Photon

Torpedo Warheads and Spread-Capability, they soon became dominent on many

Romulan Ships.


The Kzinti began an intense exploration effort during Y170, hoping to find new

territory. What they discovered was the outskirts of the Ferengi Empire, a

group of understandably paranoid (and property-poor) races. The Kzinti

turned back (fearing contact with the "dreaded unknown Ferengi Empire") and

then accepted the Federation's offer to join them in Y174. Seeing how well

the Gorn faired after joining the Federation in Y169 may have influenced

their decision.

The Kzinti continued to maintain a fleet to help protect their core systems,

as well as serve aboard Federation ships. The outer systems of the former

Kzinti Hegemony (most of which were populated by non-Kzinti) were released

under Federation protection. Since the Kzinti fleet was relatively small,

the ships were of much better design.

Without having to worry about a large military, exploration, or even economic

matters (the Federation took care of all of this), the Kzinti turned to

social problems within their own people. By the time the Lyrans joined the

Klingon Empire and effectively became the Kzinti's allies, the Kzinti did

not turn them away.

They had Lasers, and then Phasers as the only Beam Weapons on their ships,

and then in the 2240s, they developed their own Disruptors and used them

to supplement ships with Phasers and Drones, sometimes developing Disruptor

and Drone-armed ships.


After the General War, the Gorn did not like the way ship design was going.

The Gorn continued to build bigger and bigger ships (the standard SFB Gorn BB

is not conjectural in my timeline), but they were not faring well in combat.

X-ships were very delicate, and "smash until it works" technology simply did

not win the majority of battles.

The Federation was testing TransWarp in Y169, and when the Gorn Ambassador saw

how intricate the technology was, he knew it would be difficult for the Gorn

to duplicate.

When the Gorn officially requested help from the Federation with their ongoing

Romulan troubles, the Federation offered membership. The Gorn quickly

accepted, believing the Romulans to be now doomed. The Gorn were slightly

disappointed when their one vote on the Federation Council was not enough to

start a Federation-Romulan war.

Nevertheless, membership was found to be very profitable, and the Gorn never

regretted it. As a symbol of their gratitude and new friendship, the Gorn

suggested the first Federation Starbase in Gorn space be at Cestus III.

The Gorn (just as the Kzinti) still maintain a small fleet to defend their

own core systems, as well as serve aboard Federation ships. The outer 2/3's

of old Confederation territory was turned over to Federation administration.

The Gorn used X-ray Lasers and Atomic Missiles for decades, letting them lag

in favor of upgrading their Stardrives, and in the early 23rd Century,

Blaster became the new Gorn Beam Weapon, with both Photon and Plasma Torpedoes

being mounted on ships as Heavy Weapons. Two major Shipyards pursued separate

design philosophies, one being a boxy craft with 1-4 saucers on it and thick

wings holding the Plasma Weapons, the other being a wedge with nacelles attached

directly to the bottom of the hull, exposing the hardy Gorn to Radiation.

In the past, the wedges were shorter and fatter, and in the 2270s-2280s,

the Wedges changed to become longer and sleeker.


The Tholians became as reclusive as ever after the Andromedan Invasion.

Their only real contact was Ambassadors to each of the major races twice per

year. These meetings usually summarized to: "Nothing has changed. Leave

us alone". During the two Seltorian Tribunals, of course the message was

slightly different to the Klingon and Romulan governments, who provided aid

reluctantly (after seeing the rapid breeding of the Seltorians). They

signed a non-aggression pact with the Dominion in Y257, as they apparently

do not feel they are a threat. The Tholians have shown uneasiness towards

the Borg, the Andromedans, and the Masters, however.

Their engineering problems almost disappeared with the arrival of the 312th;

they were able to understand enough in the 312th's computer banks to make

construction facilities for new designs. The new designs (Neo-Neo-Tholians

if you will) took advantage of the physics of the Milky Way; known to be

slightly different from the Tholian Home Galaxy. Particle Cannons originally

did not work in the Milky Way when the original Tholian police force arrived;

they were replaced with Disruptors (a simple enough weapon to design).

Particle Cannons were "re-invented" using Milky Way physics, but since the

Tholians had been using Disruptors for so long, they were not very popular.

The Tholians did not invent TransWarp, in fact they have had VWARP-1 all along

but it does not work under Milky Way physics. The Tholians modified their

ships to TWARP from Y186-189, and then again to VWARP from Y233-235. This

gave them a large tactical advantage when dealing with other ships.

After slaughtering the 2nd Tribunal in Y240, the Tholians considered sending an

expedition back to their home galaxy. The plan was dropped when they

realized how developed the Seltorians could be, given their improvements

in the 2nd Tribunal (see (R15) below for description).

Note that the Tholians are one of the few races who have not expanded at all

for as long as the Federation has known them. Since the Tholians are always

building new ships and bases, their space is becoming fairly dense. The

Federation confirmed that the Tholians successfully constructed their first

(Milky Way) Dyson Sphere in Y252; it is rumored to be built solely from webs.

It was also about this time that slowly-moving webs were first observed,

making the legendary "moving Dyson Sphere" more believable.

Tholian technology is considered 1 tech level higher for purposes of avail-

ability to non-Tholians for Option Mounts and Ship Modifications, but not for

BPV. Thus, a 1X Orion could mount a 0X Web Caster. This penalty does not

apply to Seltorians. Tholians can learn the technology of Galactic races.

The Tholians used Particle Beams until they came to the Milky Way, when

they developed Phasers, and stole Disruptor Technology from the Klingons.

In the General War, the Tholians bought Photon Torpedo Technology from the

The Federation, although they still wanted the Federation out of their

territory (although still letting Gorn and Kzinti in to help fight off

Klingons, Romulans and Lyrans), using both Disruptors and Photon Torpedoes

on their ships as heavy weapons.


Over time, the Orions went into direct competition with the Ferengi and Bolaar

in the 24th Century, with many of the Cartels dwindling or being wiped out.

During this time, one of the most powerful Cartels, the Syndicate, absorbed

all but one of the remaining Cartels, and consolidated their resources,

becoming leaner and meaner.

Orions never developed a True Heavy Weapon of their own, although they put

Opt Mounts on some of their ships, modular slots containing targetting systems

Computer Link-ups, Power Cells, which supported nearly every heavy weapon,

and also Orions used both other races' Beam Weapons and their own lighter



The Hydrans were very weak after the General, ISC, and Andromedan wars, and

faded into the status of being a minor power by the 2X period. At that time

the Klingons were aiding the Federation in their war against the Cardassians,

and the Lyrans were busy reincorporating the LDR and having negotiations to

join the Klingon Empire. This allowed the Hydrans to develop UltraWarp

technology and stay at least a minor power.

The Hydrans quickly allied with the Bolaar when they met; the Bolaar were more

than happy to incorporate Hydran technology into their ships in trade for

not raiding Hydran supply ships.

Hydrans went from Lasers and Nova Cannons to Phasers and Fusion Beams in the

2230s, and radically changed their hullshapes, carrying Gatling Phasers and

Fighters since 2243, using the newer Hellbores since 2268.


After Operation Unity was completed and the Andromedans were finally defeated,

some of the remaining ships surveyed the Lesser Magellanic Cloud in search

of Andromedan construction facilities. Several incomplete Desecrators and

Devastarors were discovered, as well as Andromedan hulls that had the vague

silhouette of several Galactic Races. Federation, Klingon, Tholian, and ISC

-like Andromedan hulls were found. After studying their construction areas,

it is evident that the Andromedans were intent on copying many elements of

Galactic technology (indeed, Maulers were seen in action even before the

Andromedans were defeated). Since the laws of physics are apparently

different from galaxy to galaxy, presumably Andromedan bases were programmed

to study and adapt to local conditions.

A very sparse version of the Satellite Network was found heading away from the

LMC towards Andromeda Galaxy. The closest ten satellites were destroyed.

The Andromedans themselves seemed to always hide from Galactic probing, so a

Camaloid (a shapechanging race seen in Star Trek VI:The Undiscovered Country)

disguised itself as a Andromedan Boarding Robot in an attempt to go aboard

an Andromedan ship. The Camaloid succeeded, and after disconnecting itself

from a rather painful electrical outlet it found itself plugged into, tried

to explore the ship.

Andromedan corridors are very small outside of the large cargo areas; they are

only about 1/2 of an inch wide and about 1/3 of an inch high. The Camaloid

(who assumed the form of a small insect) encountered many small slime-like

creatures in the corridors. They were moving about using incredibly tiny

robots attached to their bodies (similar to the Nanites in TNG). After some

study, the Camaloid concluded the slime-like creatures had been dead for

hundreds of years; the tiny robots were simply following their programming

to move the creatures about.

There were small computer-like terminals all along the ceiling of the corridors

which the Camaloid studied. The computer was apparently organic in nature,

constructed from the same type of DNA as the slime-like creatures. The

computer was also quite insane, its "life essence" been killed and brought

back to life millions of times over the years by the robots. Part of the

consciousness of the computer, desperate to escape, entered the Camaloid's

body and dominated it. The Camaloid was then ejected into space as a virus.

The Camaloid was severly brain-damaged from the experience, several Vulcans

and Deltans were used to recover his most recent memories. The Camaloid

believed the Andromedans to be at first peaceful in nature. Some great

catastrophe caused them to die; only to be reconstructed again (at the

explicit orders of the robots). When they died again, the robots would of

course rebuild them again. The last thing the Camaloid felt before he died

was pity.

Rogue Andromedan ships are still in operation all over the Milky Way, but they

are nowhere near as numerous as they were. Since the Rapid Network was

destroyed, the Andromedans have no contact with each other. Thus, most

Andromedan ships in the Milky Way are now unique, since they have no set

pattern to copy.

OK, now some rules additions:

I allow Andromedan X-ships. After their defeat in Operation Unity many Andros

had to fend for themselves and improve (or be destroyed). Most Andro X-ships

are unique or near-unique.

Andromedan technology is considered 2 tech levels higher for purposes of

availability to non-Andromedans for Option Mounts and Ship Modifications, but

not for BPV. Thus, a 2X Orion could mount a 0X Displacement Device in a PO,

and it would be relatively cheap (only 18 Allowance Points).

Andromedans can learn the technology of other races at no penalty, except for

some phasers (only Ph-2, Ph-D, Ph-NR, Ph-ND, Ph-6, Ph-6D, Ph-WR, and Ph-WD),

shuttles (including fighters), shields, and disruptors.

Andromedan WARP and TWARP engines act as UWARP-1 when outside a galaxy.

Andromedans cannot dock with non-Andromedans (sorry if this is already a rule).

Andromedans, for reasons even the Andromedans themselves did not know, never

developed any Beam Weapon with a Max Beam Power higher than 4, except for

a few 6s and 9s.


The Lyrans were very quiet during the 1X and 2X periods. Their most hated

enemies (the Kzinti) had joined the Federation, and the Lyrans did not feel

confident in starting a war with the new Kzinti/Federation/Gorn government.

The Lyrans came into contact with the Cardassians a few years before the

Federation did, and formed a treaty with them. The Cardassians treated the

Lyrans as "loyal pets", an attitude the Lyrans did not appreciate.

During Y243 the Bajorans had begun a serious campaign against the Cardassian

occupation. The Cardassians found they could not deal with (1) the Bajorans,

(2) the current war with the Federation, and (3) an unknown force who was

destroying bases on the far side of Cardassian space. The Cardassians asked

the Lyrans to investigate the unknown force, fearing the attackers may be the

Ferengi or the Krebiz. The Lyrans agreed, and the small fleet encountered a

Borg Scout assimilating bases in this section of the galaxy. The fleet was

destroyed (some was assimilated) before being able to report.

This incident strained relations with the Cardassians, and the Lyrans formed

a very strong alliance with the Klingons, who were aiding the Federation in

the war. The treaty was so strong that the Klingons effectively took control

of the less efficiently-run Lyran Empire in Y246. The Lyrans still had a

local fleet (like the Kzinti and Gorn in the Federation), but it was never as

big as it used to be. Since the Klingons had a treaty with the Federation,

the Lyrans found themselves on the same side as the Kzinti for once. For the

first time in history, this situation did not seem so bad.

(Historical Note: The Borg Scout mentioned above continued on its survey; going

above Ferengi and Tamarian space then along the Federation-Romulan border

during Y248 (destroying outposts as it went). Since it moved so fast with

its HWARP engines, no race even tracked it as a ship. Continuing down the

border to the galactic edge, it eventually discovered the ruins of the

Andromedan Rapid Transit Network and left the galaxy to follow it.)

The Lyrans right from the beginning had Disruptors as Beam Weapons, and fit

their ships with ESGs starting in the 2180s.

(R12) WYN

As described in (the now-ancient) Supplement #2 from Task Force, the 2X WYNs

had a severe heat-spot problem. The WYN Cluster was deteriorating at an

alarming rate, and the WYN knew they would be without a home in a couple

of decades.

Many WYN left the cluster during the 2Xl period, forming gigantic caravans of

auxiliary ships. Many of the Galactic races saw no problem in this (the

WYN were not pirates; and after all the Usurper had been dead for decades).

The modifications the WYN had been performing for years (making the ships very

short ranged but effective in a quick fight) was now seen as a disadvantage.

Many of the ships were having maintenance problems and ended up docked to

each other trying to make repairs more efficient.

As the years grew on, when speed was no longer an issue, several of the

caravans became more or less permanently docked. The WYN incorporated pods,

freighters, scrapped ships, and even base components into their permanent

caravans. The caravans grew in size and looked like huge metallic cities in

space. They were dubbed "Link Caravans" and eventually most WYN ships who

left the dead cluster became of this type.

(R13) ISC

The ISC found themselves spread too far out after the Andromedan Invasion.

After a 2 year long campaign to recollect its forces and provide a suitable

defense for its home planets, the ISC found itself to be on the verge of

becoming a minor power.

Most races progressed through the 1X technology level in only about 5-10 years.

The ISC higher ranks seemed to be more interested in playing tactics and

coming up with better plans (to use their increasingly outdated technology).

Research was lagging far behind.

The ISC ended up copying new technology rather than invent it on their own.

The ISC stole plans for improved plasmas from the Gorns. The Far Side races

(most notably the Corporate Aggressors) gave the ISC new phaser types.

After a long debate on how the ISC could reestablish "order" to the galaxy,

and in order to gain TransWarp technology, the ISC hesitantly joined the

(then-named) Romulan Republic during the 2X period. The Romulans sense of

absolute order was appealing to the ISC, and since the Romulans were intent

on avoiding conflict with every other race, the situation was acceptable.

Being members of the Romulan Republic, ISC ships were fitted with Cloaking

Devices. ISC Captains became frustrated with the high energy costs of

Cloaks; it made disengaging actually more difficult in their opinion.

It was at this time the ISC finally invented something new: the Cloak Charge,

a cheap way of bringing up a temporary Cloak field long enough to escape.

The Romulans, who used the Cloak to stalk an enemy and observe rather than

to escape, did not appreciate the Cloak Charge and hardly ever used it.

The ISC member races used Lasers and Drill Beams, and many bizarre Plasma

and Molecular weapons, which all got replaced with Phasers and Plasma Torpedoes

in the 2200s. The first PPD was introduced in 2260.

The ISC also had two bizarre alternate copies of themselves, one with Proton

Torpedoes and Gatling Phasers, appear in the Simulators, purpose unknown.

(R14) LDR

Actual LDR space was reclaimed by the Lyrans after the Andromedan Invasion.

For several years (Y200-Y203), the LDR fleet scattered across known space.

About 25% of the surviving LDR ships rejoined the Lyran Empire without honor.

About another 25% migrated to the WYN cluster, only to find they had to move

again because of the heat-spots there.

The rest of the LDR ships became sort of a "rogue" sub-race, and operated a

small fleet out beyond Lyran explored space (near the Bolaar). They did not

have an established government until Y208; which is why there is a "gap" in

the Race Technology chart above.

Most Lyrans hated the LDR almost as much as the Kzinti; others understood their

desire for freedom. Eventually the LDR began a trade agreement with the main

Lyran Empire (some of the trade included actual Lyrans who wanted to defect).


A second Hive Ship (there is an SSD for it on my TNG web page) arrived during

the 2Xl period. Since the Seltorians knew there were Tholians in the Milky

Way, they simply openly attacked without trying to first get allies as the

1st Tribunal did. The 2nd Tribunal was destroyed in less than a year by

the Tholians and the new Romulan/ISC Empire.

The Seltorians of the 2nd Tribunal were slightly more evolved than the ones

of the 1st Tribunal. Apparently all males (fertile or not) live on to

become Sages in the "new" version of the Seltorians. The Tholians (who

originally genetically engineering the Seltorians) have claimed that the

Sages appear to be genetically modifying their own race.

