Mental Dimensions

Start with a point, then a line, then a square, then imagine a cube, then
imagine a TARDIS.’
Dimensions of Thought
1d: Barely Sentient. One-Sided. Like a Non-Sentient Talking Doll, or Wax Droid rather than a fully sentient being.2d: Black and White, or "Bifurcated thinking", as well as some kinds of Mediocre Thought.2.5d: sometimes sees the full 3-Dimensional scope and progression of circumstance in the Allspan.3d: Bright, although rarely Full-Bore Genius, can perceive many events and locations.4d: Can more acutely extrapolate from five senses, and can sense time in meaningful detail.5d: Can perceive dimensions in Time, and more sides of many people, places and things big and small, more agile, flexible mindfunctions and awareness of higher planes and the other four dimensions connected to one another occureach +1d: same as 5d, with incremental increase, little changes except for a few signposts:8d: Gallifrey-level perception and Knowledge9d: the Edge of existence and nearly all describable Thought10d: God-Perception and Power20-80d: Multiples of the most advanced Metsphysics, intense, wordy 10000+ page novel thought processes, easily grasping, time, space, matter, energy, people, places, and things in the Billions to Trillions, sometimes Petallions and Exallions ranges.