The Seltorians of the 2nd Tribunal did not promise a 3rd Tribunal. Even if it

did occur, it would be at the earliest Y290 (twenty years after the current

season of DS9/Voyager).

The Seltorians use Phasers, Dual-Fire Particle Cannons, Web Breakers and Shield

Crackers. They haven't varied much throughout all of their history.


The Jindarians continue to expand away from the known Galactic powers as they

expand. This often causes the Jindarians to encounter other warp capable

races before the Galactic powers do. Because of this, the Jindarians'

ability to hide has improved over the years.

When a race tries to expand too quickly, they will frequently encounter some

Jindarian ships, who are fairly slow in terms of warp speeds. These ships

sometimes will trade unusual technological equipment.

Jindarians use Phasers and Railguns as weapons, unlike the Hassans, using

Railguns more as a Heavy Weapon.


The Ferengi have an unusual defense arrangement. About half of Ferengi ships

(usually larger ones such as the Marauder class) are military ships used to

defend the Ferengi core systems from outside attackers. The other half are

(usually smaller ships) owned by an individual for trade.

If a newly contacted race is of inferior technology, the Ferengi will provide

technology (of at least 1 tech level lower than their own) in trade for

whatever that race has to offer. They do this regardless of the what the

outcome might be; more than one war has ended by the Ferengi trading to

both sides until one side runs out of money.

If a newly contacted race is of superior technology, the Ferengi will try to

see whatever they can gain from that race, and then what they can trade for

it. The Ferengi are not above stealing or cheating if necessary.

Because of these policies, the Ferengi quickly gain a reputation for untrust-

worthiness. They also gain a reputation among lower technology races as

being very powerful; most races usually hear of the "great Ferengi Empire"

in hushed (or angry) tones before encountering them.

The Ferengi avoid war at high cost; they will sometimes pay just to have a

race's guarantee they will not attack them. The only race they have ever

declared war against is the Borg, and that's because everyone else did it.

Since an individual's wealth is considered more important than the Ferengi as

a race, there does not seem to be a danger of the Ferengi Empire trying to

take over the galaxy. They always seem to be able to fight among themselves.

The Ferengi sometimes use Phasers, among the myriad weapons they buy, trade or

steal, and they mainly use Disruptors, Opt Mounts for their alien weapons,

and use Static Torpedoes and Tractor Stasis Devices to immobolize ships.


The Cardassians have a long history of exploiting lesser technology races

(similar to the earlier Klingons). The Federation of course did not approve

of their actions and had a rather long war with them from Y242-Y244.

The Cardassians also had wars with the Bajorans, the Klingons, and the Maquis,

all within a 15 year period. They even had a rather large battle against

the Dominion in the Gamma Quadrant; those Cardassian ships (from the Obsidian

Order) were given cloaking devices and improved by the Romulan Tal'Shiar.

No other Cardassian ships had cloaking devices installed.

Facing defeat, they joined the Dominion in Y257, giving them a reasonable

chance of controlling most of the known Galactic races.

The Cardassians, like the Ferengi, sometimes use Phasers for their versatility,

but mostly they use two major variations on the Disruptor: Spiral-Wave

Disruptors that fire in multiple pulses with flexible arcs, and Disruptor-Wave

Cannons that function as their heavy weapon. They have had difficulty producing

more than a small number of Photon Torpedoes, and so only mount small-spread

launchers in small numbers on their ships for secondary use, and they have

experimented with Drones on a few of their classes, but similarly only

small numbers could be produced.

(R22) BORG

The Borg are only vaguely interested in our section of the Alpha Quadrant.

They first became aware of humans in the 21st Century, when a human deep-space

probe travelled through a black hole and entered the Borg home world's

system. The "V'Ger" probe was repaired by the Borg and sent on its way.

The Borg never knew how powerful the V'Ger probe eventually became.

The Borg attack every race they contact; sometimes a race will destroy several

Cubes before they are destroyed or assimilated. The more powerful races

(Q, the Masters, etc.) apparently get no amusement from the Borg. The Borg

are well aware this may eventually cause trouble, as the Borg are effectively

eliminating their "playthings". The Borg have attempted to solve this

difficulty by studying various powerful races, Species 8472 being an example.

Species 8472 was the first race in 100 years who posed a threat (the El-Aurians

with their Doomsday Machines were the last major threat). The Borg seem to

have slowed down their activities related to contacting powerful races in

favor of rebuilding the systems they do control. In a sense, the Borg have

taken on a "regenerating" policy until they can effectively strike out again.

Of the known races, the following cannot be assimilated (for various reasons):

Tholian, Frax, Species 8472, World-Fleet, Hoshan, the Masters, Organian, Q

The following races can be assimilated with great difficulty:

Hydran, Andromedan, Seltorian, most Monsters (Space Dragons, Sunsnakes, etc.)

Certain sub-races (Vulcan, Deltan, Changelings, etc.) also resist or cannot be

assimilated. Some other races (Xarian, Binar, Cylon, etc.) would be very

easy to assimilate (and may actually welcome it).

The Borg sometimes use the following normal weapons: Disruptors, Plasma Torpedoes,

Hellbores, EMT Torpedoes, as well as Cutting Beams, Feedback Pulses, Drainbolts,

and Holding Beams.


The Tamarians have appeared in only one Trek episode: "Darmok". They are a

powerful race, but have a rather small fleet. Since they are far away from

most of the other known races, they can afford to mind their own business

and attack only if attacked.

The communications problems associated with the Tamarians have been partially

solved: they now have "phrase translators" that convert their metaphors into

English (or whatever) sentences.

The Tamarians have non-aggression pacts with the Ferengi, Federation, Romulans,

Cardassians, Klingons, and WYN. Like other races, they have a constant

declaration of war against the Borg. Tamarian-Borgs can speak normally;

something the Tamarians dislike greatly.

Tamarians are heavy dual-beam users, using both Phasers and Disruptors in large

quantities on ships, somewhat stronger than the Type X (FH-23) on the Galaxy

Class EXA. They also have powerful Shields, Jammers and ECM.


The Elasi have eagerly embraced spaceflight once they were able to build their own

Warp Engines after trading with and learning from various other races, and soon

they encountered the Federation in Y148, and when a Lt SG James T. Kirk of the

Starship Farragut ruined the plans of Ies Breddell, Ivar Brendar and many other

ambitious and power-hungry Elasi on Vardaine, the Elasi swore revenge, and used

their new technology and shipyards to build a new fleet of ships to attack

Starfleet ships and NCVs and wage a war against "Federation Tyranny", which

was a convuluted series of boisterous propaganda tracks. While some of their ships

resembled archaic Klingon Frigates, and while some have actually assumed this,

the Klingons insistently deny it. The Elasi, after taking their old Warp-Targetted

Lasers with them into space, soon switched to Phasers, and developed Photon Torpedoes,

their ships being fragile, but nimble, sometimes relying on heavy torpedo armament.

The height of Elasi Raids was Y159-Y161, and in Y161 an infamous propaganda-propagator

named Cereth hijacked the Fleet Tug USS Masada in an attempt to force Starfleet

to release 18 jailed Elasi Criminals, later on that same year, the CA Republic

was reduced to a mangled hulk by the lone prototype, the Enterprise-2, an attempt

by the Elasi to go one step further than their own fleet, and have copies of

Starfleet Ships, the Romulans giving them Cloaking Devices in exchange for them

continuing to harass the Federation. The Enterprise-2 and two X-5 Storm-Class

FFHs were destroyed, and the Elasi never became more than a mere nuisence,

and when Starfleet fielded 1X ships, they started to hunt down and abolish

the Elasi Pirates, and being vastly overpowering, they destroyed the Elasi

Pirates in Y171, the remaining living Elasi being imprisoned or escaping to

Orion Cartels or into the Triangle.


Most of these small races, exist in a small cluster to the southeast of Romulan Space, the major

exceptions being the Dystressians, who like the Krebiz, operate near the Klingons, Kzinti and

Lyrans, and the Tristars, who are near the Cardassians and Tamarians. They typically use small,

primitive vessels, either 0Xe or 1 Tech Level below what the normal Trek Race uses at that point

in time, several using Phasers, albeit with minor variations, such as short-range intensive

focusing and pulsing oscillations, and constantly mounting them on turrets in the case of the

Dystressians. They often warred with one another, sometimes attacked the bigger Star Nations

who sent a Cruiser or Scout their way, other times eagerly tried to be friendly and negotiate,

hoping there could be an alliance, trading arrangements, or some advanced tech from these

larger neighbors, but unlike the Romulans, who benefitted from the more advanced tech, and

who assisted the Klingons in harrassing the Federation, there was little to nothing to gain

from allying with these diverse beings with petty squabbles.

Eventually, these races were absorbed by the expanding Romulan Republic in the 2350s,

who had also joined with the ISC. A few dozen ships left for the Triangle, or managed to join

with one or two WYN Link-Caravans.

(R102) HASSANs

The Hassans first made contact with the UFP and the Klingon Empire in the 2270s, and were more or

less eager to trade with them, and to play nice and trade with many other races.

They first encountered the Gorn in the 2240s, and when the Gorn took three of their new outer

colonies, they were enraged, and started constantly attacking Gorn bases and ships,

when the General War started, the Hassans were delighted at the opportunity to distract

and wear down the Gorn, and after they opened talks with the Romulans, they formed

a loose alliance to reduce and destroy the Gorn together, and as they forced back

the Gorn Fleets, and started taking out hundreds of ships, the Gorn had almost

entirely exhausted their resources and while this seemed like victory, the Gorn

joined the Federation, which frustrated the Hassans, because while they wanted to take out

the Gorn, they didn't want to, or could, start a war with the Federation, and so they

gave up, continuing to trade and act friendly toward many other races, developing new

technology like Quantum Torpedoes, furhtering their other tech, including their variety

of Heavy Weapons, and signing a Neutrality Treaty with the Dominion, although still

keeping a wary eye on them.


(A2) MAP (circa Y154, around the 0Xs time period)

Towards :::::: ::: ::::::::::: Towards

DOM :::: :: ::: : :::: :SCA: SCH : BOR

Space :: ::: : FER : : TAM: : :::::::: KAZ

:: :: ::: :: :: :: ::::: XAR : SAU

::: CAR : :::::: :::: :HOS::::::: Space

: ::::: ::::: :::::ZEA: :::::

:::: :::MAQ: :PAR: :::::: :SAT:

:::: ::::: :::::: :::::::: ::::::::::::HIS: :::::::

::::: :::::::: :::::: :DEL:BRI::::: :UPF:

:::::::: ::::::WYN: KZI : : :::::::::CAN: :::::

::::: KRE : ::: :::::: :: FED : GOR : :::::::::

:ARG:::::: : :: LYR : : : : : :QAR:::::

: :IND ::::: : :: :: : ::::: ::::::::: ISC :::::FLI:

::::: :MEC::: ::::: ::::: :ORI: : ::: :TRI:::::

:FIL:::::::::: :LDR: :: ::::: :: : :::::

:::::COR :CLY:::::::::::: KLI ::: ::: ROM : :BAR:

:VEK:::::::::: :FRA: : :::: : ::::::

:::::SCO :BOL: HYD :::::: ::::: : :: :::::::

################### :VUD: :SEL: ::::::::::::::::: :SHA: ######

################### THO : ######################

############ ####

: ::


: ::

A better looking (and with more races) map appears on my web page; there is a

3X map planned as well.

Key to Map:

### = Galactic Barrier ::: = Border

AND = Andromedan (R10) GOR = Gorn (R6) ROM = Romulan (R4)

ARG = Argonian (R42) HIS = Hispaniolan (R60) SAT = Sathar (R73)

BAR = Barbarian (R55) HOS = Hoshan (R80) SAU = Saurian (R28)

BOL = Bolaar (R45) HYD = Hydran (R9) SCA = StarCon All (R70)

BOR = Borg (R22) IND = Indirigan (R43) SCH = StarCon Hie (R71)

BRI = Britanien (R58) ISC = ISC (R13) SCO = Scorpead (R?)

CAN = Canad'ien (R59) KAZ = Kazon (R27) SEL = Seltorian (R15)

CAR = Cardassian (R21) KLI = Klingon (R3) SHA = Sharkhunter (R54)

CLY = Clydon (R47) KRE = Krebiz (R41) TAM = Tamarian (R23)

COR = Corp Aggres (R46) KZI = Kzinti (R5) THO = Tholian (R7)

DEL = Deltan (R57) LDR = LDR (R14) TRI = Triaxian (R53)

DOM = Dominion (R24) LYR = Lyran (R11) UPF = UPF (R72)

FED = Federation (R2) MAQ = Maquis (R25) VEK = Vektrean (R44)

FER = Ferengi (R20) MEC = Mechad (R48) VUD = Vudar (R17)

FIL = Filarian (R49) ORI = Orion (R8) WYN = WYN (R12)

FLI = Flivver (R56) PAR = Paravian (R50) XAR = Xarian (R82)

FRA = Frax (R51) QAR = Qari (R52) ZEA = Zeator (R81)



Timeline of the Eta Universe, some from SFB, some from FASA.

For the SFB Y-Count, Y1 = 2108 AD, +/-/x/dv as needed

1957: Sputnik is launched; -2Xe is attained

1969: Apollo 11; and first successful Moon Landing

1982: DY-50 launched, typical lifespan of these vessels is 30-40 years

1992-1996: Eugenics Wars, DY-100s are launched

2018: Advances in Sublight Drive; -2Xs is attained;

the DY-100 is retired, replaced by the DY-200 and DY-250 Class

2022: The Space Probe Nomad is launched by Jackson Roykirk

2030: The Ares I Mars Probe is launched, accompanied by five later ones

2036: The New United Nations is formed, later collapsing in WWIII

2044: WWIII Begins

2053: Asteroid Bases are formed, Timo Lassila Develops Subspace Sensors

2056-2059: Much of Earth is devastated by Nukes

2063: Zephram Cochrane launches the Pheonix; -1X is launched

2064: Galactic Survey Cruisers are developed for long-term surveys of several neighboring star systems

2065: S.S Valiant, a Charleston-class Galactic Survey Cruiser is lost

after being caught in a wormhole, and runs into the Great

Barrier on the Edge of the Galaxy, one Crew Member

developing godlike powers, and requiring the captain

to destroy the ship

2090: The DY-500 is developed, and sent on medium and long-ranged missions

2103: The Martian Colonies are established

2104: The Old Kings abandon their Mercenary races, including the Klingons

2105: More contact is made with the Tellarites and Rigellians

2112: Andorians Send a Colony Ship to a new colony site, proposed, Telheraim; the Klingons send primitive -2Xe capsules to the abandoned ships left by the Old Kings

2117: Zephram Cochrane disappears, the Humans and Andorians battle for a short period before the Vulcans and Alpha Centaurans negotiate peace between them in 2118

2118: The Imperial Navy is formed

2123: the D-1 is launched, the only Klingon Vessel armed with a Laser Cannon, woefully underarmed, and eventually replaced by the D-2 after an unsuccessful refit

2126-2129: First Kzinti-Hydran War

2128-2132: First Klingon-Lyran War

2130-2133: First Lyran-Hydran War

2144: Terra, Alpha Centauri and Vulcan launch joint probes and share data; - a milestone in the Federation's history.

2145: The Bison-class Transports are launched, among the largest Fusion-powered Warp ships developed.

2151: the Amarillo-class Heavy Cruisers are developed

2152-2154: A number of ships are attacked and looted by unknown vessels

2158-2161: Second Lyran-Hydran War

2156-2160: The Earth-Romulan War, M/AM Reactors are developed

2161: The Founding of the Federation occurs on May 14th of this year

2162: The U.S.S Daedalus, under the command of Makoto Takashi is the first vessel launched on a mission of exploration by the UFP, soon accompanied by the other Daedalus-class ships, as well as some of the incorporated member race ships and Province-class ships; Klingon-Hydran Incident

2163: Klingon-Hydran War

2164: The first named Shuttlecraft ar

ise in Starfleet use

2165: Sarek of Vulcan is born

2166: Romulans and Kzinti meet; Kzinti occasionally cause trouble for the Federation; Klingon-Vudar War

2167: The Daedalus arrives at Starbase 10, and is refit to Mk III specifications, with crew expanded from 96 to 229, stasis booths removed, and more sensors, laboratories and cargo areas added, as well as Warp Drive upgraded to an improved Warp 4.5 Drive

2170: Kavis Alpha II's explosion is recorded; numerous Colony ships leave in this, and the next six-year period

2172: The Daedalus's Stardrive hiccups, sending the vessel forward in time around 11 years

2174-2177: Klingon-Lyran vs. Hydran War

2178-2181: 2nd Klingon-Lyran War

2180: Cargo Transporter is invented

2183: The Perseus, Starfleet's First Warp 5 Ship is hijacked by it's captain, Jackson Archer, to attack Orion Bases and Colonies, the Daedalus is sent to stop them, in the process, Archer goes crazy, and the Perseus is destroyed, most of the crew being evacuated

2184: The Antares-Class is launched

The Gagarin-Class is launched

2186: The Tholians arrive, taking some newly established Klingon colonies, and destroying any attempts to reclaim them

The Sunsnake goes into the Paravian Sun, making it go nova

The Oberth-Class is launched

2188: The Klingons take Hydrax

2196: The last Daedalus-class ships are decommissioned

2202: 0Xe is developed

2203: the NCC-1000, U.S.S Thousandth Mile, is launched to celebrate a thousand vessels launched by Starfleet

2205: The Lancaster-class ships are launched

2206: The Tholians take Disruptor Tech from the Klingons

First successful Transporter test is conducted aboard the

U.S.S Remembrance

Kzinti Civil War

2208: Personnel Transporters are routinely carried

2209: First case of Transporter Psychosis is discovered on Delinia II

2210: Harry Kim's Uncle Jack sends a Hornet-Class Heavy Cruiser

to survey a star which turned out to be a new type of sensor


2215: Selcundi Drema fragments into an asteroid belt

2218: Disastrous First Contact with the Klingon Empire

2219: Richard Daystrom is born

2220: Accelerator Cannons are invented

2220: The Federation Aurora colony mysteriously disappears

2221: The Federation Starliner "The Celestial Queen" is boarded by Orion Pirates

2223: The Prime Directive is formed

Numerous periods of hostility with the Klingon Empire occur

until 2293

2224: Montgomery Scott is born

2226: Klingons conquer Beta Thoridar

2227: Leonard Mccoy is born

2229: Sarek and Amanda are married

2230: Spock is born

2233: James T. Kirk is born

2236: The S.S Columbia, NCC-507 crashes on Talos IV

Large Cargo Transporters are developed

2237: Spock goes through the Ordeal of Kahs-Wan

Hikaru Sulu is born in San Fransisco

2239: Nyota Uhura is born in the United States of Africa

An Immortal called Flint purchases a planetoid, Holberg 937-G

Emergency Transporters are developed

The U.S.S Jasokhe, conducts the first successful High-Warp

Tests, going as high as Warp 9.346, followed by years of

further research into warp, hull and FTL comm improvements

2243: Richard Daystrom invents Duotronics

The Louisiana-Class uses the first Duotronic Computers

2244: the U.S.S Pyotyr Velikiy is launched, first with Warp 7 Drive

The Cesario-Class is Launched, a mass-produced Scout Ship

2245: The Constitution-Class, the most famous Class ever launched

by Starfleet, comes online, ten new builds, three upgrades from

older Classes, one Sealance-CL, two Republic-CAs, first with

Warp 8 Drive, Subspace Communications, and more than one

Personnel Transporter, U.S.S Enterprise is launched under

Robert April

Hydrans seize Hydrax from the Klingons

2246: Kodos the Executioner orders thousands massacred due to

Food Shortage, despite supply ships arriving soon, at Tarsus IV

2247: Mining Equipment is replaced by newer models; facility set up

at Janus VI

2248: Loknar-Class Heavy Frigate is launched, designed by

Andorians, willing to develop a militaristic stablemate to the

Mostly exploratory ships being developed around that time

2249: The Second Nacelle, the first Orion vessel not of the older,

21st-22nd century navy, with two nacelles, is launched

The Hydrans develop the Gatling Phaser

2250: Enterprise switches command to Christopher Pike

2252: the Carlin-Class Heavy Escort, first in it's classification, with

around 22,000 mt of spare supplies, even extra shuttles,

and among the few vessels with aft-firing weaponry, is launched

2253: Leonard Mccoy develops a new neurosurgical technique

The Four Years War begins, between the Federation and Klingon

Empire; Klingons develop 0Xs tech a little earlier than the

Federation, however Federation's development of 0Xs helps

increase their tech advantage, and enable them to win the war

2254: Talos IV Incident

2255: Treaty of Armens with the Sheliak

2256: The Federation Wins the Four Years War; Klingons have to

spend the next five years rebuilding their fleets, in addition,

the new Phasers and Photon Torpedoes are introduced into

nearly every new refit

2257: Captain Pike orders The Enterprise's Phasers to blast a planet's

surface, to prevent the tech on it from ripping the entire

universe apart, soon leading to General Order 24

2258: U.S.S Coronado surveys Cestus III

2261: Enterprise is heavily refit; - Crew goes from 210 to 433

2262: Kirk performs a daring defense, and rescue of his own ship,

The Shaitan

2263: Christopher Pike resigns as Captain of the Enterprise, is reassigned to Training Command

2264: James T. Kirk is assigned as new Captain of the Enterprise

2264-2269: Enterprise is assigned on it's legendary 5-year mission

2266: Romulans break their first Isolationist period, and are seen,

via viewscreen, for the first time

2268: Klingon-Romulan Technological Exchange Treaty

Polaric Test Ban Treaty between the Federation and Romulans,

after Romulan Testing Base on Chaltok IV is destroyed

Enterprise and some other refits and new builds are the first

to get new 0Xl Tech

2269: The Elasi Pirate Clans increase their attacks on Federation ships

and bases, and receive some cloaking devices from the


Klingons introduce semi-carriers and Stasis Field Generators

Kzinti introduce new AASes and Fighters

June 16th: Enterprise completes it's five-year mission,

is sent to Drydock for Refit and Redesign, to experimental

1X Tech

2270: Sarek performs negotiations with the Legarans

2271: December 14th: TMP occurs here; the V'ger Incident

2272: The Battle of Klach D'kel Bracht

2272-2276: The Enterprise is sent on another 5-year mission

2274: S.S Artemis sends colonists to Tau Cygna V

Chandley-Class Heavy Frigate is launched

2275: Miranda-Class Light Cruiser is launched

2276: Soyuz-Class Patrol Frigate is launched

2277: Uniforms are updated from TMP to TWOK specifications

2278: U.S.S Bozeman disappears near Starbase 12

2279: Death of High Priestess T'pau, of Vulcan

2281: Saavik enters Starfleet Academy

2283: Brief Federation-Breen Conflict

Shorter, two-year version of the General War begins

Gorn build larger and larger, but still 0Xl ships, begin

to run low on resources and get pounded by the Romulans

and Hassans

2284: Gorn Join the Federation, to get help from their dilemma

Federation begins working on their first 2Xe ships

2285: ST:II and ST:III occur here

2286: ST:IV occurs here

Enterprise-A launched

2287: ST:V occurs here, in modified version, different from the actual


2288: Soyuz Class is retired, due to cumbersome, increasingly

outmoded tech, also, Federation and Klingons enter new war

O.P.C Hammerfield disappears, taken by the Masters

Kzinti join the Federation

2290: I.K.S T'Ong enters a sleeper mission

Hikaru Sulu is put in command of the Excelsior

2293: ST:VI; the Enterprise-A is retired

2294: the Enterprise-B is launched

2Xs is adopted by more Nations

2295: The Potemkin, Training Ship, is retired

2296: The Federation, Presidential Federation-Class Flagship, is retired

2297: Klingon Expedition reaches Ventax II

2296-2297: ISC temporarily separates major powers, are forced back

soon after

Romulan Civil War occurs here

2298: Andromedans begin their invasion

2302: Starbase 200 disappears in temporal anomaly

Andromedans are forced back

2305: Jean-Luc Picard is born

2308: Romulans begin to increase attacks on the Federation and

Klingon Empire

2311: Type A Warbirds, V-30s, and T-20s, attack A Federation Station

and several Federation Ships, causing thousands of deaths,

the Treaty of Algeron in 2312. and second Romulan Isolation

Period, although the Romulans spend large chunks of this

period conducting raids on the Klingons.

2314-2324: Romulan-Taurhai War

2322: 2Xl Tech is developed, coinciding with the Ambassador-classes'


2325: Vulcan-headed Design Team launch the Apollo-Class CL,

a smaller, more multimission-oriented vessel

2327: Picard is stabbed in the heart by Nausicaans.

2328: Isolinear Computers are developed, first to come from this

replacement of Duotronics, is the I-1 and I-2, the I-4, I-5, I-6

and I-7 are later developed in the 2330s-2370s.

2333: Picard begins to captain the Stargazer

2335: KDF-1 Vor'cha is launched by the KDF, a pioneer in combat

and tech, 2Xl and 3X

2338: Klingons develop the KDF-2 K'Mirra, using mixed L-24 design,

newer 2Xl Systems, and Federation Nacelles, Phasers and


2339: Constitution and Enterprise Classes are retired, with U.S.S

Yorktown being put into a museum

Lyrans join the Klingon Empire

2340: Worf is born

2342: Major research and development in tech occurs here, with

the first Holodecks developed, and the first Warp 9.25+

Drives developed here

2343: Research commences into the Galaxy-Class Heavy Explorer

2344: Enterprise-C is destroyed near Narendra III

2346: TNG Combadges are developed

2350: ISC Joins the Romulans

2352: 3X Tech is developed

2353: TNG Uniforms - 1st Season are developed

Jack Crusher dies

2355: Battle of Maxia

2356: Galaxy-Class is launched

2363: Enterprise-D is launched

2364-2370: TNG, Seasons 1-7

2367: Benjamin Sisko heads up the Defiant Project, and

Bob Doughboy restores the Camelot Project,

Pulse Phasers, Quantum Torpedoes, Ablative Armor,

Multi-layer Shields, and Tri-Cobalt Torpedoes are Developed,

This tech becomes more widely used in 2371-2373, and the

Federation becomes 4Xe

2371: Enterprise-D is destroyed

2372: Enterprise-E is launched

2376: Federation becomes 4Xs

2380s: Federation becomes the All Good Things Federation; of 4Xl

The Borg are totally eliminated

2400s: Holographic Communications become more routine, and the

earlier Slip Drive ships of 5X come online

2420s: The Federation splits into the Coalition, a more unstable,

fundamentalist TNG Federation-esque group, and the Allied

Worlds, a more suspicious, shrewd, Free Trading and

Diplomatic Group

2460s-2480s: The Coalition develops 6Xe tech, the Allied Worlds

has some newer 5X, and many older 2Xs-4Xl ships

2490s: As the Coalition and Allied Worlds are feuding, the True Ones

of an ancient Advanced Tech-Psi warfare, enter through a hole

in the Great Barrier, and begin to take over parsecs.

The Enterprise-J disappears

2500s: The Enterprise-K is launched, TFD occurs from here to 2506.

2510s: The Coalition and Allied Worlds discover Extragalactic and

Magellanic Clouds Nations, and soon they unite, into the

United Federation of Galaxies in the 2520s, Attaining 6Xs

2800s: The Federation attains 7X, Time-Travel, VGR Timeship etc.

3200s: Federation 8Xl Ships, such as the Istari-class, use Realitywarp

and Snark/Boojum Torpedoes

3600s: The final Federation Ship, of 9X, Memorial-class, U.S.S

Enterprise, N.C.C-1701-Z is in service, and abandoned,

left as a monument of existence... and of discovery.



1. Energy Allocation

2. All ships declare speeds; self-destructing ships do so now

3. Impulse Procedure (repeat 10 times)

A. Each player rolls for Initiative, see (B2)

B. Movement (going from lowest initiative to highest)

C. Impulse Activity (transporters, tractor beams, shields, etc.)

D. Seeking Weapons Launch, those from previous Impulse resolve, see (F1)

E. Direct-Fire Weapons Fire (must fire HB before other weapons)

F. Post Combat (Seeking Weapons hit, Explosions resolve, etc.)

4. Damage Control

Within each substep of Step 3, effects are Last In, First Out (LIFO), just

like the game Magic: the Gathering. Players may declare response actions

to actions taken by other players. When all is declared, the actions

occur in the reverse order they were declared.

You can declare each ship function or a box's usage only once per chain of


Example: Ship A has it's shields down.

Event 1: Ship B declares using a Tran to move a Boarding Party to Ship A.

Event 2: In response, Ship A declares raising shields.

Event 3: In response, Ship B declares using a different Tran with another

Boarding Party to Ship A.

Ship A cannot declare raising shields again, as it has already done so.

At this point, Ship A and Ship B "pass", so now the events resolve in

reverse order:

Event 3: The (second declared) Boarding Party arrives on Ship A.

Event 2: Ship A's Shields raise.

Event 1: The (first declared) Boarding Party doesn't Transport (seeing that

Ship A's shields are up), but the energy to the Tran is still there and

could be used later in the turn.



This is pretty simple; all players roll a 1d12 each impulse, the ships for each

player move in order from lowest initiative to highest. There is no modifier

for tech level; they have enough of a speed advantage to compensate.

Alternative: All movement each impulse is simultaneous. Each player writes

down his planned movement at the beginning of each impulse, and when everyone

is ready, all ships move at once. This can lead to some amusing situations.



This replaces the standard 32 impulse system as a faster way to resolve combat.

Movement: For each ship, divide its speed for the turn by 10 and round down,

call this number X. Each impulse, that ship can move from X-1 to X+2 hexes.

For example, for speed 24, you can move any number of hexes from 1 to 4.

Subtract that number of hexes from a running total, when you are reduced to 0

hexes remaining, you can no longer move that turn. If you have movement

remaining at the end of the turn, there is no effect (the movement of course

does not transfer to next turn).

If you wish to move less than the minimum for the impulse (for example, if

the speed 24 ship wishes to move 0 hexes on an impulse), you still spend the

minimum number of movements (even though you didn't actually move them) as

sort of a "braking" cost.

Unplanned HETs are easy; just spend 5 movements.

This rule allows speeds above 31; there is no need to have this artificial

limit. Note also that firing opportunities will be lost: e.g. ships may

close from range 6 to range 1 in a single impulse. The belief that ships

will always have every firing opportunity when the ships are moving at Warp 3

has always seemed strange to me.

Timing Adjustments: Because of the 10 impulse system, some adjustments need

to be made. Shuttles are inactive for the impulse they are launched; they

can act normally starting with the next impulse. PPDs fire all of their

pulses in a single impulse. ADD/Drn-G can fire any number of ADDs in a

single impulse.



How to Play STCS: A Beginner's Guide For Dummies

A: IF you have this, roll for initiative, whoever rolls lower goes first.

1: Power Allocation

2: Take turns doing Movement and Firing Phases three times.

3: Repair Phase, roll to attempt to repair Engines, Weapons and a specific weapon

or Critical.



The Box Scales

x.1: Microbox, for highly detailed shuttles and early spacecraft

x0: Normal, almost every ship prior to 3X uses this

x10: Megabox, 3X ships of TNG and up use this

x100: Superbox, the Borg and more advanced eras like TFD use this

x1000: Godbox, some far future ships use this

x10000: Planetbox, 120,000 or so of these make up a block of 100 miles

x100000s: DemiPlanetboxes, hundreds of these make up a moon

x1000000s: Super Planetboxes, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands

of these... and you have a Planet, V'Ger and the Galactic Empire's

Artifical Planets use these

X[]: Customboxes, each one represents a different unique number of boxes per SSD



Tech Levels


-2X: Inner-System or Orbital (Chemical) ships, such as the

current-day Space Shuttle.

-1X: Sublight (Impulse) ships, used in the old Romulan War.

0Xe: Early Years; you see a lot of Ph-2's and non-overloadable

heavy weapons here.

0Xs: Standard Tech; before the Y171 refits, the Ph-1 is invented,

overloads are invented. This is the time of the original

Star Trek series, and of most of standard SFB.

0Xl: Late Tech; after the General War. Many of my late tech

designs have semi-1X tech, such as 2 point batteries.

1X: First Generation X-Ships; the time of Star Treks I-IV;

Ph-5 (a replacement for Ph-1) is invented. Ships such

as the Reliant are 1X. Most ships have 3 point batteries.

2Xe: Second Generation (early); the time of Star Treks V-VI;

TransWarp, multi-power APRs (such as the AXR) are invented.

The Enterprise-A and the Excelsior are 2Xe ships.

The "Trade Wars" of old SFB Expansion #2 uses 2Xe ships.

2Xs: Second Generation (standard); this is the first half of the

nebulous time between old and new Star Trek series. The

Enterprise-B is 2Xs.

2Xl: Second Generation (late); era of the Cardassian War. The

Enterprise-C and the Stargazer are 2Xl.

3X: Third Generation; also called the Next Generation. UltraWarp,

Holodecks, the Collimated Ph-7, and much more was invented

here. The Enterprise-D and most ships in ST:TNG are 3X.

4Xe: Fourth Generation (early); Star Trek: First Contact and recent

events in the two TV series (Deep Space Nine and Voyager) take

place during this time.

Pulse Phasers (Ph-9), Quantum Torpedoes, "Clean" UltraWarp

(that doesn't damage space at high warp) and other things

are invented here. The Federation is 4Xe at the current time

in Star Trek history.

4Xs: Fourth Generation (standard); Most Dominion ships (including

the Breen) are this tech level during the Fed-Dominion War.

4Xl: Fourth Generation (late).

5X: Fifth Generation. The Borg and some other nasties are 5X.

You start to see weird things (Time Travel, Solid Neutronium

Hull, Teleporting Phasers, etc.) here.

6Xe - 6Xl: Sixth Generation. Star Trek: Voyager has a couple of 6X races.

A lot of the technology deals with Phasing and Time Continuum

issues, combat does not seem very interesting as one side

gets pummeled in a single impulse while the other side is

being completely immune. It's almost like playing

"Paper, Rock, Scissors" sometimes.

7X: Seventh Generation. Ships are generally either very small

(Size Class 6) or very large (bigger than Size Class 0).

Destroying entire solar systems and hopping galaxies is

commonplace here. Indeed, the Galactic Barrier at the

edge of the Milky Way Galaxy is a huge 7X Shield left over

from an ancient Psionic War between galaxies long ago.

8Xe - 8Xl: Eighth Generation. People don't seem to use ships at all

anymore by this tech level, they blink around and do things

by thought. They may use individual tools, or have a

physical domain that can be visited by others.

The Prophets/Pah Wraiths from DS9 and V-Ger from Star Trek I

are 8X.

9X: Ninth Generation. Truly ultra-powerful beings such as Q and

the Masters are 9X.


Tech Level Sum Multipliers

These give you the simplest of ideas how proportioned the TLs are compared to each other.

-2Xe: x0.1

-2Xs: x0.25

-2Xl: x0.33

-1X: x0.5

0Xe: x0.75

0Xs: x1

0Xl: x1.5

1X: x2

2Xe: x2.5

2Xs: x3

2Xl: x3.5

3X: x4

4Xe: x4.25

4Xs: x4.5

4Xl: x4.75

5X: x5

6Xe, 6Xs, 6Xl: x5.25

7X: x5.5

8Xe: x6-7

8Xs: x7-8

8Xl: x8-9

9X: x9-12


Types of Warp Engine

Warp Type Tech BPV Explanation

SWarp 0Xe 3 SemiWarp, no Disengage by Acceleration or "Going into Warp"

Warp 0Xs 4 Warp, the normal run-of-the-mill warp engine.

TWarp 2Xe 6 (old) TransWarp, can move 1/3 of full movement on any given

impulse instead of using standard movement tables

UWarp 3X 80 UltraWarp, can move any amount of your movement on any

given impulse

VWarp 4Xe 200 Clean UltraWarp that doesn't damage the fabric of space

HWarp 5X 400 HyperWarp, what TNG and Voyager call "TransWarp"

PWarp 6Xe 1000 PhaseWarp, you are out of Phase as you travel

TimeWarp 7X 20000 TimeWarp, can travel through time as well as space

RWarp 8Xe 50000 Realitywarp, can travel through time, space and realities

LoopWarp 9X 60000 Loopwarp, can access all zones, parts of one's past,

and create, alter and destroy dimensions, continuums,

and enable fusion and fission with states of matter

and dimensional planes; - the United Federation of Galaxies

used this for over two hundred years alongside RWarp

HVWarp ?X 5 Hoverwarp, used on Flivvers and other Simulator Ships

TXWarp ?X 6 Triaxian Warp, has Three-Way Movement

BWarp 2Xs 8 Burst Warp, enabling ships to make 'jumps' of warp movement

The Tech Levels vary greatly, for example the ships of Star Wars The Phantom Menace

use HWarp but they are only 2Xl.

There are other faster-than-light travel methods besides warp, these include Propel

and Slip-Stream. Details on such things can be found in the various rules packets.


Any ship may declare to ram another ship at the end of movement if they occupy

the same hex. A die is rolled with the adjustments listed below. If the

result is "1" or less, the ships have rammed.

Obviously, a ship can ram only other 1 ship per impulse, even if there are

multiple ships in its hex. A ship cannot attempt to ram and dock in the

same impulse.

If rammed, each ship takes one-half of the explosion strength of the other

in damage to the appropriate shield (treat this as if the ramming ship was

a drone or other seeking weapon). Note that my explosion strengths in (D5)

of these rules are much higher than the standard SFB ones. If using standard

explosion strengths, apply double the standard explosion strength instead.

Ramming ship is 2 or more turn modes better than defending ship = -2

Ramming ship is 1 turn mode better than defending ship = -1

Ramming ship is 1 turn mode worse than defending ship = +1

Ramming ship is 2 or more turn modes worse than defending ship = +2

Ramming ship is speed 20 or more faster than defending ship = -2

Ramming ship is speed 10 to 19 faster than defending ship = -1

Ramming ship is speed 10 to 19 slower than defending ship = +1

Ramming ship is speed 20 or more slower than defending ship = +2

Defending ship wants to be hit = -6

Ramming ship controls a tractor link on Defending ship = -4

Defending ship has no warp engines (e.g. a base) = -3

Defending ship is being held in a (non-related) tractor beam = -2

Ramming ship has rammed Defending ship before in this combat = -1

Either ship is Hull Size 1 or larger = -1

Either ship is Hull Size 5 or smaller = +1

Defending ship performed an HET or Warp TAC this impulse = +1

Defending ship is nimble = +2

Defending ship is cloaked = +3

Defending ship controls a tractor link on Ramming ship = +4

Terrain in same hex (e.g. asteroids, small moon, etc.) = +6


(E2) WARP TACS (OPTIONAL RULE: even for my play-style)

This is different from "normal" SFB Warp Tacs.

The idea here is a 1 hex-side HET, with a lower move cost and breakdown chance.

Any ship may (during Movement phase) spend 3 movements to turn his ship towards

any adjacent facing (i.e. if he was facing direction "B", he could turn to

face directions "A" or "C").

The ship does not actually move, it just changes facing.

This may be done even before turn mode is fulfilled.

Only one such "Warp TAC" may be used per ship per impulse.

The turn mode is set as if the ship had just completed a normal turn, so he must

fulfill his turn mode as per normal.

A breakdown roll must be made as if the ship made an HET, but with a +2 bonus,

so ships with breakdown ratings of 5-6 or better never break down from this.

Author's Note: I admit I don't like this rule all that much, as it benefits

fast ships and makes turn modes mean less. It is fun in non-serious games

(like White Hole), but I can't recommend it for extended campaign play.

I think the bonus/penalty to the HET roll (for both this rule and HETs)

should be based somehow on the number of hexes remaining needed to fulfill

the current turn mode requirement. I'll give it some thought.



Ships may "go into warp" during a scenario. This is different from the warp

movement used in SFB; which is the maximum reasonable speeds combats occur.

This is the same as "Disengagement by Acceleration", but this expands upon

the idea presented in the standard SFB rulebook.

The decision to go into warp is made during Energy Allocation, and is announced

to the other players before the first impulse.

You add your new speed to your speed of last turn; i.e. if you were moving

speed 20 last turn and allocate speed 25 when going into warp, you are now

moving speed 45. The following turn, if still moving "at warp", you would

add more allocated speed to the 45, moving even faster.

You are not required to allocate movement when moving "at warp"; you can drift

at high speeds, not accelerating at all. Even though you aren't spending

energy in the normal SFB sense, you are still expending fuel (not covered

in SFB).

You are limited to a speed equal to N*T, where N is the number of warp boxes

your ship has, and T depends on the type on engine you have:


T : 5 10 20 30 50 100 1000 10000

Thus, the Enterprise-A, which has 50 TWARP, is limited to a speed of 1000.

Note that movement cost does not factor into this calculation, so small ships

such as frigates have a low maximum speed but accelerate to that speed very


In the shows, there is a measure of speed called "Warp Factor". The definition

of warp factor changed with the first season of The Next Generation.

The relationship is as follows:

SFB Speed: 1 8 27 64 125 216 343 512 729 1000 1331 1728 2197

non-TNG Warp: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

TNG Warp: 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5

SFB Speed: 2744 3375 4096 4913 5832 6859 8000 9261 10648 12167

non-TNG Warp: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

TNG Warp: 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 9.75 9.875 9.9375 9.96875

Ships that are 1X or lower technology cannot have shields up while going into

warp. 2X ships can have "minimal" shields, and 3X and higher technology can

operate full shields.

When moving at warp, a ship suffers a penalty on to hit rolls equal to its

TNG warp factor. Other ships fire at the ship with no penalty. Thus, moving

at warp is used mainly to escape, not for attack.

Gravity Wells cause distortions in warp fields, creating Wormholes (such as in

Star Trek: The Motion Picture) and other hazards. Thus, it is common

practice to not go into warp if within 1000 hexes or so of a planet.

It is possible to move faster than your maximum warp speed. Each turn, during

Damage Control phase, roll a Breakdown with a penalty equal to the number of

TNG warp factors you are above maximum speed. If you suffer a Breakdown,

you take 1 internal per TNG warp factor you are travelling, and must roll

another Breakdown. If the second Breakdown roll fails, you drop out of warp

and suffer a "normal" Breakdown as described in (C6.54), along with the

possibly of Tumbling.

A ship can exit moving at warp during any Energy Allocation. The ship drops

back into "normal" SFB combat time and moves normally. The ship can re-raise

shields during Impulse Activity of Impulse 1.



DF (Directly Front) = The row of hexes directly in front of the ship.

DR (Directly Rear) = The row of hexes directly behind the ship.

LQF (Left Quadrant Front) = The hexes that both FH and LS can hit (90 degree).

RQF (Right Quadrant Front) = The hexes that both FH and RS can hit (90 degree).

LQR (Left Quadrant Rear) = The hexes that both RH and LS can hit (90 degree).

RQR (Right Quadrant Rear) = The hexes that both RH and RS can hit (90 degree).

[arcX]-[arcY] = The hexes that arc X can hit except for arc Y

(e.g. 360-DR would be all hexes except DR).

T[arc] = Turret arc (can move 1 hexside per impulse)

(e.g. TFA is Turret Front Arc)

Note about shield damage: We always play in the case of a "shield junction"

(if firing at a ship at range 2 that is not along a hex row, for example)

the defending ship gets to decide which of the facing shields is hit.

All damage that impulse must be taken on that shield. Note this is option 3

under part C of (D3.43) of the rulebook, except it is always in effect.

This rule makes ambiguous situations much easier to deal with.



This system is designed as an alternative to (D4.0) Damage Allocation.

The basic idea is that all hits from one weapon are resolved on the DAC with a

single dice roll, giving the feel of a ``directed'' hit. The system also has

the effect of greatly increasing play speed.

When a ship receives internal damage, all damage from each weapon is resolved

with a single dice roll on the DAC. The attacking player rolls and records the

damage for each weapon separately and does not combine the damage into one total

for allocation purposes. When all of the weapons of a volley have their damage

rolled, then each weapon's allocation is resolved separately and in the same

order they were rolled. If Super-Aegis (D8) is being used, all of this record

keeping is unnecessary. Two dice are rolled and the DAC is consulted:

(E4.11) If an "Underlined" result is obtained, take 1 internal to that system

(if possible) and proceed to the next column. "Underlined" hits are refreshed

every time the dice are rolled (not every volley), so the "Phaser" hit on line 4

is hit every time a "4" is rolled, not just the first time.

(E4.12) If a ``Non-Underlined'' result is obtained, take as many internals as

possible of that type until either (1) all damage is resolved or (2) there is

no more of that type of system in a grouping (D202.121). In case 2, proceed to

the next column on the DAC.

(E4.121) Define a "grouping" as a set of boxes that physically touch on the SSD

(so the Federation CA has two "groupings" of Forward Hull, each with 6 boxes).

Damage allocated with a "Non-Underlined" result can only be applied to one

grouping of that type. The ship's player decides which grouping is hit.

The current grouping of a type may be switched from dice roll to dice roll.

(E4.122) Items of a different type in the same grouping (e.g. different option

mounts; having fighters and shuttles in the same bay and receiving an

"Any Weapon" hit) are considered different groupings even though the boxes

physically touch.

(E4.13) If an "Excess Damage" result is obtained, take 1 point of Excess Damage

and roll dice again to allocate the remainder of the damage (if any). If the

damage is to be allocated to "Cargo" or "Repair", treat it as a hard hit versus

those systems, then allocate the 1 point of Excess Damage before rerolling.

(E4.14) For accounting purposes, it is good form to say how much damage is

remaining in a hard hit before proceeding to the next column. This makes keeping

track of how much damage has been taken and how much there is to allocate easy.


Certain weapons require special rules for hard hits:

(E4.21) DRONES: A spearfish drone that strikes and does two sets of damage (due

to the shield being too small) would still allocate using one dice roll.

(E4.22) PLASMA TORPEDOES: An enveloping plasma allocates seperately for each

shield that is penetrated. If two plasma shotgun F-torpedoes stike the same

target (e.g. if a shuttle docks to a ship and both have F's targetted at them),

each would be resolved seperately.

(E4.23) PHASERS: If a phaser fires several pulses (Ph-G, X-phasers), each

pulse is considered a separate allocation.

(E4.24) HELLBORES: Allocate separately for each shield that is penetrated.


The 2 internals from a breakdown is resolved as one roll.

Feedback damage is resolved as one roll for each weapon.

Most natural effects listed in (P0.0) are resolved as one roll.


A Federation CA at range 1 hits an undamaged Klingon D7K's front shield with a

full alpha strike (why the D7 would allow such a thing is not debated here).

The D7 has no reinforcement and there is no EW shift. The Fed player sees that

if he rolls and allocates the phaser damage first, he has a chance of destroying

the D7 (due to the 16 point photon internals) or at least blowing off a warp

engine. He also notes that if he rolls and allocates the photon damage first,

the many phaser hits will probably roll "Underlined" hits and strip the D7 of

many weapons. He decides to roll the photons first, then the phasers

(Note: he could split the weapons however he likes, alternating photons and

phasers for example, but I'll keep the example/tactics simple).

His photons automatically hit, and he rolls 4,5,3,2,1,2 for the ph-1 and

5,4 for the ph-3, making the damage 4x16, 4,4,5,7,8,7,4,4 in that order.

Photon #1 strikes Shield #1 reducing it to 14 boxes.

Photon #2 strikes Shield #1, drops it, and does 2 points of internal damage.

"10" is rolled, destroying the LF+L+RR Ph-2 and the secondary hull's Trac.

(the D7's player chose where to allocate the damage)

Photon #3 rolls "7", destroying 0 Cargo, 4 F Hull, 2 Btty (not all 3 because

they are in different groupings), 0 C Warp, 2 Shtl, 2 APR, 4 Lab,

1 Ph-2 RF+R+LR, and 1 R Warp from an "Any Warp Engine'' hit.

Photon #4 rolls "4", destroying 1 Ph-1 FX, 2 Tran, and 13 R Warp.

4-point Phaser rolls "2", destroying 1 Bridge, 1 Scty, 1 Sensor, 1 DamCon.

4-point Phaser rolls "8", destroying 4 A Hull.

5-point Phaser rolls "3", destroying 1 ADD, 1 Ph-1 FX, 2 Imp, 1 L Warp.

7-point Phaser rolls "4", destroying 1 Ph-1 FX, 1 Rear Hull, 1 Tran, 1 R Warp

(blowing it off), 2 Imp, 0 Full, 1 A Hull.

Note: Still allocate underlined hits on "4" even though we rolled it before.

8-point Phaser rolls "11", destroying 1 Disr, 0 Ph's (none in arc), 1 Imp

(yes he had it on-line), 0 R Warp, 9 L warp.

7-point Phaser rolls "3", destroying 1 Drn-B, 0 Ph's, 0 Imp, 5 L Warp

(blowing it off too), 0 R Warp, 1 A Hull.

4-point Phaser rolls "3", destroying 1 Drn-B, 0 Ph's, 0 Imp, 0 L Warp, 0 R Warp,

1 A Hull, 0 Shtl, 1 DamCon, 1 Btty.

4-point Phaser rolls "3" (contrived example :) ), destroying 0 Drn, 0 Ph's,

0 Imp, 0 L Warp, 0 R Warp, 0 A Hull, 0 Shtl, 1 DamCon, 0 C Warp, 0 Lab,

1 Btty, 0 Ph's, 1 ExcDam, rerolls "4" and destroys 1 Tran.

Note that we have allocated 77 internals with only 12 dice rolls and 12 "going

across the DAC" runs, and the result the similar to what you would get if you

rolled them seperately (the D7 is gutted :) ). In actual practice this system

saves (in my experience) about 15 minutes game time for each size class 3 ship

that gets blown up in a scenario, allowing MUCH larger battles to be run in an


Additional Note: It is possible to mix "hard hits" and "soft hits" (normal SFB

allocation) depending on the weapon fired - such as making all Torpedo-type

weapons hard hits and all Phaser-type weapons soft hits. This further

increases the "flavor" of each weapon, so a Ph-1 "feels" like a different

weapon than a Phtn.



I have been using a slightly modified version of damage allocation for several

years now, which has been working very well. It allows for unusual situations

and for non-standard amounts of crew casualties to occur.

Instead of 2 six-sided dice, a single twelve-sided die is rolled. On a result

of "2" to "12", the standard DAC is consulted. On a "1", use the following:

Row A B C D E F G H I J K L M

1 Crew Crew BrdP Crew Crew BrdP Deck Crew Crew BrdP Deck Pass ExcD

Crew = Crew Unit

BrdP = Boarding Party

Deck = Deck Crew

Pass = Passenger

ExcD = Excess Damage

All of these entries all "underlined", meaning they are not hit more than once

per salvo (unless using "Hard Hits" above, then it's once per "1" result).

Thus, if seven "1" results are rolled during a salvo, 4 Crew Units, 2 Boarding

Parties, and 1 Deck Crew would be hit. If the ship had no Deck Crews, an extra

Crew Unit would be hit.

Because of this rule, my group (of course) does not use standard crew losses.

This rule allows for no crew casualties, or for a lot, depending on the luck

of the dice. Note also the following:

1. Ships will be able to take slightly more damage than in standard SFB, as

the crew are now soaking up some of the damage.

2. Certain ships (such as frigates and freighters) are sometimes vulerable to

large crew damage, actually putting (G9.42) Undermanned to use.

3. Sensor, Scanner, DamCon, and control space hits are now more common.



One of the immediate (and fortunate) consequences of using hard hits is that the

concept of "Selective Targetting" is much easier to implement. The idea is that

the attacking vessel wishes to select certain areas of the opposing ship in order

to disable certain systems or to capture his ship.

(E5.1) PROCEDURE: When the attacking vessel declares an attack, he may declare

some of his weapons to be using "Selective Targetting". He writes down for each

such weapon a target and number from 2 to 12 that corresponds to a row on the DAC.

If (D8) Super-Aegis is being used, these written notes will not be

necessary (which saves time).

Selective targetting may only be used on direct-fire weapons, with the possible

exception of an "intelligent" Swordfish drone (+1/2 payload space, +4 BPV ?).

(E5.11) The entire SHIP receives 2 points of natural ECM for each target and row

combination he has written down.

The number of weapons using this combination is irrelevant, and using that

SPECIFIC target and row combination later in the turn does not add more ECM.

If a new target and row combination is used, 2 more ECM is applied. This ECM

applies to all weapons on the ship (using selective targetting or not) that

fire at Size Class 5 or larger targets.

This ECM may be countered with ECCM up to the ship's EW limit.

If using my EW system, replace each 2 ECM with a +1 to hit penalty, which may be

ignored using Brdg or Flag. The penalty is bigger, but easier to counter.

Example: A Klingon B10 is firing at two Federation CAs. He selects 4

disruptors to use selective targeting on CA #1 row "2"; 4 disruptors on

CA #1 row "12"; and 2 disruptors on CA #2 row 3". Because he has selected

a total of 3 target and row combinations, he receives 6 ECM (+3 to hit in

alternate rules) with all of his weapons except those that fire at

shuttles or seeking weapons. He may use any of those combinations later

in the turn with other weapons and he will not be further penalized

(i.e. the "Gunner" is looking at CA #1's "Bridge" and "Auxiliary Control"

area, and keeping an eye on CA #2's drone rack launcher).

(E5.12) Internal damage from that weapon does not roll on the DAC, instead it

automatically is applied to that row of the DAC.

If hard hits are NOT being used but this rule IS (which could lead to some

oddities), only the first internal from that weapon is resolved using the DAC,

the others are determined randomly (I don't recommend using this rule without

also using hard hits).

(E5.13) If the Excess Damage level is reached, the "lock" on that target and

row is lost, but the 2 ECM is not countered. Any further damage from that

weapon (after the 1 ExcDam hit) is rolled randomly.

Further weapons using that target and row combination the same impulse are now

rolled randomly, as the lock has been lost.

The lock cannot be bought again until next impulse. The purpose of this rule is

to prevent players from using selective targetting for the sole purpose of

generating ExcDam hits and destroying the enemy ship quickly. PPDs have an

exception to this rule, see (D6.22).

(E5.2) Some systems require some adjustments to use this rule:

(E5.21) Because of their nature, hellbores fired in the normal enveloping mode

cannot use selective targetting. Direct-fire hellbores could use it.

(E5.22) PPD pulses never lose their "lock" on a target and row combination as

long as the PPD wave lock is in place. Exception: see (D6.24).

(E5.23) Web fist cannot use selective targetting.

(E5.24) If using Tactical Intelligence, Level F (Coarse Weapons Discrimination)

must be reached before using selective targetting. If not using Tactical

Intelligence, the target must be within a number of hexes equal to the firing

ship's sensor rating times three. The ability to use selective targetting is

lost if the target goes beyond this range.

(E5.25) Super-intelligent computers and legendary weapons officers would have

only 1 ECM per combination instead of 2. (+1 to hit per 2 combinations if

using alternate EW rules)

Author's Notes: Selective Targetting is wonderful for the Orions rampaging

freighters, as they can avoid the valuable cargo being hit. This system does

lead to more uncontrolled ships (and mutinying Klingons), which is annoying.

I believe the problem lies with using the standard DAC with this system.

The DAC could be changed so it takes "areas" of the ship into effect.

If this were done correctly (after ExcDam the table would tell you a range of

nearby connected rows to go to next), we could eliminate (D6.13).

This seems very plausible considering that most Galactic races keep their

systems in the same relative positions to each other (every race except

Lyrans has a phaser near the bridge, for example).

These "areas" on the revised DAC could also replace those awful ship diagrams

in the Marines module.

I'll work on it a little and if it does indeed work, I'll post it.

One thing is certain: I'm moving control spaces further down so they're not so

easy to hit.



I believe explosions should be larger than those portrayed in SFB. After all,

how many times has Scotty commented on how big of a bang the old Enterprise

would make if she went up? :)

There is an entry labeled "Explosion Strength" on my SSDs. This lists the

amount of damage an exploding ship does to units in its hex. For each hex

of range beyond that, divide the strength by 4, rounding down.

For example, if a ship with an explosion strength of 100 is destroyed, all

units at range 0 take 100 damage, all units at range 1 take 25 damage, all

units at range 2 take 6 damage, and all units at range 3 take 1 damage.

If the explosion is hitting a shield junction, the defending ship may choose

a different facing shield than the one used for direct fire that impulse.

This rule is used for both exploding and self-destructing ships, except that

a self-destructing ship has the option of doing no explosive damage (called

a "controlled low-yield destruction") if desired.

If you need to calculate the explosion strength of a ship, add up all original

internals on the "main body" of the SSD, ignoring various crew and tracks, then

add on Excess Damage and 1 for each track (Sensor, Scanner, DamCon). If the

ship has any "indestructible" boxes on the Sensor, Scanner, DamCon tracks, add

them on as well. For example, a standard Fed CA (no refits) has an explosion

strength of 97 (42 in the saucer + 46 in rear hull + 6 ExcDam + 3 for tracks).



EW is one of the more complicated rules in "real" SFB, but (along with Mid-Turn

Speed Changes) will cost you dearly if you don't know them.

These rules simplify EW. ECM and ECCM are not used, the only adjustments are

in full +1 die shifts.

These rules also expand EW to include range shifts and more systems.

Here we go:

A SpecSen may be used for 1 energy on a target (you may target yourself).

All units firing on that target have a +1 TO HIT penalty. (see below to counter)

Multiple SpecSen's may be used on the same target, making a bigger penalty.

Each SpecSen may be used only once per turn.

If the target fires any weapon not hit on "Phaser" results on the DAC, he

loses the benefit from 1 SpecSen for each such weapon fired.

A SpecScan may be used for 2 energy on a target (you may target yourself).

All units firing on that target have a +1 RANGE penalty. (see below to counter)

Multiple SpecScan's may be used on the same target, making a bigger penalty.

Each SpecScan may be used only once per turn.

If the target fires any weapon not hit on "Torp" results on the DAC, he

loses the benefit from 1 SpecScan for each such weapon fired.

To complete the pattern: SpecComm is blinded on weapons other than "Drone",

but they don't provide penalties, they mess up communications. See the ship

system list for info.

A SpecSen may be used (for 1 energy) to blind 1 other SpecSen's effects.

A SpecScan may be used (for 2 energy) to blind 1 other SpecScan's effects.

An S (*#) box may be used in either SpecSen or SpecScan mode.

If an effect is blinded, it is irrecovably GONE and removed from play

permanently. It does not come back if the thing blinding it is destroyed,

or for any other reason.

A SpecComm may be used (for 3 energy) to blind every SpecSen and SpecScan

effect within 10 hexes. This effect has no duration, i.e. it only blinds

the SpecSen and SpecScan currently being used. Ships may operate SpecSen

and SpecScan normally beginning with the following Impulse.

A C (@%) box or a Control space with a "%" in it may be used as a SpecComm.

Ships may use their Bridge boxes to ignore a +1 to hit or range penalty, but

just for one ship (the ship with the Bridge box). This does not blind the

entire effect, just the effect for him. It also applies to only 1 target.


Flag boxes can ignore a +1 to hit penalty, but can use it for someone else

instead of the ship with the Flag box.

Sky boxes can ignore a +1 range penalty, but can use it for someone else

instead of the ship with the Sky box.

Remember that Bridge/Flag/Sky do not actually blind any effects, they simply

allow someone to ignore it. The effect lasts for the rest of turn, or until

the control space in question is destroyed.

Here's an example that covers most of what I've discussed. It may seem

complicated, but it *is* actually simpler than real EW, and it covers a

lot more ground (as far as variety of effects) than the original.

Four ships are fighting: Ship A and Ship B vs. Ship C and Ship D.

Ship A and Ship B are each using a SpecSen to generate a +1 to hit penalty

for ships firing at them.

Ship C uses a Bridge box to ignore the penalty on Ship A.

Ship C still has a penalty versus Ship B.

Ship D does not benefit from Ship C's Bridge box, and has a penalty on A and B.

Ship C has a Flag box, and could use it to counter his penalty on B, or to

counter Ship D's penalty on A or B. He decides to counter Ship D's penalty

on B.

Ship A fires a Photon Torpedo, blinding 1 (and the only) SpecSen effect on his


Ship C does not suddenly get a to hit *bonus* versus Ship A because he already

ignored that effect; he fires as normal. There are no ways to get bonuses

with these rules.

Ship C lost his Flag box from that Photon Torpedo, and now Ship D has a penalty

on Ship B again (he is no longer ignoring it).

Ship C activates a SpecComm box, and Ship B's effect is blinded (he was within

10 hexes).

Ship C is then destroyed, but Ship B's effect does not come back. There are

no ways for effects to come back with these rules.



Damage Control is done at the end of turn, after the 10th impulse is over.

Damage Control costs no energy to use. You don't need Labs, either.

The cost of Repair for each system is usually equal to its PV (seen in the Great

List of Systems on my web page).

Thus, a Photon is 5 PV (for BPV calculations), 5 Opt Allowance (for Orion Option

Mounts) and 5 Repair points. What could be simpler? :)

Notable exceptions to the "Repair equals PV" statement:

Tech level multipliers are not included; a 2X Phtn is still 5 Repair.

Crew, BrdPrt, Deck Crews, and all other crew types cannot be repaired.

Shields are 1 per box.

ExcDam is 2000 per box.

Armor is 15 per box.

C Hull is 1 per box.

C SWarp is 2 per box.

C Warp is 4 per box.

C TWarp is 6 per box.

Weapons repair as if they had a 120 degree arc; i.e. a multiplier of x1.

Hasty Repair Options:

Control spaces can be repaired as generic Control (for 2), which has no

function other than controlling the ship.

S (*#) can be repaired as a SpecSen (for 10) or SpecScan (for 15).

AWR can be repaired as an APR (for 2).

Btty can be repaired to a lower capacity (for N+0.5, where N=Battery amount,

minimum repair cost is 1.5 for N=1).

Impulse can be repaired as APR (for 2) or AIR (for 2.5).

Warp can be repaired as AWR (for 3) but not APR.

Heavy weapons (such as HPHTN) can be repaired as the non-heavy version.

Ph-1, Ph-D, or Ph-M can be repaired as a Ph-2 (for 1.5) or Ph-3 (for 1).

Ph-M can also be repaired as a Ph-1 (for 2).

Ph-2 or Ph-G can be repaired as a Ph-3 (for 1).

Plasma torpedoes may be repaired as one of a lesser type, but large Plasmas

repaired as PL-F do not have the long-term stasis capability.

There is no need to "allocate" Damage Control and wait a turn for the system

to be fixed; the system(s) are repaired immediately.

There is no limit to the total number of boxes that can be repaired during a





[no feedback dmg]




Planetary Defense Weapons are gigantic versions of standard weapons mounted on

planets and size class 0 bases (such as Spacedock).

Any weapon in the game can be modified to the following configuration:

The weapon occupies 10 times the amount of spaces as a normal weapon.

The weapon requires the unit to be size class 0 or larger and have a positional

stabilizer to fire.

The weapon uses 10 times the normal energy to fire, and costs 5 times normal

to hold.

Effective Range = True Range divided by 2 (rounded down). The weapon can

fire overloaded out to range 16 (24 for 2X ships).

Most weapons of this type simply do 10 times normal damage. Exceptions are

drone racks (which fire at 10 times normal rate) and PPDs (which generate

40 standard pulses on standard mode and 60 on overload).

BPV is 10 times normal.

Thus, a 0Xs planetary Photon costs 80 energy to overload over 2 turns and does

160 damage if it hits. At close range a planetary enveloping Pl-R does a

whopping 1000 damage.



[new firing procedure]

[triple space drone]




General Notes: For all of the system sections, I will not recopy descriptions

of systems already described by Task Force, Companion Games, and the other

companies printing SFB material. I will remind the reader where he can

find information on the system. I will also provide suggested rules

changes on these systems. If you don't know what a system does because

you don't own the product, either replace it with something you do know

how to use or visit the respective company's web page, where abbreviated

rules are usually provided.







[numbers in batteries]

[PAs: different leak system for Disr; can dump energy from Btty for no reason]

[Positional Stabilizer: planets/moons have a natural version of this for free]




General Rules:

"Myopic" Zones (short ranges where a weapon cannot fire) have been abolished.

Simply use the next range bracket. For example, PPDs can fire at a true

range of 0 as if it was 4.

Different firing modes (e.g. Standard vs. Proximity) on weapons can be

selected when the weapon fires, not when it is armed. This offers more

flexibility with heavy weapons. Overloads can fire as Standard/Proximity

outside of range 8.

Phaser capacitors may be expanded at 1/2 BPV per 1 energy point.

ADD: See Seeking Weapons above on destroying drones.

Blast: Blaster, a particle/beam weapon used by the Gorns.

Fires 1/turn, Energy Cost = 3, Hold Cost = 1.

Die Range

Roll 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

1 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

2 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0

3 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0

4 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CZ-#: Customizer. Can replicate any energy beam/pulse up to the Vessel's tech,

Energy Cost = 1.25 Fires 1-5/turn

Disr: Many of my SSD's Disruptors are numbered instead of lettered. This is

because in the FASA system, Disruptors are the beam weapon of Klingons, not

the heavy weapon. For this reason, numbered Disruptors are hit on "Phaser"

hits, not on "Torp" hits.

Disruptors have a different leak system when using on PA panels; see PAs.

UIMs never burn out.

[New Rule] Numbered Disruptors:

Can hold a standard charge at 0X or 1X for 0 energy.

If you try to overload it, the held charge is discharged and you must pay the

full 4 energy for it.

Note at 1X, if you pay 1 for a held standard charge (which is the normal rule)

you may pay 2 to upgrade it to an overload. If you paid 0, you can't do

this unless you pay the full 4 to overload.

This applies to all numbered disruptors and to none of the lettered ones.

The purpose of the rule is to get back to the original FASA-like intent of

numbered disruptors; they are supposed to act like phasers and were not

intended to be overloaded. Too many players try to overload all disruptors

on my FASA Klingons and find the ships cannot move at all.

Theoretically a numbered disruptor should cost a little more than a lettered

one (possibly 4.5 BPV instead of 4), but since they are hit on "Phaser"

they will probably get knocked out faster in combat, so this might counter

the difference.

Drn: Drone Racks can reload the same turn they fire; keeping a steady stream

of drones available (assuming you have the Deck Crew actions for this).

Tech # of Rack Fire # of Ammunition Availability

Avail Boxes Type Rate Spaces ADD ďż˝ sp 1 sp 2 sp 3 sp BPV

0Xe 1 Drn-A 1/t 4 no no yes yes yes 4

0Xe 2 Drn-D1 2/t 11 no no yes no no 6

0Xe 1 Drn-F 1/2t 4 no no yes yes no 3

0Xs 1 Drn-B 1/t 6 no no yes yes yes 5

0Xs 1 Drn-C 2/t 4 no no yes yes no 5

0Xs 3 Drn-D 3/t 12 no yes yes yes yes 9

0Xs 1 Drn-E 4/t 4 yes yes no no no 6

0Xs 1 Drn-G 1/t 4 yes yes yes yes no 6

0Xs 5 Drn-H 4/t 20 yes yes yes yes yes 20

0Xl 2 Drn-I 3/t 10 no no yes yes yes 10

0Xl 1 Drn-J 3 sp/t 4 no yes yes yes yes 7

0Xl 1 Drn-K 2/t 6 no no no no yes 6

0Xl 1 Drn-M 4/imp 8 no no no yes no 10

0Xl 3 HDrn 2/t 6 no no hyp no no 15

1X 1 Drn-BX 1/t 8 no no yes yes yes 7.5

1X 1 Drn-C1X 3/t 4 no yes yes yes no 7.5

1X 1 Drn-CX 2/t 6 no no yes yes no 7.5

1X 3 Drn-DX 4/t 18 no yes yes yes yes 13.5

1X 1 Drn-GX 1/t 6 yes yes yes yes no 9

1X 5 Drn-HX 6/t 30 yes yes yes yes yes 30

2Xe 1 Drn-XB 2/t 10 no yes yes yes yes 11

2Xe 1 Drn-XC 3/t 6 no yes yes yes yes 11

2Xe 1 Drn-XG 2/t 8 yes yes yes yes no 13.5

2Xe 5 Drn-XH 9/t 45 yes yes yes yes yes 45

A ship with Drn-M (presented in Module C4) fires up to 4 drones per impulse

from it's Drn-M's, regardless of how many racks it has. Thus, a ship does

not benefit from having more than 10 Drn-M's (except increased storage).

For HDrn, see Module C4 for rules on Hyperdrones (very fast drones). If you

don't have C4, just say HDrn fires 1-space 8 damage drones that basically

cannot be avoided (no WW, SpecSen, etc.) and hit on the following impulse.

[drone type]

Drn-Opt: [can hold what]

ESG: There is no cooldown period for ESGs; they may operate every turn. If a

weapon is destroyed during movement, that weapon can still fire that


FAC: Federation Accelerator Cannon, a replacement for the sublight Missile.

Fires 1 per 3 turns; Energy = 1 point per turn for 3 turns; cannot be held.

Range 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

To Hit 1-6 1-5 1-4 1-3 1-3 1-2 1-2 1

Damage 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1

Flux: Flux beam, a weapon that mutates systems into other systems.

Fires 1 per 2 turns; Energy = 3 per turn for 2 turns; Hold Cost = 2.

Range 0-2 3-5 6-8 9-11 12-14 15-17

Hit (2d6) 9 8 7 6 5 4

# of Sys 3 3 2 2 1 1

If Flux strikes a Shield, roll 1d6 for each "# of Sys" above; the total is

the number of Shield boxes that are disabled. Disabled Shields cannot be

used until repaired (at half normal costs).

[rest of Flux description copied from TNG rule]

Fusion: Fusion beams have no cooldown period at any tech level.

Fusions on suicide overload only destroy the Fusion itself; it causes no

extra damage.

Fusion-S: A variant of Fusion that does not destroy itself when fired in

Suicide mode. The weapon otherwise operates as a normal Fusion.

HDrn: Hyperdrone, presented in C4, see Drn above for my notes.

Hellbore: Hellbores fire in standard and overload mode during Launches, not

during Direct Fire. Weapons destroyed during Launches can still fire that

same impulse. Hellbores fire in direct-fire mode during Direct Fire.

Laser: An ancient weapon from the sublight era.

Fires 1/turn; Energy Cost = 1; cannot be held.

Has a 1-5 chance to hit at range 0 for 1 damage; has a 1 chance in 6 to hit

at range 1 for 1 damage. The weapon does no damage beyond range 1.

LRG: []

Mauler: Maulers are a "gross" effect; i.e. all targets in the range of the

mauler (except the firing ship) take the damage. I define a "target" to

be any object that is Size Class 7 (drones/plasmas) or larger. If two

units are docked, together they are only one target.

You may use the alternate arcs provided in the Captain's version of SFB with

no need to accumulate points for the privilege. If you do, all Mauler fire

from that arrow must fire in that arc for impulse. This actually gives a

reason to have 2 Mauler arrows (they could fire in two different arcs at


Maulers cause no damage to the warp engines of the firing ship.

Oddity: It seems that there is no reason to ever connect more than 1 battery

on a ship to a Mauler. After all, the batteries that are not connected can

recharge a battery that is connected, then that energy can be channeled to

the Mauler. And since batteries can be emptied and recharged at any time,

this can be done even during weapons fire. I haven't figured out why this

reasoning fails; let me know if you have an idea.

Maulers can be mounted facing to the rear.


Ph-1: Standard ship offensive Phaser. [1]

Ph-2: a Ph-1 without the accurate targeting system. [1]

Ph-3: Point Defense Phaser. [.5]

Ph-G: Gatling Phaser, shoots 4 Ph-3 Shots per turn [1]

Ph-D: Don Phaser, shoots 3 Ph-2 Shots per turn [1.5]

Ph-1G: Gatling Phaser-1, from some Fanbooks [2]

Ph-4, Ph-8: Starbase Phaser, usually only the Juggernaut arm them on ships.

Ph-5: Newer Phaser made to replace the Ph-1, slightly more damaging and

somewhat more than somewhat rapid-firing. [1]

Ph-6: Rapid-Firing, medium-damage Phaser achieved in 2Xe. [1]

Ph-7: Collimated PPhasers found in TNG. [.5]

Ph-9: Pulse Phaser [2]

Ph-10: Teleporting/X-Ray Phaser [10]

Ph-11: Nullifaction Phaser [12]

Ph-12 to Ph-30: Far Future Super-Dimensional Phasers.

m-Photon: Mini-Photon. [? see P6]

M-Photon: Mega-Photon. [? see P6]

Mine: []

Opt: [can hold what]

Opt-S: [can hold what]

Opt-W: [can hold what]


Ph-0: A very weak phaser type used briefly during the 0Xe period.

Fires 1/turn; Energy Cost = 1/2; has a 1/2 point capacitor.

This weapon does half the damage of a Ph-3, rounded down:

Die Range

Roll 0 1 2 3

1 2 2 2 1

2 2 2 2 1

3 2 2 2 0

4 2 2 1 0

5 2 1 1 0

6 1 1 0 0

This weapon is replaced by the Ph-3 by the end of the 0Xe period.

Ph-1G: A gatling Phaser-1. This weapon has appeared in several non-official


Fires 4/turn; Energy Cost = 1 per shot; 4 point capacitor.

Ph-1G cannot fire at the same target more than once per impulse.

Ph-3P: This is a Far Side reference to a Ph-3 with double capacitor.

Ph-4P: This is a Far Side reference to a Ph-4 with double capacitor.

[copy Ph-5,6,7,8,D from Phasers fill]

Ph-LR: The Far Side long-ranged phaser from Companion Games. Replace it with

Ph-4 if you don't own Indirigans-1 (or the various In-Coming Fires).

Ph-M: Megaphaser, presented in Module P6. Since that publication is not

widely owned, I am providing a severly abbreviated version of it here.

Fires 1/turn; Energy Cost = 2; 2 point capacitor.

Does not require a positional stabilizer to fire.

Can fire as a Ph-1, Ph-2, or Ph-3 if desired. It can also fire as a Ph-MR,

Ph-NR, or Ph-SR.

They are mounted in extremely limited arcs; equal to the intersection of

the LP and RP arcs (30 degree). This arc may be expanded by multiplying

the BPV of the Ph-M by (D+30)/60, where D is the degrees of the arc.

Module P6 provides a way to mount Ph-M in strange "wing" structures welded

to the hulls of various ships. I allow Ph-M as a "normal" phaser type

to be used in Option Mounts or incorporated into ship modifications.

Die Range

Roll 0 1 2 3 4 5 6-8 9-15 16-25 26-50 51-75

1 20 20 18 15 14 13 10 9 5 4 3

2 20 18 15 13 12 10 9 5 3 2 1

3 18 15 13 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0

4 15 13 11 10 9 8 5 2 1 0 0

5 13 11 10 9 8 8 3 1 0 0 0

6 11 10 9 8 6 5 1 0 0 0 0

At 1X, Ph-M has double capacitor (like all other phasers). A Ph-M can fire

overloaded (doing +50% damage) for 4 energy. It can fire 3 Ph-1's in pulse

mode versus seperate targets for 2 energy, or as 6 Ph-1's versus seperate

targets for 4 energy.

As it was introduced during 0Xl, Ph-M did not have a long history. Ph-M's

are usually replaced by 2 Ph-5's during 1X, as Ph-5's have better range.

Ph-MP: A Ph-MR that can also fire as a Ph-NR or Ph-SR. It can fire as 2 Ph-SRs

but cannot fire more than once per impulse.

Replace with Ph-1 if you don't own Indirigans-1.

Ph-MR: The Far Side medium phaser from Companion Games. Remember that Ph-MR

cannot fire as a Ph-SR. Replace with Ph-1 if you don't own Indirigans-1.

If X-technology is applied to either a Ph-MP or a Ph-MR, you get a Ph-MX.

Note that some 1X and 2X SSDs still list "Ph-MR"; what I really mean is

"Ph-MX", and it can fire in all the modes a Ph-MX can.

Ph-MX: A 1X version of the Ph-MR. It can fire as a Ph-MR or 2 Ph-SRs (at

seperate targets) for 1 energy, or it can fire as a Ph-MR (+50% damaher)

or 4 Ph-SRs (at seperate targets) for 2 energy. 2 point capacitor.

Ph-ND: The technology of Ph-D applied to the Far Side Ph-NR.

Fires 3/turn; Energy Cost = 2; 2 point capacitor.

Each shot is a Ph-NR. This weapon cannot fire Ph-SRs or any other type.

Ph-NR: This is a new Far Side weapon; the counterpart to the Near Side Ph-2.

Fires 1/turn; Energy Cost = 1; 1 point capacitor.

Ph-NRs cannot fire as Ph-SRs. Ph-MRs cannot fire as Ph-NRs.

Die Range

Roll 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 3 4 5 6 6 5 4 3

2 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2

3 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1

4 0 1 2 4 4 2 1 0

5 0 0 1 3 3 1 0 0

6 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0

There is no Ph-NP; Ph-NRs were replaced by Ph-MR/MP.

Ph-Opt: [can hold what]

Ph-P: This is a Far Side reference to a Ph-1 with double capacitor.

Ph-SG: Gatling technology applied to the Far Side Ph-G.

Fires 4/turn; Energy Cost = 1/4 per shot; 1 point capacitor.

Each shot is a Ph-SR.

Ph-SR: The Far Side short-ranged phaser from Companion Games. Replace with

Ph-3 if you don't own Indirigans-1.


Ph-X: [can hold what]

Photon: Anyone who plays SFB knows that Photons have a TERRIBLE chance to hit

at any decent range. The Federation would have abolished Photons a long

time ago (replacing each Photon with a single Ph-1 leads to a better ship;

less "crunch" power but much better in the long run).

Thus, to make the weapon usable, Photons get a +1 to hit bonus:

Range 0-1 2 3-4 5-8 9-12 13-30 (40 at 1X)

Hit,Std 1-7 1-6 1-5 1-4 1-3 1-2

Hit,Over 1-7 1-6 1-5 1-4 N N

Hit,Prox N N N N 1-5 1-4

At 1X, Photons can fire every turn with no chance of Ejection/Explosion.

At 1X, Photons do 10 damage standard, 5 damage prox, and 20 damage overload.

Pl-A: [in C4]

Pl-D: Pl-Ds can be reloaded the same turn it is firing.

Pl-DB: This is a Pl-D that has 6 spaces of capacity instead of 4.

Pl-DH: This is a 5 box weapon that can fire 4 Pl-D's per turn. It has 20

spaces of capacity. It is normally used on Bases (replacing Drn-H).

Pl-DL: Pl-D Launcher. This weapon launces Pl-Ds as if it was a normal plasma

type. It does not have an ammo limit.

Fires 1 per 3 turns; Energy Cost = 1 per turn for 3 turns; holds for 0.

Pl-DL fires a single Pl-D. It does contain 1 pseudo Pl-D per launcher.

Pl-DL has no defensive mode like Pl-D has.

Pl-L: I allow Pl-L at 0X tech level. It is simply a Pl-G that cannot be

upgraded to a Pl-S or Pl-M. It includes a "stasis box" that can hold

a Pl-G (or Pl-F) for 0 energy. It cannot use envelope or shotgun modes.

Pl-M: I allow PL-M at 0X tech level. It has an arming cost of 2-2-5 and a

holding cost of 3.

[Pl-V, etc]

PPD: PPDs can fire at ranges less than 4; treat the range as if it was 4.

All pulses of a PPD occur in a single impulse.

PPD8: A variation of PPD that fires 8 pulses on overload instead of 6.

PPDC: []

QWT: Quantum Wave Torpedo, not to be confused with Quan, the heavy weapon of the

Paravian Hordes, replacing the earlier Quantum Blaster.

SABOT: Presented in Krebiz-1 from Companion Games.

SFG: []

Snare: Can fire as a 1 point Web Fist at ranges 0 or 1.

Strike: []

Torp: Gorn Torpedo, a shorter ranged but higher damage version of Photon.

This weapon has an ammo limit of 4 (with a full set of reloads).

Energy Energy Base Hit at Range (1d6)

Mode to Fire to Hold Damage 0 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-18 19-21 22-24

Standard 1 0 9 7 5 3 2 1 0 N N

Overload 2 1 18 6 4 2 0 N N N N

Proximity 1 0 3 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Torp-Opt: [can hold what]

TRL: Fires every turn for 3 energy. It can also fire in the old mode (2 energy

on each of 2 turns).

TRH: Can fire on the first turn of arming as a TRL for 3 energy.

TRAM: Transwarp Missiles, low in Damage and Range, but dozens can be fired in a single

moment. Used by the Mechad and Modulus.

WB: []

WC: []

WFDG: []

WPN: []

WRG: Railguns, used by the Jindarians as Heavy Weapons, and by the Hassans as primary weapons.



I allow 1X (and some 2X) fighters of all races.

All of these fighters are new types, except for Admin-X, MRS-X, and the Hydran

St-X (which I have listed for completeness). All other standard fighters are

not duplicated here.



Gen 1X Admin-X 1 8 1xPh-2 360 -- 8 J2.1 3 ??? 0#

Gen 1X MRS-X 1 10 1xPh-2 FA 2 spaces 10 J8.0 12 181 1*

1xPh-G FA

Gen 1X GAS-X 1 8 1xPh-G 360 -- 10 Grnd Atk 6 181 1

Gen 2X X-Admin 1 20! 1xPh-1 360 -- 10 TransWarp 5 ??? 3

6 pt Shield

Gen 3X 3X-Admin 1 40! 1xPh-5 360 -- 12 UltraWarp 20 ??? 9*

20 pt Shield

Fed 1X F-14X 1 20 1xPh-1 FH 4xVIII 14 1xEW Pod 22 ??? 5*

1xPh-G FA 2xVII


Fed 1X F-111X 2 18 1xPh-1 FX 2xVIII 18 4 space bay 30 ??? 3*

1xPh-G FX 2xVII 1xEW Pod

1xPh-G RX 2xIX

Fed 1X A-20X 2 16 1xPh-D FX 4xVII 20 3xPhot FA 24 ??? 0*

1xPh-G RX 2xADD 2xEW Pod

Fed 1X E-2X 1 10 1xPh-G 360 2xADD 14 2xSpecSen 80 ??? 0



Fed 2X F-X14 1 50! 1xPh-5 FX 4xX 16 TransWarp 40 ??? 8*

1xPh-D FH 4xXI 16pt Shield

4xXII 1xPhoton FA


2xEW Pod

Kli 1X Z-X 1 16 2xPh-3 FA 3xIX 12 2xDisr FA 16 ??? 3


1xEW Pod

Rom 1X G-FSFX 1 20 3xPh-3 FA 3xPL-D 12 Cloak 18 ??? 4*

(-10 speed)

1xEW Pod

Kzi 1X TADSX 1 20 1xPh-G FA 2xVIII 14 1xEW Pod 17 ??? 5*



Gor 1X G-45 2 14 1xBlast FX -- 24 2xPL-L LP 27 ??? 0*

2xPh-2 360 2xPL-L RP

1xTorp FA

1xEW Pod

Tho 1X S-VI 1 30! 4xPh-3 360 -- 16 TransWarp 21 ??? 8*

2xPC 360

Web Spinner

1xEW Pod

Hyd 1X St-3 1 20 1xPh-2 FA -- 12 2xFusion FH 14 182 4*

(St-X) 1xPh-G FA 1xEW Pod

Hyd 1X St-HX 1 20 1xPh-2 FA -- 12 1xFusion FH 15 184 3*

1xPh-G FA 1xHB FA

1xEW Pod

Hyd 1X St-SX 2 16 3xPh-G 360 -- 18 2xFusion FH 25 ??? 1*


2xEW Pod

Hyd 2X St-4 1 45! 1xPh-5 FH -- 15 TransWarp 30 ??? 7*

2xPh-G 360 15pt Shield

3xFusion FX


2xEW Pod

Hyd 2X St-5 1 60! 2xPh-6 FX -- 15 TransWarp 40 ??? 8*

4xPh-G 360 15pt Shield


2xEW Pod

Hyd 2X St-XS 2 40! 3xPh-D 360 -- 20 TransWarp 50 ??? 4*

40pt Shield

2xFusion FX


3xEW Pod

Lyr 1X Z-EX 1 16 2xPh-3 FA -- 12 1xDisr FA 14 ??? 3

1xESG (3 pt)

1xEW Pod

ISC 1X FPFX 1 20 3xPh-SR FA 1xPL-D 14 1xPPD FA 16 ??? 5*

1xEW Pod

[fighters for other races]

[fighters can reload their own weapon]




Asteroids generate a +1 to hit penalty per hex you are firing through or into.

Firing out of an asteroid hex is at no penalty.

If you enter an asteroid hex, take 1 damage for each unit of speed you are

travelling for the turn. Thus, if you are moving speed 30 and move through

2 asteroid hexes, you take 60 damage. If you have a turn mode of "A" or "AA"

divide the damage by 2. If you have a turn mode of "SF" divide the damage

by 3. If you have a turn mode of "SW" divide the damage by 5. If you are

a Tholian, Seltorian, or Jindarian ship divide the damage by 4.

You can "clear a path" by firing at an asteroid hex prior to entering it.

Each point of damage done to the asteroids reduces your damage by 1 when you

travel through them. Each full turn you lose 1 point of this benefit, as

asteroids slowly move and "fill the hole". Other ships may use the hole

if they spend a Lab function to find it first.

Asteroids damage drones and plasmas, at 1 point per hex travelled through/into.



Using the Point Value chart, add up the point values of all the systems on the

ship, then divide the result by 2.5.

For weapons, multiply the point value by the following multiplier based on arc

(some weapons such as Ph-M use their own calculation):

Arc 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360

Mult .5 .625 .75 .875 1 1.125 1.25 1.375 1.5 1.625 1.75 1.875 2

If the ship is 1X, multiply the total point value by 1.5.

If the ship is 2X, multiply by another 1.5 (total multiplier = 2.25).

The result is the (Economic) BPV of the ship.

[insert big chart here: I just rewrote this as a seperate file, I will

put it here when I have some formatting problems done. For now, just

use my "big list of systems" on my non-TNG web page.]



All mods are reversible; i.e. can do reverse to get negative BPV. Note this

allows some interesting conversions, for example, a Kzinti ship can replace

all Drn-B with Drn-C (or vice versa) by downgrading to Drn-A then upgrading.

In the case of "add on" mods, some ships have obviously already had it applied

by looking at the SSD. In this case, of course don't add it again.

"SC" means "Size Class".

"(arc)" indicates technically you should recalculate the arc consideration of

the BPV. For example, upgrading a Ph-2 FX to a Ph-1 FX should cost 0.75 BPV,

not 0.5. See rule (S2) above on how to do this. In practice, however, doing

these calculations is a pain, so my SFB group generally ignores it. If you

upgrade an arc, such as converting a Ph-2 FX to a Ph-2 360, then you do need

to recalculate the arcs involved.

"(tech)" indicates technically you should recalculate the tech consideration of

the BPV. For example, upgrading a 2Xe Btty-4 to a 2Xs Btty-5 should cost

2.25 BPV (5 x2.25 - 4 x2.25 = 2.25) instead of 1 BPV as listed. In practice,

however, this calculation is a pain (just like redoing arcs), so this is

generally ignored. If you upgrade a tech level, such as converting a 2Xe

Btty-4 to a 3X Btty-4, then you do need to spend the difference.

Tech BPV

Race Avail. Modification Adjustment

All 0Xe Add Crew (max = +22 - SC*4) +0.1

All 0Xe Add 1 to Phaser Capacitor (no limit) +0.5

All 0Xe Improve Weapon Arcs (arc)

All 0Xe Replace Laser with Ph-3 +1 []

All 0Xe Replace Ph-0 with Ph-3 +0

All 0Xs Replace Crew with Boarding Party +0.4

All 0Xs Replace Crew with Deck Crew +0.4

All 0Xs Replace Crew with Commando Squad +0.9

All 0Xs Replace Crew with Heavy Weapons Squad +0.9

All 0Xs Add Sensor "6" (max = 1) +2

All 0Xs Add Scanner "0" (max = 1) +2

All 0Xs Add Damcon "#+2" (# = highest, max = 1) +#+2

All 0Xs Add F or A Hull (max = 1 per grouping) +1

All 0Xs Add C Hull (max = 1 per grouping) +1

All 0Xs Replace Shtl with Drn-F (once per door) +1

All 0Xs Replace Shtl with Ftr +1

All 0Xs Add Shield Boxes (max = x1.5 original) +1/6

All 0Xs Replace Btty-1 with APR (except Orion) +0.5

All 0Xs Replace Half Drone Ctrl with Single +2 []

All 0Xs Replace ADD-6 with ADD-12 +2 []

All 0Xs Replace Drn-F with Drn-A +1

All 0Xs Replace Ph-1 with SpecSen +8 (arc)

All 0Xs Replace Pl-G with Pl-S +5 (arc)

All 0Xl Replace F or A Hull with C Hull +1

All 0Xl Replace APR with AWR +1

All 0Xl Replace Btty-1 with Btty-2 +1

All 0Xl Add Shield Boxes (max = x2 original) +1/6

All 0Xl Replace ADD-12 with Drn-A +0

All 0Xl Replace Drn-A with Drn-B +1

All 0Xl Replace Drn-F with Pl-D +3 (arc)

All 0Xl Replace Mine-A with Mine-B +2 []

All 0Xl Replace Ph-2 with Ph-1 (except Andro) +0.5 (arc)

All 0Xl Replace Ph-3 with Ph-2 +0.5 (arc)

All 0Xl Replace Pl-F with Pl-D +2 (arc)

All 1X Replace AWR with A2R +1 (tech)

All 1X Replace Btty-2 with Btty-3 +1 (tech)

All 1X Replace Ph-1 with Ph-5 +3 (arc) (tech)

All 1X Replace Ph-M with 2 Ph-5 +2 (arc) (tech)

All 1X Replace Pl-F with Pl-L +3.5 (arc) (tech)

All 1X Replace Pl-S with Pl-M +2.5 (arc) (tech)

All 2Xe Add two SpecSen, one SpecScan (once) +90 (

All 2Xe Replace Cargo with Hold +2.5 (tech)

All 2Xe Replace Hold with NWO +1 (tech)

All 2Xe Replace AWR with ATWR +1 (tech)

All 2Xe Replace Btty-3 with Btty-4 +1 (tech)

All 2Xe Replace Warp with TWarp +2 (tech)

All 2Xe Replace Ph-5 with Ph-6 +1 (arc) (tech)

All 2Xe Replace Pl-L with Pl-S (but not to M) +11 (arc) (tech)

All 2Xe Replace Pl-M with Pl-R +2.5 (arc) (tech)

All 2Xs Replace Lab with Ana +0.5 (tech)

All 2Xs Replace Repair with Construct +3 (tech)

All 2Xs Replace ATWR with AXR +1 (tech)

All 2Xs Replace Btty-4 with Btty-5 +1 (tech)

All 2Xs Replace Ph-4 with Ph-8 +4 (arc) (tech)

All 2Xl Replace Btty-5 with Btty-6 +1 (tech)

Fed 0Xe Replace FAC with Phtn +1

Fed 0Xs Replace Lab with AWR (max = 50%) +1

Fed 0Xs Replace APR with AWR +1

Fed 0Xs Add two Ph-3 360, one Drn-G (once) +10 (incl.arc)

Fed 0Xs Replace ADD-6 with Drn-G +4

Fed 0Xs Replace Drn-A with Drn-B +1

Fed 0Xs Replace Drn-B with Drn-G +1

Fed 0Xs Replace Mine-A with Drn-A +0

Fed 0Xs Replace Ph-2 with Ph-1 +0.5 (arc)

Fed 0Xs Replace Ph-3 with Ph-G +2 (arc)

Fed 0Xs Replace Pl-F with Phtn +1 (arc)

Fed 0Xs Replace Phtn with Drn-G +1 (arc)

Fed 0Xl Replace two Ph-1 with one 1X Ph-5 +3.5 (arc) (

Fed 0Xl Replace Ph-2 with Ph-D +2.5 (arc)

Fed 0Xl 1X Lab, Ph-1, Phtn available (tech)

Fed 2Xl Replace Ph-6 with Ph-7 +1 (arc) (tech)

Kli 0Xe Add Armor (max = 12 - SC*2) +1.5

Kli 0Xs Replace Prb with SFG +18.5

Kli 0Xs Add Cloaking Device +15

Kli 0Xs Replace Imp with Emer Imp +1

Kli 0Xs Add DERFACS []

Kli 0Xs Add UIM +5

Kli 0Xs Add ADD-6 (once) +2

Kli 0Xs Replace ADD-6 with Drn-A +2

Kli 0Xs Replace Drn-A with Drn-B +1

Kli 0Xs Replace Mine-A with Drn-A +0

Kli 0Xs Replace Ph-1 with Disr +2 (arc)

Kli 0Xs Replace Ph-2 with Ph-1 (max = 50%) +0.5 (arc)

Kli 0Xs Replace Ph-3 with Ph-2 +0.5 (arc)

Kli 0Xl Replace Disr with Pl-F +0 (arc)

Kli 0Xl Replace Pl-F with Pl-S +11 (arc)

Kli 0Xl 1X Tran, Disr, SFG available (tech)

Rom sub Add Armor (max = 12 - SC*2) +1.5

Rom sub Add Cloaking Device +15

Rom sub Add NSM (once) +4

Rom 0Xe Replace Shtl with Mine-A (once per bay) +2

Rom 0Xs Replace Ph-2 with Ph-1 +0.5 (arc)

Rom 0Xs Replace Pl-F with Pl-D +2 (arc)

Rom 0Xl Replace Mine-A with Pl-D +2 (arc)

Rom 0Xl 1X Cloak, Pl-F, Pl-R available (tech)

Rom 1X Replace Pl-M with Pl-R (max = 50%) +2.5 (arc) (tech)

Kzi 0Xe Replace Shtl with Drn-F (no limit) +1

Kzi 0Xs Replace Single Drone Ctrl with Double +2

Kzi 0Xs Replace Double Drone Ctrl with Triple +2

Kzi 0Xs Add DERFACS []

Kzi 0Xs Replace ADD-6 with Drn-A +1 []

Kzi 0Xs Replace Drn-A with Drn-B or Drn-C +1

Kzi 0Xs Replace Drn-B with Drn-G +1

Kzi 0Xs Replace one (3-box) Drn-D with 3 Drn-A +3

Kzi 0Xs Replace Mine-A with Drn-A +0

Kzi 0Xs Replace Ph-3 with ADD-6 +1 (arc)

Kzi 0Xl Add Cargo (twice) +1.5

Kzi 0Xl Replace Double Drone Ctrl with Quad. +2

Kzi 0Xl Add UIM +5

Kzi 0Xl Replace Disr with Phtn +1 (arc)

Kzi 0Xl 1X Drn-BX, Drn-CX, Drn-GX available (tech)

Kzi 1X Replace Drn-CX with Drn-C1X +0

Kzi 2Xe Replace Drn-XC with Drn-XH []

Gor sub Add Armor (max = 14 - SC*2) +1.5

Gor 0Xe Replace Shtl with Shtl-G +0

Gor 0Xs Add 2 PL-F LP/RP, 2 Ph-3 LS/RS (once) +13 (incl.arc)

Gor 0Xs Replace Ph-2 with Ph-1 +0.5 (arc)

Gor 0Xs Replace Pl-F with Pl-D +2 (arc)

Gor 0Xl Replace Mine-A with Pl-D +2 (arc)

Gor 0Xl Replace Ph-1 with Ph-P (double cap) +1 (arc)

Gor 0Xl Replace Ph-3 with Ph-3P (double cap) +0.5 (arc)

Gor 0Xl Replace Pl-S with Pl-M (max = 50%) +2.5 (arc)

Gor 0Xl 1X Shtl, Trac, Pl-S available (tech)

Tho 0Xe Replace PC with Disr +0 (arc)

Tho 0Xs Replace Disr with Phtn +1 (arc)

Tho 0Xs Replace Ph-2 with Ph-1 +0.5 (arc)

Tho 0Xs Replace Web with Snare L+R +3 (incl.arc) []

Tho 0Xl Replace Snare L+R with WC FA/L+LF/R+RF +10 (incl.arc) []

Tho 0Xl 1X Shields, PC, WC available (tech)

Tho 1X Replace APR with AXR +3 (tech)

Tho 1X Replace Warp with TWarp +2 (tech)

Tho 2Xl Replace AXR with AVR +5 (tech)

Tho 2Xl Replace TWarp with UWarp +2 (tech)

Ori 0Xe Add Ability to Double Engines +1/box

Ori 0Xs Replace Shtl with Mine-A (once per bay) +2

Ori 0Xs Add Cloaking Device +15

Ori 0Xs Replace Drn-A with Pl-D +2 (arc)

Ori 0Xs Replace Mine-A with Drn-A +0

Ori 0Xs Replace Opt-W with Opt-S +1 (arc)

Ori 0Xs Replace Opt-S with Opt +1 (arc)

Ori 0Xl 1X Opt, PO, NWO available (tech)

Ori 1X Replace Cargo with Hold +2.5 (tech)

Ori 2Xl Replace Construct with Fab +2 (tech)

Ori 2Xl 3X Opt, CO, PO, NWO available (tech)

Hyd 0Xe Replace Nova with Fus +0 (arc) []

Hyd 0Xe Replace Nova with HB +4 (arc) []

Hyd 0Xs Replace F or A Hull with C Hull +1

Hyd 0Xs Replace Fusion with Ph-1 +0 (arc)

Hyd 0Xs Replace Ph-2 with Ph-1 (max = 50%) +0.5 (arc)

Hyd 0Xs Replace Ph-3 with Ph-G +2 (arc)

Hyd 1X 1X Fus, HB, Ph-G available (tech)

Hyd 2Xs Replace Ph-1 with Ph-1G +6 (arc) (tech)

And 0Xs Replace TRL with TRH +4 (arc) []

And 0Xl Replace Btty-5 with Btty-6 +1

And 0Xl Replace Ph-2 with Ph-D +2.5 (arc)

And 0Xl 1X Hangar, DD, TRH available (tech)

And 1X Replace Repair with Construct +3 (tech)

And 2Xe Replace Ph-D with Ph-6 +2 (arc) (tech)

And 2Xl Replace Ph-6 with Ph-6D +12 (arc) (tech)

Lyr 0Xs Add four APR, 1 Btty-1 (twice) +9.5

Lyr 0Xs Add DERFACS []

Lyr 0Xs Replace Ph-2 with Ph-1 (max = 50%) +0.5 (arc)

Lyr 0Xl Add UIM +5

Lyr 0Xl Replace Ph-3 with Ph-G +2 (arc)

Lyr 0Xl 1X Trac, ESG, Disr available (tech)

Lyr 1X Replace ESG with ESGC +0

WYN 0Xs Add Ability to Double Engines +1/box

WYN 0Xs Add Warp (max = 1 per 3 boxes) +4 (5 if C Warp)

WYN 0Xs Add Weapons of all types (max = 50%) +weapon (arc)

WYN 0Xs Replace Drn-A with Drn-B or Drn-C +1

WYN 0Xs Replace Drn-B with Drn-Opt +3 (arc)

WYN 0Xs Replace Drn-B with Pl-D +2 (arc)

WYN 0Xs Replace Mine-A with Drn-A +0

WYN 0Xs Replace Opt-W with Opt-S +1 (arc)

WYN 0Xs Replace Opt-W with Torp-Opt +1 (arc)

WYN 0Xs Replace Opt-S with Opt +1 (arc)

WYN 0Xs Replace Ph-1 with Ph-Opt +4 (arc)

WYN 0Xs Replace Ph-2 with Ph-1 +0.5 (arc)

WYN 0Xl Replace Ph-1 with Ph-4 +2 (arc)

WYN 0Xl Add Positional Stabilizer +15 []

WYN 0Xl 1X Ph-Opt, Torp-Opt, Drn-Opt available (tech)

WYN 1X Replace Cargo with Hold +2.5 (tech)

WYN 2Xl Can combine ships permanently (Link Caravan)

ISC 0Xs Add Pl-F L+LR/R+RR (max=7-SC per side) +4

ISC 0Xs Replace Ph-2 with Ph-1 +0.5 (arc)

ISC 0Xs Replace Pl-S with PPD +5 (arc)

ISC 0Xl Replace Mine-A with Pl-D +2 (arc)

ISC 0Xl Replace Ph-1 with Ph-MR +1 (arc)

ISC 0Xl Replace Ph-3 with Ph-SR +0.5 (arc)

ISC 0Xl Replace Pl-F with 1X Pl-L +7.25 (arc) (

ISC 0Xl Replace PPD with PPD8 +5 (arc)

ISC 0Xl 1X Brdg, CO, PPD/PPD8 available (tech)

ISC 2Xl Replace PPD with PPDC +0

LDR 0Xs Replace two Ph-3 with one Ph-G +1 (arc)

LDR 0Xl Replace Ph-3 with Ph-G +2 (arc)

LDR 0Xl 1X Trac, ESG, Ph-G available (tech)

LDR 1X Replace ESG with ESGC +0

As if this wasn't elaborate enough, here are some more extensive Modification


Ship Modifications

1. Take an existing SSD as the basis for your construction or modification.

You may not seperate the ship into sections and modify each piece seperately.

You may not modify a ship that has already been modified by these rules.

2. Systems: A ship may only use systems of it's race.

This is defined as any system that appears on at least three (3) SSDs of that race.

If a system is added, it increases the BPV by the amount given.

If a system is removed, it reduces the BPV by half of the amount given.

If one system is replaced with another, you use the difference in the two BPVs

(you don't have to sell one system for half price than buy the other at full price).

3. Shields/PAs: You may add up to (6-Size Class)*6 shield boxes or, in the case of

Andros, (5-Size Class) PA panels to the ship.

They may be arranged however you wish.

Shields and PAs may be removed with no limits.

PAs that are removed do not lower the PA cost.

Shields and PAs cannot be moved around (changing their facing) except by removing

them, and then adding new boxes using the limit above.

BPV Cost: Shield = 1/6, PA = 4.

4. Tracks: Up to (6-Size Class) boxes may be added among Sensor, Scanner, DamCon, and ExcDam.

No track may gain more than 1 box.

For DamCon, an added box can be at most 2 higher than the highest box on the existing track.

Sensor, Scanner, and DamCon may be removed with no limit, except the lowest box in each

track (which cannot be removed by any means).

BPV Cost: Sensor "6" = 2, Sensor "5" to "1" = 1, Scanner "0" = 2, Scanner "1" to "8" = 1,

DamCon "rating" = rating, ExcDam = 2.

5. Control systems: You may add up to (5-Size Class) control spaces to the ship.

The control spaces may be of any type, as long as the race has the control space in

question (no Flag on Klingons, no Scty on non-Klingons).

Control Spaces are defined to be: Bridge, Emer, Aux, Flag, Scty.

Control spaces can be removed with no limit except for the last box of Bridge.

Control spaces cannot be changed from one type to another directly.

BPV Cost: 3 for any control space.

6. Weapons systems: Weapons cannot be added at all, but they can be changed from one type

to another.

You cannot add space (defined in the exact way as Orion Option Mounts) or boxes, but

space or boxes can be reduced.

Thus, two 1 space PL-F's (2 spaces & 2 boxes total) may be merged into one 2 space PL-G

(2 spaces & 1 box) but not vice versa.

For this rule, Ph-3's and ADD-6's are 1/2 space when adding or removing.

In no case may you add more than (6-Hull Size) of any given weapon, i.e. a size 4 Fed

can change at most 2 weapons into Photons.

If your ship ends up with (6-Size Class)*2 torpedo weapons or more, it is most likely

subject to shock.

The BPV adjustment is calculated by simply adding the difference in the Option Mount costs.

The BPV may be lowered by this process.

For this purpose, Wing/Side Options are 1 space and "+1" BPV, Centerline Options are 1

space and "+2" BPV.

After you have changed weapons around, remove the arcs on all new ESGs and Drone/ADD Racks.

ESGs and Drone/ADD Racks that become other weapons (that require arcs) can have any

continuous 120 degree arc you desire (such as FA).

In all other cases the new weapon arc must be continous and completely contained within

the old weapon arc (i.e. an FX arc may be reduced to FH or FA).

PHTN, HB, PL-R, SFG, PPD, WC, OPT are limited to a 120 degree arc.

PL-D, TRH, TRL, Fusion are limited to a 180 degree arc.

Disruptor and Snare are limited to a 240 degree arc.

PL-S/G/F are limited to a 120 degree arc, but may have a swivel as long as the new arc is

completely contained within the old arc (they cannot have a swivel if they came from an

ESG or Drone Rack).

No where in these rules is it legal to widen an arc on a weapon.

No where in these rules is it legal to add a mauler.

A mauler (the entire weapon, not just one arrow) may be removed, reducing the BPV of the

ship by 0.5 per box connected.

7. Power systems: Up to (6-Size Class)*2 power boxes may be added to the ship, at the costs


Power systems may be changed into other power systems, again as long as the race has the

relevant technology.

The following sum must be preserved: (# Warp boxes)/3+(# Torpedo weapons).

Thus, if your design has 3 more Warp boxes than the original, you must have one less

Torpedo weapon than the original (this is the effect of "Hot Warp" technology).

The ship must have at least 1 remaining Impulse box.

Power systems may be removed without restriction.

BPV Cost: C Warp = 5, L or R Warp = 4, Impulse = 3, AWR = 3, APR = 2,

Battery (1 point) = 1.5, Battery (5 point) = 5.5, Emer Impulse = 4.

8. General systems: Up to (6-Size Class)*3 - (# of Power systems you added) -

(# of Control systems you added) General system boxes may be added.

'General systems' are those included in the BPV Cost list below.

In addition, General systems may be changed from one to another without restriction.

At most 1 shuttle door may be added, for 2 BPV.

General systems may be removed without restriction, but the ship must have at least

(6-Size Class)*2 Hull boxes remaining in any case.

BPV Cost: F or A Hull = 1, C Hull = 1.5, Lab = 2, Tran = 1.5, Trac = 1.5, Trac-Mech = 2,

Shuttle = 2, Fighter = 2, Fighter with Launch Tube = 3, Repair = 3, Cargo = 1.5,

Probe = 2, NWO = 5.

9. Special systems: Cloaking devices, UIM, DERFACS, OAKDISC, Ability to Double Engines,

and other such things cannot be added.

They can be removed: UIM = 4, DERFACS = 2, OAKDISC = 3, Double Engines = 1 per box,

Cloak = 15% of final BPV, Stealth = 5% of final BPV, Nimble = 5% of final BPV.

10. Nothing else may be changed on the SSD.

Movement Cost, Turn Mode, Size Class, Crew Units, everything else not mentioned in

these rules do not change.

The SSD may be redrawn (modifying its shape) for cosmetic purposes.



The MASTERS amused themselves (at the expense of others) in a variety of ways.

This was one of their more popular games, which places new contestants each

turn in sometimes unfortunate positions.

Due to the unusually large numbers of ships used in these games, this led to

the eventual downfall of the MASTERS, see (SH2).

Number of Players: 2 or more.

Initial Set Up: Use a standard map with a tournament barrier at the edge.

No ships on map.

Take a whole bunch of leftover SSDs (at least 100), place them

in a pile, and shuffle them. All of the SSDs should be

within 1 tech level of each other.

Length of Scenario: The scenario continues until 1 player controls 10 ships.

Special Rules:

1. Each player begins with one "level" and 0 XP (Experience Points).

2. At the beginning of each impulse, do the following procedure:

2A. If a player has fewer ships than his "level", he gets a new ship

rolled randomly from the pile of SSDs. I recommend rolling

2d6 and counting down that number of SSDs in the pile.

2B. The new ship is placed randomly on the board:

Start at hex 2215.

Roll 1d6 for direction.

Roll 1d6 again, multiply that number by 2. Move the ship that

number of hexes in the indicated direction.

Roll 1d6 for the ship's facing.

2C. The new ship is energy allocated (WS-III) and can move and act

normally starting with the impulse it appears.

2D. Repeat steps 2A-2C until all players have a number of ships

equal to their "level".

2E. During each impulse, if your XP exceeds the sum total of all

the BPVs of all of your ships, lower your XP by this sum

and increase your "level" by 1. Then repeat steps 2A-2E.

EXAMPLE: A player has 3 "levels", 500 XP, and a ship worth 100 XP.

He thus gets 2 new ships, and they end up being 50 BPV and

200 BPV. Since the total BPV (350) less than his XP (500), his

"level" increases by 1 (to 4) and he gets another new ship.

The new ship is worth 200 BPV. His total BPV is now 550 but

he only has 150 XP remaining. He is done with this procedure.

3. If a ship is destroyed, the player destroying it gets XP equal to

the combat BPV of the ship. Players get 0 XP for destroying

their own ships or self-destructing. If multiple players destroy

the same ship in a single impulse, whoever did the most damage to

that ship in that impulse gets the XP. Explosions do not count

for this calculation.

4. At the end of each impulse, each player gets 10% of the total BPV

of his surviving ships as XP.

5. Ships may not disengage for any reason. They may self-destruct the

impulse they arrive (since it is their first impulse) or during

Impulse 1 of a new turn. If a ship self-destructs and was heavily

damaged by another player, that player gets half the BPV as XP.

6. Carriers may purchase their fighters at normal BPV costs. The BPV

of the Carrier is it's BPV plus fighters. As fighters are

destroyed, the player destroying the fighters gets the BPV

(again, you cannot get BPV for your own units) and the BPV of

the Carrier lowers by the BPV of the fighter. Only when all of

the fighters and the Carrier are destroyed is the Carrier-owning

player allowed to roll a new ship.

7. Ships with mech-links may not purchase PFs or Interceptors.

8. Andromedans may not purchase satellites, but have a small Energy

Module in each Hangar box for free.

9. All ships must pay for shields/PAs before any other system. Ships

may not lower their shields, seperate sections, or drop engines.

This makes suicide tactics slightly more difficult to pull off.


1. Each time a player gets a new ship, roll 3 SSDs and he gets to pick

which one he gets.

2. New ships come in each turn, not each impulse. This makes survival

very important.

3. Allow System Substitutions (Basic Ship Modifications) for new ships.

4. Use a computer to determine location: Roll 1d42, multiply by 100,

and add 1d30. This is the hex location.

5. To discourage suicide tactics, whenever a player gets a new ship,

he gets NEGATIVE BPV equal to the combat BPV of the ship. This

means the only way to effectively "get ahead" on XP is to destroy

other units bigger than the ones you have or Survivalist Points.

In this case, the game ends when a player controls 4 ships.

6. Whoever did the most damage to a ship gets the XP for a destroyed

ship. This discourages "poachers" looking for crippled ships.


This scenario is awesome for using up "junk photocopy SSDs" you may have

around. Very unbalanced fights (frigates vs. dreadnoughts) are common.

Also makes players use races and ship classes they wouldn't normally pick.

Survival becomes more and more difficult for ships after they fire their

alpha strike, as new "fresh" ships are always pouring in. You may want to

consider purposefully "giving your ship up" to enemy fire so you can have

a fresher ship.

It is usually very good to hang onto a large ship, as it generates a lot of

survival XP. Unfortunately, the player who blows it will sometimes go up

as many as 3 levels, so be careful who you give the ship to.

Ships appearing on Impulse 10 are very powerful, as they will usually get to

fire twice (once on Impulse 10 and once on Impulse 1).



By Y240, ship losses due to the MASTERS became an all-time high. Most of the

galactic races began certain initiatives to undermine their games. Training

was given to ship crews to resist the effects of the MASTERS control. Also

taught was methods to sabotage their own ships so they could not effectively


It was assumed if the participants of their games refused to play, eventually

the games would cease.

Annoyed with this policy, the MASTERS started to construct "Randomites", ships

they constructed to compete against the Galactic ships in the various games.

The idea was that if players refused to participate, they would be destroyed

by the Randomites.

Each Randomite ship was constructed from randomly-selected technology across

the known races. Randomites who could use both shields and PAs were common.

Arcs were also unusual: a PPD would face RA, or a Mauler would face the #2

shield direction.

Randomite-versions of Space Hockey (Galactic vs. the Randomites) and other

games were made. Eventually, the MASTERS were rooting for the Randomites

(in a sort of "Us versus Them" mentality) and stopped betting on the games.

It was about this time that the Frax discovered a way to enter the MASTERS

Arena (how to leave before a game concluded was still a mystery). After

transmitting this information to the other races, fleets were sent to

"participate". As expected, Randomites were created in large numbers to

"balance the game". This over-taxed the MASTERS, and they fled to their own

domain. The game ended before a fight occured and the participants were

sent home.

The Arena (an area of deep space outside of the galaxy) was still occupied by

the abandoned Randomites. Many races, interested in capturing a Randomite

to study the technology, sent in small fleets occasionally to try to capture

one. Since the Randomites still thought they were "playing" against the

known galactic races, they would attack any such fleet.

This scenario describes such a mission.

[Randomite starting force]

[Ability of Randomites to respond to an attack]

[Galactics would only try to capture non-PA, non-ATF Randomites, otherwise they

cannot use Tran]




Develop a ship to roughly the same as a "Normal" hull of that size.

Add 10-Size Boxes in various areas.

Subtract 2+Size Boxes in other areas.

If you wish, have one extra Torp or Drn weapon or one weapon not of that race's




Specify the standard passage of Time per turn.

Then, develop an outline of a scenario.

Possibly have an overarching Story Arc.

Have a few occasional references to famous people, things and events, but don't

get to involved with them.

When all else fails, have the characters go crazy to progress the story. :-)



The Conversion Rules to 0Xl, in CL#31, with some summing up.

Replace 1 APR or AWR with 2 AXR.

Upgrade the Battery Capacity

Upgrade some, all or none of the Phasers.

Upgrade up to two drone racks with CX Racks, any number of Drone or ADD Rack can be replaced with BX or GX Racks, D and H can't be converted.

Shield Rules, can add up to 6-8 boxes per facing.



All Fast-Load Weapons are "Safe" at 1X.

If you choose, Phasers can be overloaded, at x2 Power Cost.

Converting a Ship to 1X:

Multiply Warp Engines by 1 1/3

Upgrade Battery Capacity, sometimes add another one

This wasn't done much in official Continuity (of Iota or Eta), but number of APRs/AWRS can be doubled

Multiply Phasers by 2 for one bank, 1.5 for each other bank

Add 10/8 for #1/#other facings

Phaser and Shield Advanced Rules are applied

Two Disruptors are added, next higher range bracket is used.

Pl-Ss are switched with Pl-Ms or Rs, Pl-Gs are switched with Pl-Ls.

1 extra Damcon is added

Add 10 Crew Units and 4-6 Boarding Parties



[This isn't Memory Beta, snooty bitches...]
